the kind - a Friend to knit with

the kind

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We are home. And our trip went too fast, but was just what we needed to recharge our batteries.  It was just the right kind of vacation.  The kind where spending time with old friends was about creating new memories.
The kind where eating a packed lunch out of  farmers market containers would have to serve as the only picnic type lunch we would have.  (It rained all the way there.)
The kind where you can't wait to wake just to see the sunrise.
The kind where a hike up Mt. Monadnock is both exhausting and exhilarating.  (The drop where the kids are sitting did not go straight down, I promise.)
The kind where lemonade never tasted so good.
The kind where hitting balls into the water is the goal.  And the game.
The kind where making rag jewelry is the craft.
And the jewelry of choice.
The kind where an old canoe is still making people happy.
The kind where the only purchase made will let you be able to taste this summer trip well into winter.

The kind where knitting takes place but was never photographed.  Which is super hard to believe considering I took over 700 photos.  

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  1. Beautiful pictures. Looks like you had a fun vacation. Those bracelets look like a fun craft. How do you make them?

  2. Wonderful vacation...the pictures are superb and it sounds like great time was had by everyone. Those bracelets are cool!

  3. Man, what a dream of a vacation. Looks sooooo good and makes me sad that summer is in it's last month. I better get the most out of this month!

    You are a fantastic photographer!

    Love the rag jewelry. Looks like you always have a 'group craft' or something on your trips and that is awesome! I want to start that tradition with my niece and nephews.

    What a great post - thanks!

  4. That looks and sounds like a wonderful vacation. I hope my family can take the time to do a leisure vacation, instead of packing a ton of events into the trip.

  5. What a wonderful vacation, Leslie! I love the photos you chose out of your 700. Makes me ready to head out on vacation again.

  6. Anonymous7/29/2008

    That looks like the best vacation! It reminds me so much of my childhood vacations at Lake Chautaqua (sp?) in western NY.
    The bracelets are great, too. My daughter and her friends would love to know how to....

  7. Anonymous7/29/2008

    However do you make the bracelets? Please tell!

  8. What wonderful pictures. It sounds like the perfect vacation!

  9. The best kind of vacation if you ask me! Beautiful photos - as usual.

  10. What fun memories! Add me to the list of loving the bracelets! And thank you for reassuring the mom in me about the edge of the mountain. Phew! :) Our lake vacation is a few weeks away...but I want to be there now after seeing your pictures!

  11. Beautiful. The white mountains in the summer is so nice! I used to live about an hour from Mt. Monadnock....

  12. Did you know we lived in Dublin, NH before we moved here? You were in our back yard!

  13. Anonymous7/29/2008

    Sounds like a nice a trip. We leave for Maine in a few days and I can't wait to have our summer fun. Could you explain how you did the rag bracelets? they look like something fun the kids could make maybe while I'm relaxing and knitting.lol.

  14. Anonymous7/29/2008

    Oh, that just looks like the most delightfully relaxing vacation! I love the photo of the water through the window. So glad you had a great time.

  15. Anonymous7/29/2008

    oh my. you were just on the perfect vacation. i am so happy.

  16. Maple syrup - "taking the summer into the winter" - LOVE THAT!! Rag jewelry?? Will have to do some research on that because it looks like a GREAT project for our Munchkins.

    Welcome Home.

  17. Anonymous7/29/2008

    great post, leslie! and i'm adding my voice to the clamor for a rag jewelery tutorial! welcome home.

  18. Oh my! I just had to say hello and thank you for the photos - I grew up in NH and spent my first adult years in Keene & Peterborough - hiking Monadnock many times, and oh the Maple syrup - I have friends in Westmoreland still. What a wonderful trip - thanks for sharing your memories and bringing back mine :)

  19. Sounds like bliss. Love the rag jewlry too.

  20. Anonymous7/29/2008

    Your vacation looks like it was really relaxing and fun! I'm a little jealous! :o)

  21. this wonderful post brings so many great New England memories for me. I grew up back there, and hiked that small mountain :-)
    Is that on Lake Winnipesaukee? One of the most gorgeous places on earth, I'm truly convinced. (that and upstate NY)

  22. what a great trip! the feelings of peace and contentment and happiness really come across in your pictures. glad you all had such a nice time!

  23. Sounds and looks heavenly. So glad you had a great time! Love that rag jewelry.

  24. Anonymous7/29/2008

    It sounds like a perfect vacation! The morning picture is especially great. I can experience what it felt like just by looking at it. (Does that make sense?)

  25. What a nice relaxing vacay!
    Glad you got backs safely!

  26. Anonymous7/29/2008

    Welcome home, friend. Lovely post, great photos. I echo the desire of others to know how to make those rag bracelets. Very fun.
    Okay, now I have to tell whoever reads this that you must all go see Mamma Mia. I'm almost a little screwy when it comes to this one. I've never had such fun at a movie. It's a total upper.
    Glad you're home, Leslie.

  27. I love that the main souvenir is a couple big jugs of pure maple syrup! Practical, useful, clutter-free goodness, excellent choice.
    Great photos, though 700 with no knitting pics is rather curious...
    Oh, the joys of digital photography, can you imagine the cost of 700 pics' worth of film for one trip? not to mention developing costs... I am so thankful for digital cameras!

