what's going on

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So, I finished vest #2.
Plan on getting photos as soon as it warms up a bit.  I foresee an unhappy model with temps in the 40's.  

I started this skirt for myself.  Call me crazy, but I would like to wear it on Thanksgiving day.
Brown tights.  Brown boots.  
Lunch with friends.  And this for dinner. 
Have a wonderful day.

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  1. Another great vest and love the skirt!! Happy knitting.

  2. I think you can do it. I have faith...

  3. The vest is beautiful, the skirt for yourself...amazing! Definitely rock it on Thanksgiving with the tights and boots. And thanks for the link to the bisque. It's soup and bisque time and I'm always in need of a good recipe! :)

  4. What a cool skirt! I can't wait to see it. You seem pretty speedy and dedicated, I bet you'll get it done. Good luck.

  5. I would call you crazy...but I suspect if anyone can finish this in time it's you. The latest vest looks terrific!

  6. Anonymous11/11/2008

    I know you can do it! It will look fantastic with brown boots and tights. Can we have a peek at the boots? You always do brill boots!
    looking forward to seeing the vest modelled too. :)

  7. You can do it! Love the color of the vest. Have a happy day of knitting!

  8. I've always awanted to knit a skirt. Tights and boots would be perfect. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  9. You Go Girl! The skirt is darling and will look fabulous on you and with tights and boots...OMG! I can harldy wait for some pics.

  10. Anonymous11/11/2008

    Oh, you are too quick! I cannot believe you've made three PT items, and my languishes on the needles as I find other "shiny objects." Love the idea of the skirt. I say "idea" because you wouldn't catch me dead in a knit skirt, but it's going to be oh-so-cute on you!

  11. seeing how fast you knit, you have plenty of time! it will look great on you!

  12. Anonymous11/11/2008

    That color is yummy:} I love it with brown tights and brown boots. Are going to wear your Frye boots.

  13. love the vest, love the skirt too. i have been wondering when you were going to start that.
    Thanksgiving day! perfect, you can do it.
    I am so glad i am not the only one day dreaming about when i will wear my knits while knitting them! he, he.
    that is the fun part, right?

  14. I love the green skirt - it'll be perfect - good luck - and the squash soup looks yummy!

  15. Anonymous11/11/2008

    I've wanted to knit a skirt for some time but never saw one I really liked. This one is quite nice!

  16. Anonymous11/11/2008

    How great. I have a feeling you will get it done in plenty of time. I'm frantically knitting up my first ever sweater to wear on Thanksgiving but not sure it will get done in time. I may need to pick a smaller project. Can't wait to see the skirt done.The color is fantastic.

  17. Cute skirt!! That pattern book has some great patterns.

    Can't wait to see the finished vest pics.

  18. Love the idea of the tights and boots with the skirt! Thanks for all the great posts this past week! (I have some comment catching up to do in blogland!)

  19. i hope you get it finished. i love the look you described.

  20. Anonymous11/11/2008

    I'm not sure how many women could pull that skirt off, but you definitely could! It's adorable.

  21. Good luck with your skirt--I'm sure you can do it! The vest looks great, too!

  22. hey,you can do it....I can hear your needles clicking from here...and with brown tights...I love it!

  23. you are gonna look so cute on Thanksgiving!!! I love the skirt.

  24. I love that color green. Can't wait to see the skirt in all its glory. The vest looks great! Your Christmas card photo is going to be fantastic.

  25. if anyone can do it, you can!

  26. Anonymous11/11/2008

    Yes, your dress plan will look fantastic. I can see it already!

  27. The skirt will be gorgeous with the tights and boots - but what for a top? Inquiring minds have to knomw!:) And the vest is wonderful too - do you knit in your sleep? So many fabulous projects!

  28. I really like that vest too. The skirt looks beautiful so far, and I love the green.

  29. I love the way the skirt is looking so far. It is going to look great on you!

  30. If anyone can do it, you can! It'll look great, I'm sure! I, in case you were interested, am just about to cast on my last armhole in vest #1! It's so darned cute - thanks for the great idea!

  31. Oooh boy, you better get knitting gal - can't wait to see you in that skirt. And can't wait for modeled shots of the vest, it looks great.
    I have two more gifts to knit then I'm back to knitting for me (read: pleasure)!!

  32. I know you can do it and look really, really cute in it!! Yummy recipe - who cares that it's hot here, I want to make it!

  33. Love the color you've chosen for the skirt. Can't wait to see it.

  34. When you said 'call me crazy', I thought you were referring to the temperature. Not for one second did I think you meant speed-wise. You'll have it done in no time! And it will look adorable!

  35. you'll be done before thanksgiving, i'm positive! knit on!
    love the color of that vest.

  36. Leslie, now you KNOW that you'll be done with that skirt lickety-split!!

    The soup looks heavenly:) I love this time of the year...

  37. Ooooh, the skirt will be fabulous!

  38. I'm so in love with your blog! I'm posting about your toast/toasty wristwarmers on Blissfully Domestic's Creative Bliss channel on Nov. 14 @ 11:00 if that's ok with you! :)

  39. Ooooh, I do like that skirt. Of course you can do it, just don't do anything else from now until D-day. Clean houses and fresh laundry are so over-rated.

  40. I love squash soups. They always are wonderfully filling (though I always feel like mine come out a little bland, so I'm still working on a good balance).

    The vest looks great! You get so much done. I can't imagine how you do it all!

  41. Anonymous11/13/2008

    That is a great vest! I can't wait to see you modeling that pretty skirt!

  42. I'm sure the vest will be enough to induce a smile from your model. Pretty does that, don't cha know.

    You will, indeed, be rockin' that skirt by the holiday.

  43. What a cute skirt! I can't wait to see when it is finished!


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