I have mentioned before how much I love Toast. And this latest catalog was fantastic. Of course, there were a couple of photos that really caught my eye.
Ahhh...I love this photo. And what cool knit is she wearing on her arms?
And then there was this photo. And look at her gloves. I loved those, too. But why buy them, when we can all whip them up ourselves?!
So, I grabbed the nearest yarn. (Ahem, yarn to be used for boys vests.) And some needles. Cast on, and knit.
And remember I said that I had a little photo shoot while in Carmel?
My two sisters. Modeling my knits. No, not the sweaters. The gloves! (Although, Michelle, on the right is wearing my mother's slouchy cardigan. Like mine, but without the hood. Lisa, on the left is wearing this sweater.)
So here they are. Toasty on the left. And toast on the right.
These are my personal favorites. If you aren't a fingerless glove person, these are perfect. Worn with a sweater with 3/4 sleeves, or poking out of a sleeve of a jacket. They provide the extra warmth needed. They can be pushed up if you need to use your whole hand. Or pulled down to cover cold fingers. I love them.
Toast here.
Toasty here.
Al-righty then. Time for you to pick a pair and get started.
Have a fabulous day.
- Tuesday, September 30, 2008