
Friday, November 14, 2008

So often, I will be cruising blogs and flickr, and something will spark my interest.  It happens all the time.  Just yesterday, I saw this photo.  I spent the next hour searching for pine-cones and tea lights.  And then, something to place them in.  And then, another 30 minutes moving them around the house.  Silly, but oh so fulfilling. 

 I would like to thank you all for taking photos, and posting them.  And then writing about them.  And if I am not the one inspired, there are sure to be others who are.  Because we all know, this all takes time.  And, although we enjoy it for ourselves, we would like to know someone else enjoys it too.  
Is this making any sense?
It is the month about thanks.  So thank you for all of your creativity. 
 Another thing that sparked my interest was Kim's giveaway. Go over and enter and give yourself a chance to win.
Have a wonderful weekend.  

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  1. Lovely thought and photo. It is a nice reminder to give thanks especially as the holidays get busier and busier ;).

  2. I, too, am grateful for the creativity that abounds, found here among wonderful bloggers - beautiful beings - missing from my previous life. Your pictures, your work are among them. Thank you.

    P.S., And you're right. Coasters ARE so much fun to make! :)

  3. Anonymous11/14/2008

    It totally makes sense. I feel the same way. And thank YOU. :o)

  4. So well written. I feel the same way.
    We collected pinecones yesterday, now I'd going to dig the tea lights out from the jar hidden in the cupboard under the sink. If find your blog and photos very inspirational, thanks!

  5. I definitely put you Leslie high on the list of people who inspire me.

    Yes, thank you to everyone for this amazing world of creativity!

  6. Anonymous11/14/2008

    Lovely post. And lovely photograph of yours too - and a great idea, this combination may well turn up in my house soon!

  7. Anonymous11/14/2008

    I agree with Nicole; you always inspire me! And I should have known that it was you who mentioned my giveaway because there is NO WAY I have that many readers. Have a great weekend.

  8. ah, yes, it happens to me too. i love the internet. It is fun to get lost in a little project.
    love your photo!

  9. thank YOU inspire not only myself, but i am sure tons of other people! and thank you for reminding me that the spirit of giving thanks can last more than a day!

  10. You are someone I am particularly inspired by! I am glad you share what inspires you. :)

  11. Anonymous11/14/2008

    Thank you for taking the time, Leslie. I read a variety of blogs and online sites for fun, inspiration, things to think about. Always a pleasure to visit here!

  12. And thank YOU for all the inspiration you provide!

  13. okay I know I have lots of pinecones and tealights...gotta find a container. My job for the weekend! Have a good one Leslie!

  14. I love seeing how creative we all are, though sometimes it just makes me sad. I don't think there are enough hours for all of the creative things I want to do!

  15. it is wonderful to be inspired by so many...

  16. Anonymous11/14/2008

    Thanks to you too, for all the inspiration you share. I saw a photo 2 days ago and got the idea on using my wooden platter to display our fall nature collection!

  17. There is so much inspiration out there. Thank you to you too for all the inspiration you've given me. Great photo!

  18. I've always thought your photography skills to impeccable. You seem to put so much thought behind the shots and they are lovely. You're an inspiration too--

  19. I love the way that the internet sparks interest :)

  20. Anonymous11/15/2008

    OH my gosh! I do the same thing. I'll have some "thing" I want to place and move it all over before I get it just right. One of my favorite things is arranging shelves and table tops. Come to think of it, that would be a good blog topic. Phot0s of your favorite tablescapes and shelves!! I should ressurect my old blog. It didn't last long. So thank you for sticking with it.

    You know, a bright red or lime green felted bowl would be a wonderful container for pinecones after thanksgiving!!

  21. I have those box-basket things! I am so proud to already own something you have... now I just have to go get the pinecones.... I hope I can find ones my dog hasn't peed on...!

    Did you know they are rice-measures? I'm not exactly sure who was eating that much rice, but there you have it.

    Thank YOU for your beautiful pictures and great ideas!

  22. I hear you on the unexpected inspiration, Leslie! This is another of the joys of the Internet: we can all contribute to creative consciousness that exists apart from us, but that is still most definitely "us".

  23. perfectly stated! and a thanks to you - talented one that you are! happy weekend!

  24. Anonymous11/15/2008

    Thank YOU too Leslie! I often find myself 10 deep in blogs and Flickr. 'I'll just click one more link......' is how it goes!

  25. It is wonderful to have so much inspiration at our fingertips. What did we do before the internet/blogs?

  26. Inspiration is a full circle. Thank you Leslie and bloggers!

  27. i feel the same way. thank you, leslie.

  28. so so true, leslie. the amount of creativity out there is staggering, and i love to see how we each inspire one another.

    p.s. my grandpa loved his mitts - thank you so much for the pattern. i even modified it a bit to make a smaller pair for my daughter - with my very first cables up the front! perhaps one of these days i'll even knit a cabled skirt :)

  29. I tagged you!


  30. Anonymous11/17/2008

    And thanks to you too! You're right, it does feel good to know that others are inspired by what you do. :)

  31. And thank you for pointing this out. You are so right! And of course, you're one of my faves for inspiration! ;)

  32. I just love all the inspriring blogs and the people who write them. :)

  33. Oh, isn't giving just the best part of this time of year?

  34. Anonymous11/17/2008

    Your pics are wonderful! I find myself wanting to copycat you!

  35. You're right--I can't believe all the great ideas I've found since I started blogging in the spring! It's definitely something to give thnaks for.

  36. Well-said! I totally agree.

  37. ahhhh, inspiration. it is the fuel for creativity. i appreciate other bloggers, and you, who share their ideas as well. it keeps my mind from being idle.
    thanks for the reminder to be thankful for these things!

  38. Anonymous11/18/2008

    Oh half the fun is taking the pictures~GRIN.

    Okay, your blog has been recommended to me now by 2 different people...all within a week, so I've tagged you.

    Beautiful pictures, inspiration and a mom with kiddie-poos. My friends know me so well.

    Yep, I'll have fun following your adventures.

  39. I am so thankful for all the "eye candy" and ideas I get from my list of blogs I read daily. Thank you for sharing your story.

  40. Anonymous11/20/2008

    and thank YOU for all the beautiful pictures and inspiration, too!!!
    greetings from Morocco to you xxx

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