summertime saturdays.7

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Um, yes. Another Saturday. But we camped out last night. At the pool. And there was a lovely breakfast this morning. But I missed my oportunity to photograph it. So instead I will show you some knitting.  
I mentioned of my plans to knit for others the month of July.  After I read about nest on Sarah's blog, and then again on Amanda's, I knew I wanted to participate.  To help others stay warm. So I decided to just try to knit as much as I could, until the end of the month.  And I decided since I have both of these patterns memorized, this would be the easiest thing for me to tote around.  I also owe some people some gifts, so some will go to them.
I searched my stash, and this is what I found.  Lorna's laces, Classic Elite, Renaissance and Cascade 220 superwash.  One skein of the Renaissance made one pair.  One skein of the Cascade made two pairs.  And I only made one pair out of the Lorna's Laces, but I do believe that I have enough to make one more pair.
Almost finished ten.  Almost.  
This pattern is one that is a combination of a couple of different patterns.  So, not my own. Hopefully sometime soon I will be able to combine my thoughts so that you can make a pair if you want.  They are super easy.  And quick. 
And these are the Evangeline.  My all time favorite.  I added one pattern repeat to the instructions for the short pair.  

I thought that I was finished making fingerless gloves for a while.  And then I saw these.
Happy Saturday!

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  1. Love all your mitts. Hope you can get your thoughts together soon, I am looking for a good pattern and the non-cabled ones look like something I could do. I haven't advanced to cables yet. Good idea - I think I may have to try this for August.

  2. Great job Leslie! I thought I would knit all week while the boys were away and I didn't knit a stitch :( Hopefully, this week!

  3. I'm so impressed with your pairs! I'm floored that you accomplished these all in July! Blessings of protection and provision on those who'll wear them.

  4. I love it!.. I need to commit myself to somthing like this.. maybe after Pamelia is completed... :)

  5. Anonymous8/02/2008

    wow great work!!

  6. Those fingerless mitts look great and you have knit quite a few too. I am sure they will be well loved.

  7. Anonymous8/02/2008

    Oh, wow; that is quite the array of mitts. And I love seeing them all arranged on your new table. I have yet to make even one pair of these, but I do love the pattern.

  8. Anonymous8/02/2008

    Oops. That was my anonymous comment.

  9. How lovely to see something warm, wintery and toasty from your side of the world!

  10. Such a wonderful idea to knit for others for a month. I should probably try that sometime! The mitts are all great! You did a wonderful job.

  11. what a nice way to share your talent, Leslie. I love the gloves.

  12. Those are all beautiful. I love mitts. I just made some fetchings and will be making more soon. They are perfect portable knits and quick gifites!

  13. Beautiful! That is such a wonderful idea. I know they will be appreciated.

  14. yep, the genmaicha is in my queue.
    i've got the pattern and the yarn.
    now i just need the time. ;-)
    school starts in nine days. with just one kidlet at home, maybe i can manage some daytime knitting.

  15. thoughtful that...

  16. What a lovely display of mitts! I'm sure they will all be loved by their recipients.

    Thanks for the mention.

  17. Wow. impressive and generous! Thank you for sharing your goodwill!

  18. OMG Leslie, we're stash twins! I have those exact colors of Classic Elite Renaissance hanging around as well. I've been meaning to give Evangeline a try, so thanks for the info.

    Your mitts are lovely and will not doubt be loved by those who wear them!

  19. Glad we are both back! Looks like your trip was as good as mine! Love the jewelry, the photos & the fingerless mitts.....especially love golfing into the water...I love doing that! We used to do that at my Uncles house in Virginia.

  20. Um! Wow! Ok, so I so totally don't feel bad knitting a pair of stripey socks every week this summer...and yes, I am giving mine away too! I am so impressed; I made a pair of endpaper mitts last year and it took me months to make them...I can't believe you made all those. I love the ones with cables the best.

  21. Anonymous8/03/2008

    What a gorgeous photo!!!! You have dsplayed your work so nicely. I knit hats for an orphanage but I may have to try making these for a change. I will look forward to you posting the pattern soon. You have a lovely blogg.
    Have a great weekend.

  22. What a lot of mitts to knit. You must have heaps of patience. They all look great and for a good cause too.

  23. Don't they look great together, well done. x

  24. Each pair made with love and care...beautiful!

  25. Oh, I love those Genmaicha (or whatever they were called); I love that they use sock yarn. I am so sick of wasting my beautiful sock yarn on feet.