    The rock pic did make me nervous, we love to head to Taylor's Falls each year, but I did inherit a bit of my mother's nervousness when it comes to heights, anxiety, and the fear of falling to one's death... sigh... still like a good climb though!

    Glad you had a wonderful refreshing and recharging time! Now get back to work! (just kidding)

    Happy knitting-

  28. Anonymous7/29/2008

    Sounds like the most relaxing and beautiful trip. Glad to see that you made new memories and experienced new things.

  29. Monadnock brings back memories of climbing it each fall with my high school classmates. Our school in Dublin called it a team building exercise. I called it make fun of the slow kids (ie me). I did take my husband up there right after we got married and the hike was much easier and more enjoyable but God had to be laughing because we went up with a bunch of high school kids from a friends alma mater.

  30. sounds like you had a wonderful time. love your pictures!

  31. Anonymous7/29/2008

    looks like my kind of vacation!

  32. Anonymous7/29/2008

    W hat a lovely vacation it was! Glad you have all those great memories to share!

    I can't blame you for taking hundreds of photos, every beautiful moment as this is worth capturing.

  33. Anonymous7/29/2008

    What a fantastic trip! I want to wake up in that room - wow!

  34. Gosh, I really wish I had come too! It looks fabulous.

  35. that rag jewelry is way cool!

  36. Hello!

    I just found your lovely blog while browsing for knitting inspiration! Well I found it! :o) You have a wonderful place here, and your knitting is absolutely beautiful! I am so happy that I now have another lovely place to visit! Thanks!



  37. Glad you had a good time, Leslie. It sounds like special memories were made for all the family. Hitting golf balls from a dock...how cool is that?! Magnificent shot from atop the mountain! Welcome home!

  38. It looks like a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing :)

  39. you make all of those moments permanent memories with such wonderful photos, leslie. beautiful pictures, though my favorite is the empty canoe...
    enjoy what is left of summer vacation!

  40. looks like a wonderful trip! your photos are always so fantastic.

  41. Anonymous7/29/2008


  42. Wow, that looks so relaxing and fun! I love all your photos. And the rag jewelry...cool.

  43. I wish I had a place to go hit balls into the water! LOL (practice my golfing too!)

  44. Anonymous7/29/2008

    what an awesome vacation. thanx for sharing!

  45. leslie, it looks pretty much perfect. i am so glad you had a great time and are home safely!

    ok...you are going to have to dish on the rag jewelry. i have lots of fabric scraps to let my children to town with.

  46. My mother and I are on the phone together right now trying to figure out those rag bracelets. They are so cool! Please tell us more!

  47. Our next holiday is in late September when hopefully it is a bit warmer. I can't wait now after seeing your lovely photos!! Just the kind of holiday I like.
    And yes, we want to know about the rag bracelets too!!

  48. perfect. welcome back.

  49. ponytail holders and strips of fabric...am I on a roll. I can;t wait to make one. Please provide DETAILED instructions. LOL. Love your blog!

  50. How lovely! glad you had a wonderful time!

  51. Wow Leslie, what a fantastic trip!! So cool.

  52. What fun pictures... looks like a great trip!

    I also had lemonade, just the other day, that never tasted so good!

  53. It looks like the kind of vacation I love to take! I love the photos. :-)

  54. And they are beautiful pics, too! Glad you had a great time! It looks so fun! (And I am so putting Girl on bracelet duty tonight!)

  55. From the prose to the photos, thanks for taking us along with you!

  56. First of all, I love your blog. So simple, refreshing and pleasing. Your trip looked wonderful, like the kind of trip we enjoy. I'm glad I'm not the only one that takes a ton of pictures. We went on a 45 minute hike last week and came home with 125 pictures!

  57. Tried those rag bracelets today with my daughter before she went off to a friend's cottage for the week. She is going to show her friends how to do it.
    We also tried the ones where you wrap the pony tail holders but these were much easier.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  58. That trip looked so darn summery Looks like you had an amazing time! And rag jewelry? How darling!

  59. Just looking at your photos makes me want to go on holiday for a while too. Love the rag jewellery and the tutorial looks great too.

  60. Oh.. I'm going to make that jewelry with the neighborhood kiddos!!! and my fresh air son!! thanks for sharing...

    And Westmorland Syrup... mmmm.. few towns over from me!!! I LOVE maple anything!!!

  61. Love this post.

    I grew up with Mt. Monadnock practically outside my back door and have climbed it many times. Isn't it beatiful? Seeing your post made me anxious to climb it again, though I now live in NY.

    Stewart & John's was a yearly favorite too. Did you eat breakfast there or just buy their syrup?

    I miss NH! Thanks for bringing some of it back!

  62. Anonymous8/06/2008

    I just came across your blog via house on hill road, and it's just lovely! I'm so glad I found it!

  63. Some kind of delicious! Sounds just perfect!

  64. It all looks perfect. I love those beautiful serene spots and sharing them with your friends and family. I love the photos.

  65. Anonymous10/08/2017

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