snow day and a yarn basket - a Friend to knit with

snow day and a yarn basket

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We are currently having a snow day. But not for the good snow.  Freezing rain...not even good for sledding.

Maybe you are, also.  And perhaps looking for something to do with your kids. Libby did this over the weekend with a friend, and they loved it. The idea came from the book Rosie O'Donnell's Crafty.U. Most of you probably have the three basic items in your home.  Yarn (yes!) glue (maybe) balloon (hopefully).
The older kids can actually do everything. Be forewarned though, it is a little messy. 
Inflate the balloon to the size of your liking. Place it on a bowl.  Cut strands of yarn. Oh, about 8-10 inches long.  (A worsted weight probably works best.  This yarn was variegated.)  Soak the yarn in a bowl of white glue. Place the yarn onto the balloon layering the pieces and leaving the bottom of the balloon bare.
And the hardest part?  Waiting for it to dry.  It actually took about 48 hours until it was hard enough to pop the balloon.  (Remember, we keep our home pretty cold.)
And, voila!  Something to hold Libby's headbands.  Just what we were looking for!  :)
Enjoy your day! 

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  1. Mükemmel! Perfect!

    I will try as soon as possible.


  2. Cute idea! Just affirms what I've always said: "With yarn, the possibilities are endless."

  3. a great idea.
    we have a snow day too. ice on the the way. we have small balloons - water balloons...go figure with my oldest. but now i'm thinking this size could be a cute trio of "dishes". have a good one.

  4. Great idea and so fun! We used to do those as kids with my mom. No snow here just bitter cold. Hope you guys have a nice cozy day.

  5. such a lovely idea thanks for sharing
    happy knitting

  6. This is great! Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Anonymous1/28/2009

    Cool idea! Mess? Yeah.... we won't be trying that... :)

  8. What a great idea! I think even my 3 year olds, with their "do-it-myself" attitudes could handle this. I'll give it a whirl this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a wonderful idea! Enjoy your snow day!

  10. snowing here as well, but we still have school. have a fun day with your kids!

  11. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing this idea ... I sense an obsession coming on : )

  12. Oh my gosh, what a GREAT idea! I think I actually made these as a kid, but had totally forgotten about them. Definitely a project for the niece and nephew. Thanks!

  13. What a fantastic idea.

  14. Anonymous1/28/2009

    I know what the girls and I are going to do with all those scraps now! Cool... and so pretty!

  15. That is beautiful! I know we'll be making those. We didn't have a snow day here (so cal), but the kids did have inside recess and lunch. It was a chilly 59 outside. They go to the school for weather related wimps.

  16. looks like fun! we're having ice too! wondering if we'll make the orthodontist appointment today.

  17. What a great idea. I'm going to make sure I have all the supplies (well, I really only have to check if we have some balloons, yarn and glue are a given) and then the kids can make these fun bowls when they get home from school.

    What fun! Libby did a great job.

  18. I know I have the yarn...but I think our glue was used to glue hands together and then peel it off and I know the balloons were used for water...

    Happy snow/ice day!

  19. Anonymous1/28/2009

    This is a thing of beauty (and a possible mess? :) in my house)...what a great idea. And thanks for your comments on my new blog...I'm still trying to figure things out.

  20. That is SO cool! I remember making these at school years, and years (and years) ago! Lots of fun memories. Thanks so much for posting this awesome project, I'll be linking!

  21. How fun!!! We'll have to try those.

    Our snow has turned into the icky kind too - at least the schools are closed.

    Tanya :)

  22. Love this idea!
    We don't have a snow day, but probably should. It's really coming down outside and driving is slick. Enjoy the rest of your snow day!

  23. What a fabulous idea! My kids would love doing this!

  24. love it! We're having an ice day. Beautiful but treacherous outside. I'm going into the closet now to hunt for balloons. Thanks for sharing!

  25. oh gracious! that is too too good!

  26. PERFECT! My daughter is on her way home from an early release (snow!) and this will be so fun for both of us!

  27. Very cute! It also looks like a good idea for those acryllic yarns I bought ages ago before I realized that I prefer wool!

  28. We had a two hour school delay this morning because of ice. dd is now at school and I'm staying home for the rest of the day til it's time to go pick her up.
    Cute craft!

  29. what a clever and useful project! enjoy the snow day...it is dumping on us now- but you know i do not mind!

  30. Anonymous1/28/2009

    What a fabulous idea, and you shared it at just the right time for us. My little girl is home sick from school, so this will be a fun project for us to do today. Thank you!!

  31. Oh my goodness! Those are ADORABLE!!! So crafty! I'll have to try this soon! What a great idea! Oh, and snow day here today...ice storm this afternoon. Spring...please come soon!

