summer '08 - a Friend to knit with

summer '08

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I have been trying to get over here. For days.

To tell you about how much fun my mother and I had at the TNNA last weekend. I have wanted to show you the most beautiful way to display yarn. About a new tweed yarn (classic elite portland tweed) that I am dying to get my hands on. I want to tell you about how excited I was when I met Sarah, my first blogger crush. And how Cozy was there signing her fantastic book.
I wanted to tell you about my favorite new recipe for pizza.
And the most refreshing way to drink water.
And about how I want to make strawberry jam.
And about all the dates I have planned with my sewing machine.
But for now. I really just want to tell you about how we are jumping for joy!
School is out, and Summer of 2008 has begun!

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  1. Yay for summer! It sounds like you have much excitement going on already. Enjoy that jumping for joy!

  2. Anonymous6/12/2008

    Yay! I haven't been able to sit at my computer at all lately. Happy Summer Begins to you all!

  3. We're eight days behind you, but will be jumping for joy soon, too!!

  4. Anonymous6/12/2008

    Those look like some happy legs of joy!

    So many great links. I'll have to go take a look around. TNNA looks like so much fun. What a great way to kick off Summer.

  5. hurray for summer! that is one fantastic photo. I also loved the yarn photo. too bad that you couldn't buy any. :(

  6. Anonymous6/12/2008

    Our last day is tomorrow - YAY!!! I saw the jam post this morning too, I'm going with rasberry though. (If produce in our neck of the woods EVER ripens!)

  7. YAY!!!! Unlike Tami we are 8 days ahead of you and school got out last week here :) I've had a lovely week sleeping til whenever I want, but usually I've been trying to get up at 7-7.30am. Still better than the usual 6am school day.
    Is it hot there too? High 90's every day here!

  8. Anonymous6/12/2008

    Happy summer guys! We'll be tagging along in a few days!

  9. Anonymous6/12/2008

    whooohoooo! enjoy the summer. and the kids being home.

  10. Anonymous6/12/2008

    Yay!!! it's finally here...!

  11. Oh how I miss those days of total summer freedom... I hope you and your family have a great one!

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have some basil/lemon water to concoct. YUM!

  12. Happy Holidays !!

    I m looking for the Tahki Yarns New Tweed too.

  13. you posted so many great links!

    i look forward to your brief but photo filled blog posts. your summer posts are always so refreshing and inspiring.

    tomorrow's laurel's last day. carl's on assignment for a wildfire in northern california. so yeah, it's summer around here too!

  14. Hooray for summer!

    Here in France, school's out in another 2 weeks.

  15. sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy!!!!!

  16. i love this post! hooray for summer!

  17. Anonymous6/13/2008

    Hooray for summer is right!!

    Great post with all the great links.

  18. Sounds like you've had an exciting week and lots of inspiration.
    I love that photo!

  19. School's out? How did that happen so early for you? and not I? :)

  20. That water does indeed look VERY refreshing--hooray for summer!

  21. YAY!!!! Happy Summer!!!!

  22. Oh! Jumping for joy indeed! I will do a little jump in my office right now! :D Woo hoo!

  23. It IS hard to adjust to the new schedule, isn't it? Eh - we'll figure it out soon enough, though, I'm sure. In the meantime, enough it!

  24. Summer is so good! I blissfully had today off from work, so I got all of the errands that are too annoying to do (or time consuming) on a work day, met the husband for lunch and had a small accident at the yarn shop.

    Good times had by all.

  25. Isn't it wonderful! Thanks for the links. There is nothing like homemade strawberry Jam!

  26. I'm jumping for joy with you - wowza! And thank you for the great water idea - so trying that with my little basil!

  27. Oh how I love summertime - enjoy yours!!!


  28. Oh how lovely, we've got weeks to go yet. I love summer holidays, so good not having to get up and do the school run in the mornings, lovely long, lazy days.

  29. Anonymous6/14/2008

    Very envious of you with the summer hols! We still have about 6 6 weeks at school.

  30. Anonymous6/15/2008

    Yay! School's out!

  31. Have a wonderful Summer :)

  32. Oh man, I'd LOVE to got to TNNA - hopefully one year! Bet you had a blast!

    Yey for summer! (wish work was out for summer!)

  33. I am excited for them! I miss that feeling of 'schools out.'
    I know you will all have tons of fun and I cant wait to read about all of the summery adventures you guys have. :)

  34. Have a fantastic summer break with your kids. We're about to get our mid year 2 week school break and after a really long term of many illnesses we can't wait!!

  35. I love the photo you have here. It makes ME want to jump for joy.

  36. Fun!!! So Fun! TNNA sounds amazing and I am so glad you got to meet Sarah! Hooray for Summer too!

  37. wow your daughter jumps high!!!

    I hope you have a lovely summer break


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