ruffled - a Friend to knit with


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our weekend was spent in New York, visiting my sister and her family. And the drive there couldn't have been more beautiful.
Although, this tree photo was actually taken at Rhinebeck. Yep, just a quick hour and a half drive, and we were there. Meeting Jane (so mad we didn't get a photo) Tracy, Kim, Rachel, Tammi, Scout, and Caro!   Checking out the sheep, llama's, bunnies, yarn, food, yarn, more yarn, knitters, bloggers, and a lot of knit wear.  I think almost everyone was wearing something they made. Except for me.  And believe me, I felt a little left out.  I wished that I could run home and get something. Something that says, "I knit!  Look!  I made this!" 

My sister doesn't knit that much.  She is not nearly as crazy for it.  Yet she was wearing her only knit garment.  And I must say getting a lot of attention.  (Again, I wanted to shout, "Hey!  Over here!  I am the knitter!")  I couldn't believe how many people stopped her to ask what pattern was she wearing.  Or what yarn.  I thought everyone knew this pattern.  Since ALL FOUR of us made the same one.  And when we got home  that evening, we looked on Ravelry, and there wasn't a single project.  Not even mine.
I actually packed my sweater.  Thinking that I may wear it to Rhinebeck, but thought my sister and I may look a little strange wearing matching sweaters.  (Even though we knit the same things, we don't wear the same things.  Oh.  The smiley shirts?  I can explain that.  Later.)
So.  In order to get this on Ravelry, I needed a few photos.  Photos were taken.  And then I remembered why I never put it on.  I haven't ever liked the way it photographs.  You will have to trust me on this one.  It wears much better than it photographs.  
The skinny:
Pattern:  Inca Marl Ruffle Coat  Yarn:  Classic Elite Inca Marl, color 1138 tobacco road, 17 hanks,   Size:  both are small
Made:  3 years ago.  Worn:  all the time.
Notes:  If you want an easy project that gets a lot of wear, this is it.  And, it is easy.  Stockinette all the way.  The ruffle is knit separately, consisting of short rows, and sewn on entire edge of garment.  You can also adjust the fullness of the ruffle.
Oh.  And just so you know.  I didn't buy any yarn, or take any sheep photos.  Hard to believe.
Happy Wednesday.  Already.

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  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the link for the pattern! I have been looking everywhere for something similar to knit and haven't found it yet and I love this!!

  2. Well, if it wears much better then it photographs, it is GORGEOUS.

    And so glad you enjoyed a fabulous fall weekend with family and friends...the good stuff that makes the day to day totally worth rockin'!

  3. Sounds like you had a great weekend, those sweaters are gorgeous... must add one to my queue, thanks for the link!

  4. That is a PERFECT fall sweater. It looks warm and snuggly - and like apa said - if it wears better than it photos... YUM.

    And by the way - what on earth were you doing that you didn't take photos of the SHEEP?! :D

  5. It looks like a great snuggle and walk around town sweater! I always try to find a substitute once the balls of yarn get above 10 (garments get pretty expensive pretty quick). Any suggestions?

  6. I do love that sweater! It looks so comfy.

  7. Anonymous10/22/2008

    OH I love the sweater, glad you had fun at Rhinebeck the weather was perfect. What restraint you had not buying anything. I didn't have the same luck.lol. Thanks for the skinny on the sweater.

  8. that is one beautiful sweater times two! (or four!)
    and i can't believe you didn't buy any yarn. that is amazing!

  9. the sweaters are gorgeous! how fun that all of you knit the same sweater. i can't believe you didn't buy any yarn! that takes superhuman strength.

  10. Love the sweaters -- thanks for sharing the whereabouts of the pattern. I'm a new-ish knitter, but this looks like something I might be able to do.

  11. and now you had better get on designing that project for Amy! You hear me?!

  12. Sadly the pattern is out of print. But check your local yarn store, and if they don't have it, it can be ordered online at www.patternfish.com. I've seen you in this before, Leslie, and it still looks great!!

  13. PLEASE GIRL! I know why you didn't wear any of your stunning knits:
    According to Google Reader you have......
    Subscribers: 552

    You just didn't want all your fans to notice you, I bet you wore your Jackie-O shades too! LOL :-)

  14. Anonymous10/22/2008

    I just saw your project on Ravelry and I was thinking, "When did she knit that?!" What a great project! It looks like the perfect knit. BTW, I second what apa said in her comment :-)

    Glad you had fun at Rhinebeck. Wearing your hand knits is essential but I didn't do it my first year and felt completely left out also. So I really relate. Like I told you the hand knit parade is my favorite aspect of the fair.

