summertime saturdays

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The transition into summer has been crazy. I would love to say that I have been laying on hammock, under a shady tree, knitting away, but unfortunately that hasn't happened.  Instead, I have spent my days running my kids from one activity to another, with barely a sound of that clicking of my needles, that I love so much.  
But Saturday mornings.  And Summertime.  Just seem to scream slow.  With a spot reserved outside on our patio.  And muffins.  Or pancakes.  Or even cereal.  And coffee.  Always coffee.

And there is always knitting, too.  I cast on for a sock this morning.

Glorious Morning Muffins
2 cups of flour :: 1 1/4 cup sugar :: 2 tsp baking soda :: 2 tsp cinnamon ::  1/2 tsp salt :: 2 cups grated carrots ::  1/2 cup chopped pecans :: 1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut :: 1 apple, peeled, cored and grated :: 3 large eggs :: 1 cup vegetable oil :: 2 tsp vanilla.
Sift together flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.  Stir in carrots, pecans, coconut and apple.  In another bowl, beat eggs with vegetable oil ad vanilla and stir the mixture into the flour mixture until the batter is just combined.  Spoon batter into well greased muffin pan.  Bake at 350 for 35 minutes.

We love these muffins.  But don't do what I did this morning.  I forgot to put in the baking soda. They were a bit like hockey pucks, and ended up in the garbage.  But that is alright, because it is Saturday.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

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  1. Hey Les! Glad you got to start a sock at least during this busy time of year. Too bad about the muffins...but it IS Saturday! I'm looking forward to my visit to Vero on Wednesday.

  2. YUMMY! looks good. Hope all is well. KnitOne is opening in Cranberry by me, how cool is that! I'm pumped.

  3. Looks so perfect. Hockey puck muffins and all.

  4. What a great way to start the weekend! The muffins sound delicious.

  5. That sounds like a good idea for Saturday ( not the hard muffins though!) We have had rain but your weather looks properly sunny!

  6. glad i am not the only one! summertime in this area (and i would include pittsburgh in that area) is so glorious and amazing outside, and it is so brief that i feel like i need to cram all sorts of things into each day...and the needles feel a little abandoned! enjoy your summertime saturday, and sunday too!

  7. Anonymous6/21/2008

    It looks glorious on your patio! A perfect start to the weekend. Love the sock btw, very quick progress too.

  8. they sound yummy! my youngest is dairy free so am always on the lookout for recipes with no milk/butter

  9. Anonymous6/21/2008

    funny...I just made some homemade muffins myself...these do sound glorious...I just may try them!...

  10. Happy Summertime you lucky things. We are plagued with endless colds and other yucky bugs. My basic muffin recipe is the same - will have to try this delicious combo - yummy!

  11. Anonymous6/21/2008

    my summer has been going on for three weeks and it still is crazy. by the time i get my act together, it'll be time to start school again.

    happy weekend, leslie.

  12. Anonymous6/21/2008

    Love the rooster tablecloth. Summer shouldn't be so busy, should it? It seems like June is always like this, and then it calms down. I've had those Tyrolean socks queued for ages. I just never seem to get to them. Your first pair were awesome.

  13. The muffins sound great. What kind of apple do you use?

  14. Anonymous6/22/2008

    Your Saturday morning looks idyllic, even with the puck-muffins! Thanks for the recipe, I'll be trying them out, maybe next Saturday...

  15. thanks for the recipe! Will have to try it if we ever reach summer vacation here in our home! One more full day and then two half days!

  16. yummy muffins! can't wait to try the recipe!

  17. Yay for Saturday (and Sunday) mornings. It's such a blessing to not have to rush off to work!

    Thanks for the recipe.

  18. You are doing the Tyrolean socks? What a great and ambitious choice, Leslie!:)

  19. Anonymous6/22/2008

    Enjoy the slow saturdays between the busy weeks with the kids.

  20. i have been meaning to search for a recipe like this for almost a year! There is a great place around us that serves a muffin just like this and i LOVE THEM!
    thank you, thank you!

  21. I hope your weekend was restful despite the baked hockey puck incident :o)

  22. I'm having transition issues, too. What is up with that? I am getting the knitting in, though, thankfully. Or I'd lose my mind. (And it's already half lost to begin with, so I can't afford to give up the knitting, unless I want to start killing people...)

  23. What a great way to start off ! Another great pair of socks u gota to have.

  24. Mmm... thanks for the muffin recipe--sounds great! Hopefully, things will slow down soon, so you can get some knitting time in:)

  25. Anonymous6/23/2008

    How perfect to have breakfast outside in the sun! Yummy muffins!

  26. Can you come to my house? PLEASE? just to help me setup... PLEASE :)? LOVE that sock pattern!

  27. I know, darn it. I can't believe it's almost the 4th of July already! Summer flies buy way too fast.

    Thanks for the recipe!

  28. Anonymous6/23/2008

    Those muffins look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  29. I love summertime saturdays...and yous looked picture perfect, except fot the burning out of the muffins but who cares? It's summertime :) By the way, summer has come over to Ireland "for a visit" but has gone somewhere else in the past week :( It can come back now...

  30. Mmmm. Muffins. I love Saturday mornings. Despite the fact that I fight waking up all week long, I always get up early on Saturdays to just *enjoy*. Sounds like you do too. :D

  31. Looks like a wonderful weekend... your patio table looks so pretty!

  32. Anonymous6/23/2008

    The first cookies I ever made, I put in WAY too much baking soda. I thought it said 1/4 cup ... when actually it only wanted a 1/4 tsp. They were disgusting. Thankfully, my sister tasted the batter before I baked them off. Giggle.

  33. I found a recipe ages ago that was a little like your muffins. It was great except I didn't have a real bundt pan to cook it in... to say that it was a mess when the pan overflowed in the oven would be an understatement!

    Baking is always exciting!

  34. a lovely saturday morning in the sounds wonderful and has me hoping for spring

  35. really it looks like beatiful.

  36. Anonymous6/24/2008

    Sounds like a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning. I admit our summer hasn't felt very summer like. With the temps hitting 115 here I haven't gone out much. Or turned the oven on!

  37. Oooh, the blue in that pic is the same color I have set aside for that same pattern!

    Isn't summer grand? But so busy...

  38. Yummers, going to have to try that myself:) I just LOVE your table setting too!

  39. those socks look wonderful!

    we try to eat outside as much as possible...less sweeping the floor-woo-hoo!

  40. Oh man, you're really getting me baking... (did you see my baking post? where I let the world know it's mostly your fault? hehe)
    I've always enjoyed, but never made, carrot cake and carrot cake-like things... your muffin recipe sounds so yummy (and healthy!) that I think I need to expand my baking horizons a little.

    How finely do you grate the carrots? Like I said, that is something I haven't done...

    You know something else I've never done? I've never made strawberry preserves. Our strawberry patch has grown like mad and this year my kids have been seriously enjoying a bumper crop- with bowls left to eat... so I'm off for a new canner (um, my old one died an unfortunate death) and some cute little jars... oh, and some pectin... tomorrow morning will be my first jam/preserve making experience- and can I just say that I am SOOO excited!
    We've got lots of rhubarb this year too... what fun!

    Happy knitting (and baking)-

  41. What a great photo Leslie, and I love your new header. Saturdays do scream slow, hope you get to savor every one of them!

  42. I always think the summer will be so great for knitting. And before I had a kid, this was true. Oh well, there is always fall (I love the banner photo, btw).

  43. Sometimes you just have to make the world go slow.

  44. Anonymous6/28/2008

    What a beautiful start to the weekend [hockey puck muffins and all]. :)


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