
Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm having a hard time staying focused over here.  Maybe it is the falling leaves.  I'm not really sure.  But I jump from project to project without making much progress on anything.  I'm doing things like making dessert at 5:30 p.m. without an inclination of what is for dinner. (Thank you, Erin.)
I made Acorn cookies yesterday for our cookie of the week.  The whole time I envisioned them as heads.  With little knit caps.  I wanted to get out a sharpie and draw faces on them.  Seriously. When I asked the kids, what they thought,  they thought they looked like acorns.  "Funny faces?  Ha.  Your funny, mom. " ( They were looking at me like I lost my mind.)
I packed this morning for a long weekend, as we are leaving in a couple of hours.  Pretty much threw some clothes into a bag.  A seven hour drive.  With a lot of beautiful leaves along the way.   Now that is something to focus on.

Enjoy your weekend.

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  1. those cookies are adorable! i've got to remember to make some with my kids!

  2. have a good time! squeeze some yarn for me.

  3. i really do love those cookies. i'm going to have to try them i think. have a great trip! can't wait to see your pictures of leaves!

  4. Those cookies look so good! I seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle of my projects as well. Working on little things here and there, but not making any progress anywhere. Have a wonderful trip!

  5. I know you're in the same boat as me...unfocused. Have a great long weekend...I'm off to make cookies!

  6. There must be something in the air as I'm slightly un-focused myself.

    Enjoy your long weekend. I'm sure it's just what you need. :)

  7. enjoy the long weekend - focus or not - sometimes you need to just not focus! the cookes look good! along with that apple crisp! YUM!

  8. Anonymous10/16/2008

    Those cookies are adorable! Seriously! Actually, whenever I see acorns, I picture them with faces... Have a safe trip!

  9. I see little heads in knit caps too. Have a great trip!

  10. enjoy your trip! those acorn cookies are adorable!!!

  11. Have a wonderful weekend. I can't wait to hear about it. And dessert is totally more important than the main meal! BTW the dessert counts as a fruit/vegetable (on my food pyramid anyway).

  12. Yep, I see little heads with hats too.
    Have a great trip!

  13. Enjoy your weekend away! Those cookies are too cute -- I think they're screaming out for little faces, too.

  14. Gorgeous photos, Leslie! And you're so funny about the faces. Elisabeth looked over my shoulder and said, "Look! Acorn-shaped little cookies!" So, it might be just you. ;)

    Have fun this weekend!

  15. Don't worry, I'm sure the focus will come back. I love the little acorn faces!

  16. I think the cookies like heads with caps on them too! It's funny you say you're not focused--I truly admire your ability to finish so many sweaters in year!

  17. Have a wonderful trip! I love those acorn cookies!!

  18. Have a good trip, enjoy the foliage!

  19. When I was little my mom would call the little acorn hats "mini-hewnie" hats for the mini-hewnies. So I definitely picture acorns with little faces.

    Have fun on your trip!

  20. Your acorn cookies look awesome. I have never seen those before. Hope you have a very nice time away.

  21. those look too cute to eat.. well.. almost.. :).. have a great trip!! and see you Saturday!

  22. cookies look like acorns- but made my mouth water!
    the leaves are wonderful...
    hope you have a great time away

  23. I love the acorn cookies! too cute.
    Have a great long weekend trip! I can't wait to see the gorgeous leaf pictures you'll take!

  24. I thought they were acorns as soon as I saw them :)
    Enjoy your lovely weekend. I'll be enjoying it for sure, it's my birthday Saturday ;)

  25. I'm sorry you forgot to pack ME! I so want to see Fall. I'm in Texas and in my area I'm not seeing much yet. Have a colorful weekend.

  26. I love those cookies !!! The leaves are pretty too.

  27. Mmmm. Those cookies look delicious.

    Have a fun trip! Take lots of pictures!

  28. On the focus thing girl, I feel your pain!

  29. Cute cookies, acorns or not! By the way... I tried the cinnamon cookies--so good:)

  30. Anonymous10/16/2008

    Have fun dear Leslie! Be good!

  31. Cute cookies! And I can picture them with faces... my kids probably would too, but they tend to turn most of their food into little dolls of some kind.

    Have a wonderful weekend away-
    happy knitting-

  32. another trip???lucky girl! enjoy the yarn...squish one for me!!

  33. Anonymous10/16/2008

    Oh, I'll have to try those cookies with Jorn. You're not heading to Rhinebeck are you? ;-) I have to sit this one out this year.

  34. Anonymous10/16/2008

    Love the cookies. Have a great weekend seven hours in the car wow. I'm off to Rhinebeck on Saturday and am pretty sure that I will be feeling scattered next week as I imagine having some new yarn/patterns to add to my stash after Saturday.

  35. Those cookies are hilarious! They remind me of when I was little and we used to collect acorns and draw faces on them:)

  36. I can see the faces!! ;) Have a great trip.

  37. have a nice holiday.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I am with you in the unfocused place. I have so many projects that NEED to get done but somehow I find just about anything else to do instead. Its those darned have-to's that have me fuzzy.

    I am so jumping on the cookie of the week bandwagon! I love it. I make cookies a lot around here but it is usually spur of the moment and without much thought, chocolate chip or oatmeal. Last night I was craving peanut butter hershey kiss cookies. No kisses so I put a little pile of chocolate chips in the middle. Mind if I join you?

  40. Cute cookies. I think if the tops were less brown and nutty (with nonpareil or jimmies) then they would evoke faces more than acorns.

  41. Very cute cookies! Have a fantastic time!

  42. Love the acorn cookies. Great idea.

  43. Anonymous10/18/2008

    I've made those little acorn cookies before and not only are they cute, they are yummy!!

  44. Oh, those cookies look so fabulous. I just gave up sugar. It's killing me!

  45. In Florida, we never get colors like that! Thank you for sharing!

  46. those cookies are fantastic.
    enjoy the travels!

  47. Anonymous10/20/2008

    Can fall be any more perfect a season? I'm feeling a bit unfocused too. I hope you had a great weekend away!

  48. Hi Leslie. I Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and that you've been nominated for an award :)

    Please see

  49. Anonymous10/21/2008

    huge thanks for the acorn cookie idea, thrilled to have found your blog :o)

  50. Hi Leslie, I don't think you are alone, everyone seems to be unfocused, there is a lot going on in our world right now. I can see them as both acorns and faces with cute little berets! Hope you weekend was great!

  51. Mmm...acorn cookies -- yum! Why not make dessert before dinner? It's the most important meal of the day!

  52. Anonymous10/21/2008

    I enjoy reading your blog. You don't seem to be posting as often. Are you traveling?

  53. I made these cookies yesterday with my 3-year-old and she totally thought they were supposed to be faces, which may not say much about my cookie-shaping skills.


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