    What's Keana talking about? I thought it was curious you didn't mention you were going to Rhinebeck...Hmmm....

  15. I wish I would have known you were going! I was there this weekend too!

  16. Oh, it's too bad I missed seeing you there! The sweater looks great in that picture, and I'm sure it looks even better in person. I'm glad you had a good weekend!

  17. Leslie - so glad you had a good time visiting sis and checking out Rhinebeck. You cracked me up with the comments on no handknit-wearing. And hey, you have another great photo of yourself in this sweater - somewhere back in the blog I remember seeing it - you were standing by the SUV showing off your new SSK magnet - remember? Add it to your ravelry project page! It is great and shows off the sweater wonderfully.

  18. Anonymous10/22/2008

    the sweater looks like it has a beautiful drape. (and you didn't buy anything!?!)

    ps. i'm making toast...

  19. No wonder your sis was getting accosted at Rhinebeck. That is one gorgeous sweater.

    But I can't believe you didn't wear a handknit! and the weather was actually appropriate for it this year (for a change!). I so wish I had been there to meet you. Oh, well, maybe next year.

    And I do admire your restraint at not buying anything!

  20. great restraint...not buying yarn,or wearing a knit ;-)!

  21. How fun to meet so many fellow blogger/knitter friends. You all look great in that pic on flickr. Love the ruffle coat too.

  22. Maybe we could photoshop a picture of us together. I can even dress back up in the same clothes. It was a fun day all around...I'm still bumming about the beer ;)

    Great sweater!

  23. It's a gorgeous sweater! I wish I were tall and lanky like you so I could wear it. I'll just admire yours. :)

  24. Leave to those older, first born sisters....don't they know not to upstage the little sister? We all know that YOU are the real knitter in the family, Les. Don't fret...your reputation is safe with us.

  25. What a gorgeous sweater. I love the colours in that tree too.

  26. how gorgeously autumnal! Looks like you had heaps of fun meeting everyone.

  27. Well it looks amazing in the photographs so in real life it must be even better. I have just added it to my list of wants.

  28. Sounds like fun! I'll have to get there one of these years!!!!!

  29. Anonymous10/23/2008

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time! What do you mean you didn't want to wear matching sweaters with your sister? :) Oh, and I hope the driving thing turned out alright. ;)

  30. you didn't buy ANY yarn??? that just doesn't seem right. LOVE the sweater.

  31. I can't believe you didn't take any sheep photos--I wouldn't be able to stop photographing them. That pattern looks great, btw

  32. Inca Marl Ruffle Coat, where have you been my whole life?!

  33. The sweaters are so beautiful, and the photo is so sweet!

  34. Anonymous10/23/2008

    this is divine! i love it! especially in the brown color. thanks for sharing another great project!

  35. Anonymous10/23/2008

    Those coats are awesome! I wish my sisters and mom would knit with me.

  36. You know what? I totally saw you because I recognized the coat and thought, "wow, I really like that!". I can't tell you how many times I saw you and didn't put two and two together. Gah! It's beautiful though.

  37. I've just hit "ADD TO CART". This is sooo me..thanks ever so much for sharing. My sister & I both wear the same things as well (good taste is what we call it)


  38. Oh, the ruffle love I am feeling! Thanks for the link!

  39. it is a lovely sweater that of course gets a lot of wear. no wonder the rhinebeckers were impressed. i love it and the colour. i have a thing about ruffles.

  40. That's a darly sweater jacket!!!!

    BTW, if you like fresh bread - check out King Arthur Flour's sour dough starter - I've used it for years. Wonderful.

  41. All four of you? No surprise really because it's an amazing sweater.

  42. Just wanted to say hey! I found your blog from greenclogs which I found from artsy-crafty babe. I was happily reading along until I saw Rhinebeck! I grew up there and I'm thrilled anytime someone goes to visit. They have all kinds of events at the fairgrounds, the best is the Harley weekend only because town is filled with motorcycles for two days. I never realized there was this giant yarn festival until I started reading blogs. Weird. Anyway, I'm enjoying reading your blog. :)


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