    Stay warm!

  32. love this idea! my kids would love to do that! we are having a snow day here too...

  33. How freakin' cool is that?! A creative indulgence anyone can make, young or old, together or in mindful meditation...bright, brilliant, bountiful! I love it. You don't think anyone would notice if a middle age chickie did that to hold the elastic bands for her hair, do you?!

    Enjoy what hopefully will be the last of the freezing rain and slippery ice, but another snow day or two could mean more wonderful art. That wouldn't be so bad!

  34. I love this! Thank you for posting this, it is a bitter cold day today in Colorado, and this is ther perfect indoor project!

  35. Anonymous1/28/2009

    I love it!

  36. Anonymous1/28/2009

    if you have crochet cotton it works too, I'm sure any string, we made those years ago and used them for Easter. We were adults and thought it was great.

  37. So cool! I will have to remember this when epsilon is old enough. (At 19 months it would be all mess and no fun.)

  38. Anonymous1/28/2009

    I forgot to tell you I made the chewy chunky blondies they are good.
    We have snow lots of it, suppose to get 9-14" better than ice any day.

  39. Anonymous1/28/2009

    How cute!

  40. Anonymous1/28/2009

    How cute!

  41. Anonymous1/28/2009

    My daughter isn't old enough to enjoy all this fun...but I'm going to do this cute little craft anyways!! I can think of so many places to use a little bowl like this!!

  42. Awesome craft, Leslie!! (I also like to keep my home on the chilly side)

  43. Darling! I am picturing a big girl version of this for me. How fun!

  44. Very fun! will have to try this one.

    So, how cold do you keep your house? Ours is at 56 during the day and we dial it up to 62-64 in the early morning and early evening when everyone is not in school/work. I however am here a lot with it at 56. Can be chilly.

  45. Anonymous1/28/2009

    great idea for snow day. and useful too.

  46. Anonymous1/28/2009

    Oh wow what a great idea. I may have to do that since we too are having a snow day and are supposed to get between 8 and 16" yikes. It's coming down in buckets right now. Thankfully the natives have all been outside playing in the snow for awhile while I knitted and made some home made bread. Thanks for the great idea.

  47. wow! Those are neat... :)

    No snow day here - it's hot, hot, hot!

  48. FUN! I will have to try this. We have a school holiday a week from Friday - sounds like an excuse to try this!

  49. I love this idea! I know what we're doing this afternoon, since Gunnar had a half day.

  50. I remember doing these - great fun!!!!

  51. What a great idea!! Funnily enough we have yarn!!

  52. hey, that's really cute! what a great idea!

  53. Oh, the wonderful things that snow drives us to! This is a fantastic idea and on the list for another captive day tomorrow. And what a pretty addition to Libby's room - there is never any shortage of hair accessories around here either.

  54. to cute!next rainy weekend!

  55. Very cute! I loved making those when I was a kid, too.

  56. I'm sort of wishing for snow, we are heading to 43degC or about 109F today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow so we, like you, are stuck indoors, in our case with the cooling on! My boys love balloons and glue and yarn, I may just have to find them all so we can have a play later!!

  57. Anonymous1/28/2009

    Very neat! Definitely want to try that sometime...

  58. Anonymous1/28/2009

    So cool Leslie! I wish I saw your post earlier in the day. We'll still give it a try soon though. Thanks for sharing.

  59. This is so cool and easy even for little ones :)

  60. I'm thinking this would be oodles of fun to do at school...perhaps the classroom teacher will let me make yarn baskets??? The kids would love it!

  61. That is great - I may do it with my kids if we have the day off again tomorrow. School closings are starting to roll in for tomorrow already in our area.

  62. Oh, I remember making those when I was a kid! We did the whole balloon though - never thought to actually make a bowl... just the mess! ;)

  63. Hey, that's pretty cool and I like how you got the kids involved in a yarn project:)
    Do becareful on the ice! We are hearing from his parents that it bad up there.

  64. That's a very cool idea!

  65. Genius! I have only recently started knitting and was wondering what to do with all the odd little leftovers. My children LOVE playing with wool so this would a perfect messy craft!

  66. Hey thanks! This would be really fun to do with little kids! Winter is getting long and I need new ideas like this!

  67. Anonymous1/29/2009

    those are really cute! Did you have to use alot of yarn? or did you just use alot of scrap yarn.

    Do your kids knit?

  68. those are really pretty! I'll have to try that with Ethan.

  69. So fun! I wish I had a bunch of yarn right now as my kids are on their 3rd snow day this week & we are driving each other batty!

    Other than the long dry time that would be a fun birthday party activity. Perhaps it would work somewhat for a sleepover.

