
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hi there. I'm back.
                                flowers courtesy of noreen

Back from a weekend I never wanted to see end.  From a fantastic night in San Francisco, spent with very special friends that I haven't seen in a very long time.  [hi pauline! xo, hi noreen! xo] Back from Carmel, Ca, where a surprise anniversary party for my parents took place.  Where the surprised look on their faces will be forever etched into my mind.  Where tears were shed, and laughs were abundant.  Where I snuck a little photo shoot in for my knitting blog.  (More on that later.)  Where the time spent with family was so special I almost burst when I think about it.  Seriously.
I will be back soon....after I finish wallowing in the post party blues.  I just hate post party blues. 

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  1. It is have these glad it went perfectly.

  2. Wow! How wonderful. I can feel the life passion right from your soul! Let it linger.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time - can't wait to hear more and see pics! Welcome home!

  4. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Glad you had such a fantastic time. Can't wait to see the photos!

  5. Sounds wonderful, beautiful memories. My summer was full of those when we went home to England for 2 weeks, how I hated leaving the family all over again.
    Can't wait to see your knitting news ;-)

  6. Aw, lovely! Can't wait to hear more.

    In the meantime, grab some knitting, chocolate and a cup of tea. Surefire remedy for the post-party blues!

  7. Sounds wonderful...those are the best times and you realized how blessed you really are, how blessed we are to have families, friends and love.

  8. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Oh, it sounds so special. I'm glad you all had a great time. I love the picture with the smiley faces! You all look so happy.

  9. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Ooh, I'm off to San Fran myself in a few weeks and am getting excited.

  10. Glad you had a wonderful weekend--it's really hard to return to everyday life after a great getaway. BTW, I started your mitt pattern and can't wait to finish them.

  11. Welcome home! There is nothing like spending time with your family. Sweet memories.

  12. Enjoy the afterglow ;-)

  13. Anonymous9/18/2008

    oh, I do too. But you know you had a great experience when you have the blues bad. :) Congratulations on a wonderful time.

  14. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Sounds like a fabulous trip! I'm going to SF in a few weeks and can only hope it's as nice of a visit.

  15. Sounds wonderful! Such beautiful memories make life so much more meaningful- and life without meaning, is, well, meaningless...

    Happy knitting,

  16. Welcome back! Carmel is beautiful. We drove through the city in June and wished we had spent more time there.

  17. Sounds fabulous!

  18. So glad you had a wonderful time :)

  19. Oh yes I agree post party is a bummer.
    What beautiful flowers.
    Can't wait to see the next post!

  20. hello! so happy you had a great weekend - can't wait to hear about it. still no power....borrowing wi fi from a good friend. xo.

  21. Oh hooray for a great weekend with your special peeps! We are all SO glad you're back, if that means anything:)

  22. Fond memories NEVER fade away !!

  23. oh, Leslie, i know! so nice to make great memories, but it is also a bit bitter to have it end. Just think, you will have the memories forever!

  24. Those warm memories will stay for a long time. I can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  25. Anonymous9/18/2008

    Sounds like a very nice weekend with friends and family. Can't beat that. Don't worry there will be more parties to come!

  26. It all sounds lovely!

  27. oh the after party let down! :0( sounds like you had so much fun! a perfect memory maker!

  28. glad you had a wonderful time! can't wait to hear your share the memories.

  29. Sounds like you had a great time--it's always hard to get back into the swing of things after a great vacation. Can't wait to see the knitting:)

  30. So glad to hear they were surprised. Can't wait to see the photos.

  31. Anonymous9/24/2008

    Yay for a fantastic time for your parents and you and your family! You sound so happy!

  32. From a fantastic night in San Francisco, spent with very special friends that I haven't seen in a very long time. [hi pauline! xo, hi noreen! xo] Back from Carmel, Ca, where a surprise anniversary party for my parents took place. Where the surprised look on their faces will be forever etched into my mind. initial necklace chile , initial necklace germany


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