a couple of boys. and their socks.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I pretty much love Soctoberfest.   
And I'm pretty sure my boys do, too.  Especially since Charlie has been asking for a new pair of socks since this time last year.   
I also love self striping yarn.  Sort of takes all the thought out of deciding what pattern to knit. One 150g. of Opal blues, color 2025 was just enough for 2 pairs.  A mere 2 yards was all that was left.  I cast on 52 stitches using my favorite Ann Budd basics.  A little elastic sewn into the rib helps keep them in place.  

It was pretty rewarding when I made my rounds the other night, and spotted a foot dangling out of the bed wearing his new sock.  Made me wonder if he loved them more because he had to wait so long for them.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But either way, I've decided Socktoberfest will be all about socks for the kids.  So, until next year boys, enjoy your socks.  

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  1. Very cool. How long did it take you to knit one pair? I've never made socks. I'm working on my very first baby sweater ;) Duffle Coat by Debbie Bliss. It will turn out. It will. Take care, I enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Anonymous10/28/2008

    I just started reading your blog, and I truly enjoy it. You knit things that I'd like to knit. I also enjoy that you post often.

  3. Anonymous10/28/2008

    You are lucky they love their socks which are truly adorable. I have to force my kids to wear socks(and other knits)knit for them. I'll be finishing my sockoberfest socks in the next few days. Enjoy fall!

  4. Those are great! I'm way overdue on new socks for the kids. Right now I'm on handwarmers that I should get back to right now.

    I'll have to keep an eye out for that yarn. It's perfect.

  5. i have two balls of knicol - trends, adriafil. self-striping. i knit a pair about 20 years ago. i remember nothing. hope to get to them after these bags. i thought the self-striping would make me feel like i did something tricky!

  6. What a good idea. My older son has been asking for socks, too... I'll have to get on that! :0)

  7. That is so sweet. I bet he loves them most because you made them.

  8. It must be so rewarding to see them enjoying the things you knit for them!

  9. Beautiful! And if it's chilly where you are as it now is here where I am (YEAH!) those will be some warm & toasty toes!

  10. I'm very impressed--two pairs in one month! You are very fast. I've only managed to finish one sock, and it was about half-way done to start with:)

  11. These are great Leslie! Opal is my fave self-striping yarn as well...

  12. Oh I love those, the colors are great. I want to knit Kristen a pair of socks, but I'd need a pattern to follow, haven't found one yet.
    If I cast on 52 st, how do I know how many to do at the heel? Did you have a pattern to follow?

  13. They're perfect. I love self striping yarn too - got a pair on the needles right now!

  14. Anonymous10/28/2008

    What a lovely idea. I should do that next year, for my mom. . .

  15. Those are happy looking socks! I've never knitted socks before--gotta try it!

  16. Anonymous10/28/2008

    What great socks. I love self striping and self patterning yarn. I just finished a pair for my little guy with the self patterning and it came out so cool. For anyone wanting to try socks it's so worth it.

  17. They look great! I'm so impressed...I'm still working on my mystery socks and you finished two pairs! wow!

  18. Lucky boys to have such a warm, loving mama! The socks look great.

  19. Those socks rock!
    Unfortunately, I'm still on sock #1 - hee hee. I'll simply have to find a way to make socks rhyme with November (toevember?).

  20. Anonymous10/28/2008

    These are so great! It reminds me that my boys keep asking for more socks. Must get on that. :)

  21. Yummy socks. The colorway kind of reminds me of the Tarts candies - remember those? Sweet!

  22. Great socks!
    I like selfstriping yarn too ;)

  23. love the self striping yarn.love that the boys wear them.

  24. I get so frustrated making my kids socks - they grow right out of them, and, even worse, the little traitors, walk outside in them, or on the deck or on our red-painted floors at the Cape.... (Don't judge me on those floors. Stay focused here. The point is, they trash 'em.)

  25. OH.I really love these!...I can't wait to start some socks.. I really need to get started..

  26. My new years resolution for 2009 is to learn how to make socks. so cute!

  27. Anonymous10/29/2008

    Awww. I haven't tried socks yet, but I will eventually. I love the colors and pattern of that yarn, though. They are so cute. And it's so cute that they love them.

  28. Anonymous10/29/2008

    Thank you for sharing your ideas, pictures & patterns with us. I enjoy your blog so much! Making "those mitts" for my hubby's b-day this week. Starting my first pair of socks..and I hear it will be addicting! Thanks again~

  29. Anonymous10/29/2008

    I love this colourway!
    Is the yarn more of a DK weight then?

  30. Aw, such sweet feet!

  31. I love working on socks, but I never think about Soctoberfest until it is near the end of the month. My socks always seem to take forever though!

  32. oh, wonderful yarn! these are perfect, Leslie.

  33. they are lovely. and I just love the name socktoberfest.

  34. Those are great! I can't get my teens interested in socks, so that just means more for me :-)

  35. Special Socks for Special Boys! Sounds like you may have started a new tradition!

  36. just browsing - your photos are beautiful.

  37. Really great socks!

  38. A matching set! How cool is that?!

  39. I love the self patterning yarns, so clever the way the pattern appears. I would love to see how they do it. Great vest as well.

  40. Great socks..love that self striping yarn. Love your blog.

  41. i am loving that they appreciate the socks so much! they turned out so amazing, and i hope they absolutely wear them to death!

  42. I love the color of those socks. It's so sweet that they love them!

  43. Cool socks, Les! Love the colors.

  44. I hope for you to be always guided to the right way to the truth and then live in peace always.

  45. God loves righteous and faithful , i wish you become one of them , best wishes to be guided to the right way to god


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