summertime saturdays.2 - a Friend to knit with

summertime saturdays.2

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boys in boxers and t-shirts, girls in jammies, the newspaper, knitting, fresh fruit, hot coffee, and coconut bread. 
Delicious coconut bread using a recipe given to me by Kim.

Coconut Bread
1 cup oil :: 2 cups sugar :: 1 cup buttermilk :: 4 eggs :: 1-2 tsp. coconut extract :: 3 cups flour :: 2 tsp baking powder :: 1/2 tsp baking soda :: 1/2 tsp. salt :: 1 cup pecans (optional) :: 1 cup flaked coconut (optional)
Combine oil, sugar, buttermilk, eggs and coconut extract. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Add dry mixture to first mixture; beat well.  Stir in the nuts and coconut. Pour into greased and floured loaf pans:  Two 9x5" pans, bake at 350 for 60 minutes. 
I actually pour half of the batter into one loaf pan, and then mix the nuts and coconut into the remaining batter for the second loaf.  This satisfies those in my family that don't like the coconut or the pecans.  Crazies. 
Enjoy your Saturday, and the rest of your weekend. 
Oh, and hi Peggy!  Thanks again.

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  1. I love coconut. I'll have to try that recipe. Looks like a very relaxing morning!

  2. Enjoy, your wonderfull week end, and this coconut yummy.

  3. Anonymous6/28/2008

    Don't be surprised if some morning I just show up on your doorstep. Love the coconut bread!

  4. That sounds like a much better morning than ours. We had to finish spreading the mulch. Happy weekend :)

  5. what a tasty saturday :)

  6. Anonymous6/28/2008

    Those plates are awesome!

  7. this saturday's baking was more fruitful than last? ;P
    the two times i've made this recipe, i didn't have eggs in the batter. whoops!! i'm sure next time, it will turn out perfectly!
    wish i could show up on your doorstep, too.

  8. Anonymous6/28/2008

    glorious morning for this...and I see a peek of something on the needles...

  9. I have all the ingredients and will be making that tomorrow!

  10. What a wonderful way to start the day. Have a great weekend.

  11. have a great weekend! sounds like a great day.

  12. Anonymous6/28/2008

    Perfect way to relax!

  13. I'm new to your blog, through another blog. Knitting is on my list to learn, so hopefully someday in the near future. I love your outdoor mornings, do you mind telling me where you live? It is so hot hear in Texas, an outdoor breakfast this time of year would be miserable. Take Care

  14. I love how you spoil your family with love!

  15. Anonymous6/28/2008

    Hi Honey! So happy Charlie called on his new phone, he must have had an outstanding report card! So, I was waiting to see the photo of Sergio and Rocco...what gives? I love you!

  16. Stop! You're making me hungry! ;)

    Love your summertime photos & "memories." :)

  17. hey there
    follow your blog
    and thought it time to get to know you more!1
    have tagged you over on my blog
    play if you want

    great blog


  18. Coconut bread!! MMmmh YUM!!

  19. Hi Leslie,
    Once again, your summer Saturday table looks like bliss. I love ANYTHING coconut so will surely try that bread recipe. My Mom made coconut cake yesterday and I was brought a piece - oh MY was it heavenly - so moist and well, divine. If you want the recipe, let me know and I'll see if I can post it on my food blog soon.

    Enjoy today!

  20. Looks yummy! And breakfast at your house always seems so much more civilized than at mine...

  21. Anonymous6/29/2008

    I made your coconut bread this morning and it was lovely. I sprinkled coconut on the top before I baked it. Normally, my baded goods come out like hockey pucks~but not your bread. Thank you :) g

  22. That's exactly what I dream of doing; when we move the first of August, I'll be all set!

  23. Anonymous6/29/2008

    I went to your Flickr site, the kittens couldn't have been cuter but I have to know who the BEAUTIFUL owner is. And don't forget to take your iron.

  24. I will make that tomorrow --thanks!

  25. Sounds like a great recipe. Your saturday mornings sound like a real tonic for the rest of the week. Enjoy them.

  26. Seriously? I'm coming to live with you. :D

  27. mmm...coconut bread...I know my next baking project!

  28. I just printed out this recipe and am so going to make this and bring to work. I get teased a lot about how much I love all things coconut - the taste, the smell, everything!

  29. The kids & I will be over for breakfast next Sat....whats on the menu! LOL :-)

  30. I can't get your Saturdays out of my head. I think we'll have to give it a try!

  31. I miss those Sunday mornings with my kiddies at the table, eating pancakes and reading the Sunday paper. They are grown and gone, having their pannie cakes without me, boo hoo.

  32. Coconut bread...who would've know. Thanks for sharing!
    Vintage Lily


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