  70. Anonymous1/29/2009

    Looks like an awesome project!! Think we'll try it later on! Thanks!!

  71. I love this craft! I am doing it by myself... sans kids!!

    Thanks so much for the marth stewart pot info... I just looked at macys.com and it turns out all the pieces in that cast iron collection are on major sale. I am going to get myself the 7.7 qt SOON. That bread looked AMAZING.

    and thanks for visiting my little blog. I just started... it is harder than I thought.

  72. Anonymous1/29/2009

    that's a very good idea, indeed! and the project does seem very easy for kids to tackle!

  73. Anonymous1/29/2009

    No snow day, but maybe I'll just search through my stash and ferret out some Elmer's glue and make one of these myself! Fun idea!

  74. Anonymous1/29/2009

    What a fun idea! Keeping your home cold (like me) means that you get to enjoy more handknits, right? :)

  75. Anonymous1/29/2009

    thanks for the great craft idea! glue and baloons?!? even my BOYS think this looks like fun! we're all over it for a weekend craft.


  76. OK - what a wonderful idea! I can't wait to try this :) Great gift potential from the kids - cute, handmade and useful!

  77. Such a clever mom you are! How about another 2 hr. delay tomorrow?

  78. Anonymous1/29/2009

    Um, tomorrow is our 4th snow day in a row!!! We are SO trying this!!! Thanks a million for posting...

  79. Anonymous1/30/2009

    no snow in these parts. but we are housebound also with our 5th day of 109+ degrees F...
    and the upside: this would dry in, oh, 15 mins outside.

  80. I made some of these as christmas decorations - cover ing the whole balloon. They are such fun to do :)

  81. Fun! I want a yarn basket, too! :)

  82. What a great idea!! that is cool!

  83. Cool!!!! What a fun project for you guys.

  84. a really cool idea, i think i'll try it with my three ones too.

  85. Anonymous1/30/2009

    wow -- talk about a blast from the past -- this is a craft we did often as kids!

  86. Anonymous1/30/2009

    Very cute idea!

  87. Anonymous2/01/2009

    These are adorable! What a great idea.

  88. Anonymous2/01/2009

    Ours are drying as I type this - thanks for the idea
    lisa x

  89. Oh, that's fantastic :)

  90. this is totally neat!

  91. that is a really cute idea! I will try it! Thanks!

  92. Anonymous2/15/2009

    I loved making these when i was young!

  93. We used to do this to make Easter Baskets (using crochet cotton) What a great idea to make little storage baskets! I am new to your blog and really enjoy it. You'll be seeing more of me!

  94. What a lovely blog.

    Thank you

  95. Anonymous3/08/2009

    Wow, I made some of these with the children I teach. We made them as christmas decorations, but I love your idea.

  96. How doggone cute is that???

  97. Anonymous5/10/2009

    We just did these with our 3 and 5 year old boys as a Mothers Day activity. It was so much fun! Our 3 year old had some issues with the glue sticking to his hands and was ready to stop when his fingers started sticking together, but the 5 year old loved placing the yarn all over and decided to make 2 bowls! Even my husband made one, and it is beautiful. Can't wait for them to dry. Thanks for the great idea.

  98. I think one can use that kind of glue you stir together for hanging wallpapers and use for this project too.

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  100. I love these! Linking up at www.tangledhappy.blogspot.com next month. Thanks for sharing this!

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  102. I remember making these as a kid. I can't wait to do it with my children!

    I have featured your post in my Easter Inspirations as one of my favorite ideas on the web. Thanks so much for sharing!


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  111. raajia4/09/2011

    I love this! Thank you for posting this, so this will be a fun project for us to do today.
    many Thanks for you!!

  112. I love it! Simple and useful!

    I have made it the Tutorial of the Day on my blog, The Crafty Artisan. I have posted a photo and a link sending my readers to your web site.

    Happy Crafting!


  113. Anonymous7/04/2011

    choi sim so dep thì cac ban vao WEB: http://www.simsodepvip.vn/ de xem nhe

  114. Peaceshanti7/14/2011

    I love the simple, naive style of these delicate baskets...I stumbled upon them (and this site) looking for winter crafts for my littles, and this is such a satisfyingly simple, yet messy (=happykids!) activity, can't wait to do it...

    I totally love the rainbow colours, the randomness of it ties well with the haphazard look of the finished form, but to tie in with our winter theme, I think I'll experiment in making them all white & silver, using different textured yarn, unspun raw fleece, silver cord & thread and maybe even some tinsel...hmmm, could be TOO messy?? Will have to wait & see! Thanks for the inspiration!!

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  131. Thanks for sharing this osm post with us

  132. There are also winter season and I am playing with yarn bowls posts lol


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