  26. you are a wonderful woman, leslie. i think i'll be making hats for nest.

  27. Those are fabulous, Leslie!!

    We so enjoyed your rag jewelry post - Ben and I made them and he has been wearing arond his ankle for several days now straight.


  28. What a beautiful thing to do, Leslie. I'm going to be doing the same thing now that I can get my hands on the yarn again. You're an inspiration!

  29. Anonymous8/03/2008

    I love them. I went to and they 'don't exist" anymore??? the site is blank with one email addy on it that bounced back to me. :( i suppose you don't happen to have the pattern on your computer that you could email to me.. or post on your site for print? Raverly has the pattern pictures but if you want the pattern they forward you to magknits... which doesn't work. Have a great knittyday.

  30. Your are one crazy knitter! Such a productive July, and here I sit slacking. Those are such beautiful mitts!

  31. i love "Water for Elephants"!! It has been a crazy summer here - I am very jealous of your very relaxing vacation and the picnic blanket. Oh, and all those pretty mitts - might have to try the cabled pair. Very inspired by all your work as well...
    Happy August!!

  32. what a wonderful project to work on! I love that first photo.

  33. You are like super woman. Such a font of energy, creativity. I love the mitts line-up photo, too :o)

    Nice work and excellent planning!

  34. what a great collection! (great way to use up the stash too....)

  35. Gorgeous and love the rag jewellery instructions too. xx

  36. I love the mitts. You must do a pattern for the plain ones. Those are exactly what I have been looking for to make for Christmas gifts for sisters(3) and girlfriends!! Also, I picked up some bandanas on the way home the other day and my 8 year old daughter has lavished us all (including dad and brother) with her skills. I am wearing 2 to work today!! She insisted, and no it doesn't really match my work clothes, but how can I resist.

  37. Holy moly, I feel like such a slacker now. Great mitts. It would be great to have the pattern, if your fingers can stop knitting for a minute to write it up!

  38. Anonymous8/04/2008

    Thank you for the links. I will definitely try to knit a few items to send along so that someone can get a little warmth and comfort over the winter months. I think sometimes we all take it for granted to have heat and air. I'm very lucky that in the past 6 years I've only had to turn my heat on twice. Good thing for good insulation. Unfortunately we run our air constantly because of the high temps and that good insulation.

    I'll definitely have to try out the pattern you linked to as well. Very pretty mitts!

  39. Anonymous8/04/2008

    These are so wonderful and will make much loved gifts! You're so awesome! Evangelines are my favorite too. :)

  40. Wow! What a wonderful collection! I'm forever in awe of those who can keep their WIPs a "secret" and then just present beautiful FOs (especially multiple ones!) like this.

    It goes without saying that you're awesome for contributing to such a worthy cause. :)

  41. Oh, sweet knitty goodness! Those are lovely. They are gifts from your heart, which as we all know, keep our loved ones, and even complete strangers, extra warm.

    thank you.

  42. Anonymous8/05/2008

    Wow! How productive are you! Gloves and mitts seem to be all over blogland at the minute. I should get my act together and cast on a pair in readiness for autumn.


  44. They are all so beautiful!

  45. Wow... this is amazing! I have to say, fingerless mitts are one of my favorite things to knit... and gift:)

  46. Anyone on the receiving end will be thrilled, I'm sure!

  47. love your Evangelines! your reason for knitting them is very inspiring. i may have to do this as well. it's a great idea!

  48. Wow - what beautiful mitts and a beautiful gesture.

  49. love seeing all beautiful mitts together
    a wonderful gesture as well
    i'm here for the first time
    i'll be back for sure to explore more

  50. You are amazing. Really Leslie, I can't believe how many you made for such a great cause. I wish I could contribute, but I think my knitting has gotten worse!!!

  51. Looks like you've got quite a few mitts done. Looks nice.

  52. Anonymous8/13/2008

    Wow, I am so impressed with the amount of knitting you produce in such a short time! And with kids in the house too. I have a 1 year old and my knitting time seems to be almost non-existent! Do you have any tips on how to fit more knitting into a busy life?? Do you tend to take your knitting everywhere with you just in case you get a free moment for example? I would love to hear from you!

  53. Beth over at has been ranting and raving about these cabled mitts of yours, they might be the perfect project to get me back into knitting!

  54. After seeing your beautiful mitts, I signed up for Raverly (long over due), found the Evangeline pattern and made a pair! You're such an inspiration!

  55. Anonymous10/08/2017

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