it's all in the packaging

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A while ago, (almost fifteen months ago) I posted a photo that had a pillow package sitting on a chair. I received e-mails asking about that pillow. I feel terrible that I am just getting around to letting you know about this.
About twelve years ago, I made about ten of those pillows.  Red and green metallics with gold bows.  They come out every Christmas and are placed around the house and used as decorations.  And toys.  The kids have used them for a number of things like playing store, practicing their bow tying techniques and playing catch. 

Over the past year I have been making them in an effort to tell you all about it.  However, they get made and are given away before I get around to taking photos.
Because you see, they are my new gift for birthday parties.
The recipient not only gets the cute pillow,
but also gets the main gift; a gift card.  
Impersonal just became personal.  
And the pillow can be kept on their bed and the pocket can hold small trinkets or pencil and paper.
I am putting together a small "how-to" which will be ready soon.  
I promise.

Oh!  And about R2-D2 from the previous post, Santa brought him.  He is actually a fish tank.  I am 100% positive that petco sold these and they were on sale for $59.99.  I did a little research for you and they are no longer available on-line at petco.  But, you may be able to find it in a store.  I did see that Hammacher Schlemmer also has them.

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  1. Anonymous3/19/2009

    THAT is a great, cute, creative idea!!!!

  2. Anonymous3/19/2009

    OK, this orange is just getting me too tickled. You have a fantastic mind to coming up with the neatest and clever ideas for gift giving.

    Love the photos!

  3. Anonymous3/19/2009

    I absolutely LOVE this idea. What a simple yet creative gift idea and decorative item. Thanks for the inspiration. I might have to try one out for my next birthday gift! LOVE IT!

  4. Those are really cute! That is a very original way to make an impersonal gift more than just personal, indeed!

  5. Anonymous3/19/2009

    Adorable idea.

  6. Very original and I like the shape of the pillow.

  7. What a sweet idea! And I totally recognize that fabric (where did it come from btw?)

  8. What a great gift!

  9. What a terrific gift idea. Going onto my Christmas 'making' list right away - am I really thinking about that already? (I need to, since my productivity is very slow)

  10. What an adorable and ingenious way to dress up a giftcard. Anyone else feel guilty giving giftcards but LOVE getting them? I always wonder why that is.

  11. Anonymous3/19/2009

    those pillows are so cute! because at x-mas that's all any of the nieces/nephews get. gift cards.

  12. That is so darn cute and very ingenious! I'm looking forward to the tutorial, and I'm dying to give it a try.

  13. Anonymous3/19/2009

    Cool, I can't wait to try out your pillow tutorial. Also, we tried the hassleback potatoes last night and they were, indeed, delicious. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  14. Oh I love this idea, and I hope you get to post the tutorial soon. I've finally gotten my machine out again (m-i-l wanted a valance hemming) so I would love to use the Amy Butler material I bought last year to try a couple of these out.

  15. That is so cute! :)

  16. Another shining example of just WHY I happen to think you are brilliant.


  17. OK, dammit. This is the last straw. Now I have to go and learn how to sew. That is too darned cute.

    And R2 is a fish tank! That is just too much. You do have the bestest things over here.

  18. What a great idea for a gift! I usually give a toss pillow... but adding the pocket with the gift card is an excellent idea. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Anonymous3/19/2009

    Now that is a wonderful idea! What a great sleepover goody! Looking forward to knowing more! ~Kelly unDeniably Domestic

  20. What a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration! And a fish tank I'd have never guessed - may the force be with those fish:)

  21. awesome gift idea!
    you're sooo smart :)

  22. I really like the way you take pictures. They are always so interesting and have great composition.

  23. What a fantastic gift idea!

  24. Oh CUTE! What a sweet, adorable, and thoughtful idea!

  25. What a great gift! I love gift cards but gift cards will a lot of umph! sounds great to me.

  26. What a great idea! Can't wait for the "How To"! Love the new look of your blog!

  27. Anonymous3/20/2009

    That's a neat idea =)

  28. Brilliant! I just love this idea.

  29. Love the pillow idea! Super cute, and it looks like a sewing project I could handle without my head exploding.

    Thanks for the R2-D2 info - I would have never guessed fish tank! However, as the boys are quite interested in getting a fish tank (they ask for one every time we go to petco), "D2" (as he is known around here) might end up in our house too.

  30. Love your orange walls -- and the pillow idea too! I am thinking of using your box style pillow and stuffing it with some shredded paper packets to make either little footstools, or, perhaps a small seat!

  31. Anonymous3/20/2009

    ooohhhh Leslie, it's just a PHENOMENAL idea!!!!!!!!!!
    I LOVE IT!!!!!

    Thank you for share it!

  32. Anonymous3/20/2009

    Those are the cutest! You are such an inspiration

  33. Such a cute pillow!

  34. Anonymous3/20/2009

    That is a PERFECT gift for the person that has everything!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  35. Oh I am so going to do this - brilliant! Love the photos.

  36. The pillow package is a bit of brilliance! The orange is killing me. I think I am the only one in the house who would love an orange wall. Sigh.

  37. Oh Leslie, you are very creative !

  38. Anonymous3/20/2009

    So cute Les!

  39. Anonymous3/20/2009

    love it, and recognize that fabric, which i love as well!!!

  40. Anonymous3/21/2009

    Now this I can see myself doing! And I'd predict that we'll be seeing them put up all over blogland in the next few months! :D

  41. A Spring-fresh banner, a no longer "little" girl, and another creative way to give the gift of friendship!

  42. Such a great wrapping concept. I loathe the gift bag phenom and much prefer this idea:)

  43. I love the idea of making more personalized gifts..that pillow is great!

  44. Anonymous3/22/2009

    I love the colors and I also love the skirt!

  45. Anonymous3/22/2009

    Cute cute cute!

    My daughter has been begging me to paint her room orange and pink and then she saw this post and said "just like that mom!" She loves the fabric and colors.

  46. A special little something tucked away in a little bit of sunshine, handmade. LOVE IT! So many wonderful ways to use that cute pocket...pencils, pens, iPods for soul tunes. You rock these creative arts, dear are your family & friends. :)

    P.S., I am enjoying my "notes from the universe," bummed that I must wait two days before my next come Monday morning. Thanks so much for sharing. It's a bright way to start my day...along with a visit to my favorite blogspots, of course!

  47. Secondly, this is a great idea, it is always so hard to make a gift card seem "more" and this is perfect.

  48. I love this idea. And it is looks like a great way to use a small piece of fabric that is nice but just not big enough for a top or a skirt.

  49. Anonymous3/26/2009

    Oh, THAT is a good way to present a gift card! An easy, effortless pillow shows the handmade, thoughtful side. I just love that crafting makes every gift more special.

  50. Anonymous3/26/2009

    They are gorgeous! What a great idea for a gift.

  51. wow cute idea, love the skirt too!

  52. That pillow is the most incredibly awesome handcrafted item I have ever seen. You have just become my new crafting goddess! I found your blog through the Seed Stitch Fine Yarn store's website. Your photos of crafts--and--cookies--are fabulous! :-0

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