terrific thoughts

Friday, March 13, 2009

-The more things change, the more they stay the same.  -proverb

I love this song.  I found it watching this amazingly sweet video.

Have a terrific weekend!!!  (I love the word terrific.  My grandfather used "terrific" a lot.  I don't use it nearly enough.)

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  1. Lovely photo Leslie.

  2. Oh Leslie, that's a terrific photograph. Such a beautiful smile.

  3. Anonymous3/13/2009

    beautiful. everything. the song is so perfect to celebrate your birthday. I might have to borrow it for my own birthday post.

    Enjoy the day.

  4. I love how happy you look!
    Happy Birthday my friend!
    celebrating you.

  5. Anonymous3/13/2009

    I think in this pic you look a lot like Julia Roberts!!!

    Happy Birthday Leslie!

  6. You're terrific Leslie. Wishing you a terrific day.

  7. What a great (terrific) photo! Happy weekend to you, too!

  8. You are absolutely right, that was one of the sweetest videos I have seen in a long time.

  9. I love it when you post old photos! You do have a great smile.

    Happy Birthday and thanks for the song. :)

  10. Anonymous3/13/2009

    Happy Birthday Leslie!
    Have a terrific day and
    make this one a "cake Friday"

  11. Happy Birthday Leslie! Hope it's a great day for you!

  12. Anonymous3/13/2009

    Darn girl, you were always too cute! In a "terrific" way?
    enjoy your weekend.

  13. Thanks for sharing that great tune. I hadn't heard of her. Great find.

  14. Anonymous3/13/2009

    You are gorgeous! Lovely Pic Leslie!

  15. Love the picture. I need to get myself a scanner.

  16. Happy Birthday Leslie. Enjoy yourself and do all the fun things you love to do.

  17. It's your birthday? Well, I hope you have a terrific one. Hugs!

    And oh my, I didn't know Priscilla Ahn. You have given me a beautiful gift in this gorgeous voice. Running to the record store RIGHT NOW.

  18. Anonymous3/13/2009

    What a beautiful teenage Leslie! Happy Birthday to a beautiful adult Leslie!!! x

  19. You are a Pisces? No wonder I adore you:) Have a super weekend with the Friendsters!!

  20. Have a terrific birthday because you are one terrific person - happy happy day, Leslie!!!

  21. Anonymous3/13/2009

    Look at how cute you are! Have a terrific weekend too! Happy birthday today!

  22. just emailed you re: etsy. : )

  23. What a sweet video! Thanks for sharing the link, and that song is so beautiful. Great photo!!!

  24. Oh, my God - you look exactly the same! Wow!

  25. Great picture! You look so happy!

  26. You look so happy behind the camera and it shows in your beautiful pictures! Happy Birthday!

  27. hello beautiful! I hope it was a truly terrific birthday.

  28. i hope your birthday was terrific!
    much love to you.

  29. Is that Mr. Coffee? Am I the only one who studies the things in the background of old photos?
    Very cute pic, fun times, eh?

    Knit on, my friend, knit on! (And don't ever stop taking pictures)

  30. happy, happy birthday leslie!

  31. Anonymous3/14/2009

    Love this picture - right down to the mickey mouse sweatshirt.

    Happy Birthday!!

    I love Priscilla Ahn. Beautiful voice. And what an amazing video -- it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing it.


  32. i hope you had a terrific birthday! that photo of you is absolutely adorable.

  33. This is a darling photo! Hope you had an awesome day.

  34. Anonymous3/14/2009

    Get a kick out of that wallpaper! :) It's terrific!

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  35. Happy Birthday Leslie! (belated...but still sincere!) Such a fun picture. My mom's kitchen had similar wallpaper when I was growing up! It's so fun to look back!

  36. You still look exactly the same. Hope you had a great BD.

  37. I agree "terrific" is under appreciated! That's a terrific post and a terrific song!

  38. Anonymous3/14/2009

    HAHA Les! I just noticed the mickey mouse shirt. awesome

  39. is that you ? you r beautiful ! and happy and it is a terrific photot.

  40. you have hardly changed in all these years! So cute! Happy Happy Birthday to you! Hope it was awesome!!

  41. Anonymous3/15/2009

    Happy Birthday to you - belated that is. My oldest turned 17 on the same day! What a great day! I love seeing old photos - you were so cute!

  42. Love the picture!

  43. You're right. Things do tend to stay the same on the inside. Look at that young teenage face; into those shining, hopeful eyes. You have always been blessed with a beautiful spirit, doll.

  44. Anonymous3/16/2009

    I love that word, too. Along with oopsy daisy - so much more pleasant than vulgar alternatives! Thanks for the plug, too...but thoughtful fridays is Bella Dia's wonderful baby.

    P.S. - Great photo! Glee & surprise, joy all wrapped up in your expression. And a very happy, happy birthday.

  45. Happy Birthday to a beautiful friend,inside and out!

  46. Thank you for sharing that sweet video. I've now another artist to add to my itunes list.

    Happy Birthday to you (even though I don't know you). =)

  47. I think it's terrific that you like terrific. I prefer tiggerific personally

  48. Anonymous3/17/2009

    Wow, I am now in love with that song too. Terrific indeed. Off to listen to more of her...

  49. What a beautiful photo of a beautiful girl!

  50. What a beautiful girl!

    Thanks for sharing that song. Her voice is angelic.

  51. Thank you for posting this beautiful song. My oldest daughter is an aspiring songwriter and she loves it, too.

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