who buys that??? - a Friend to knit with

who buys that???

Friday, May 09, 2008

  I'd love to have gardens filled with gorgeous flowers around our yard.  If only I loved to garden.  This probably comes as a disappointment to some of you, because I know there are some fabulous gardeners out there. However, at this point in my life, I just don't love to do it.  I hate to weed.  I never water.  I just find that the time it takes to tend to a garden would be better spent knitting.  Or sewing.  Or just being.  The one thing I love most is flowers inside.  So truly.  I just really need a cutting garden.
So, a couple of years ago, my husband built three raised beds in a corner of our yard.  One for vegetables.  One for herbs.  And the other for my cutting flowers.  Just a small area to water.  I could even get the kids to help with it.
We saw the commercial about the roll and grow garden.   We all laughed and said that is exactly what I need. Charlie said it was like "cheating".  I ordered it and rolled it out.  We watered.  And flowers grew.  Just like the commercial said.
We enjoyed flowers from this garden into the fall.

So, if you aren't much of a gardener, this truly is easy, and really does work.
We are going to try something different this year.  A friend gave me packages of Martha Stewart's seeds.  This weekend, the kids are going to sprinkle them in that space and hopefully a garden will grow.
Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. It really works?? My 5 year old tells me we need that every time we see the commercial...now, I think I really *do* need it! I'm a total black thumb with a love for cut flowers.

  2. how neat!! it's nice to know that things like that actually work!!!

  3. I am so on board with the no gardening thing! DH wants to put in a pond... Help!

    The flowers are lovely in your photos. I might just give those a try. Thanks

  4. Sign me up - I need a garden sized one! I love the picture of the flowers in the watering can.

  5. Awesome! I wish I could roll out a little piece of that magic carpet on my fire escape ;)

  6. Anonymous5/09/2008

    I am soooo not a gardener! This sounds perfect for me. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!

  7. Anonymous5/09/2008

    Such a cheerful post on a rainy day! I'm with you, nothing grows near me. I'm lucky if I can keep my annuals going. I may need to try this. Have a great weekend!

  8. i can do container gardening and the rest has to be low maintenance. there was a time when i like to get my hands dirty more, but now i'd rather be sewing!

  9. I had the oppostie experience with one of those garden rolls...a big fat nothing grew! I like to keep my flowers in pots...then I dont have to get ont he ground to plant them each year.

  10. Anonymous5/09/2008

    Fascinating! I had never heard of the row and grow. But, I love to garden, and would feel like your husband ... that I was "cheating". It's true that it does steal a lot of time away from my other hobbies, but I think it is worth it.

  11. Anonymous5/09/2008

    too funny! i've seen that and wondered. looks like a nice bounty.

  12. Isn't it wonderful to be able to have fresh flowers in the house daily,especially ones grown by you?! My son would think the roll and grow was so cool.

  13. i bought that several years ago also. it does really work well and i loved the results. this year, i have a generic box of seeds for a cutting garden.

    i used to love to garden until i discovered knitting. now i just like to sit in the garden while i knit.

  14. I tried it a few years back too and have been doing a mat or two ever since. I LOVE THEM! The first year, my husband asked if were trying to grow doormats!!

  15. Wow, that sounds like gardening for me, too!! ;-)

  16. Anonymous5/09/2008

    Ha! Indeed am dissapointed{NOT} and agree with Charlie {oops, sorry L.} but it's your garden and the flowers are beautiful!
    Have a fun weekend!

  17. Those flowers are so pretty! I'm the same as you, love flowers but no interest in actual gardening! I wonder if you can get that rollngrow stuff in the UK? I could certainly use some of that!

  18. My Ryan is dying to try this. Everytime we see the commercial he thinks we need to have it. Wait until I show him your post! He will LOVE it!

  19. I feel the same way you do! I love pretty flowers in the garden, but hate gardening. My hubby built raised boxes last year too for veggies and we had 400lb of organic soil delivered. We've had issues with the soil which I mention on my daily blog, and I'm about ready to give up on trying to grow things.I said I just want some flowers in my yard! I think I might buy this roll out stuff, I saw the commercial and it looked too good to be true. Glad to hear that it works.
    Have a super weekend, and Happy Mother's Day :-)

  20. That's exactly what I'm doing this year. I can't wait to get rid of the tiller. It breaks my back and I hate weeding too. I just bought the lumber the other day.

  21. I love those flowers - just beautiful. Especially the first pic. Makes my heart wanna sing. :D

  22. I've always wanted a cutting garden. but I am not a good gardener, either. my mother was. I wish I had room in my yard to give that a try.

  23. Anonymous5/09/2008

    I have always been a bit ashamed that I don't like to garden. It's silly though, isn't it? Do you think anyone sits around feeling ashamed that they don't like to knit? I don't think so!!

  24. Only Miss Leslie could make an infomercial product seem impossibly chic!!

  25. Well, since I already do everything you say to do anyway, it should come as no surprise that I'll be signing right up for that garden kit thingy. It sounds perfect.

    Have a great Mother's Day!

  26. Well, since I already do everything you say to do anyway, it should come as no surprise that I'll be signing right up for that garden kit thingy. It sounds perfect.

    Have a great Mother's Day!

  27. Just found your beautiful blog via assemblage via moonstitches! Anyway, I am with you on gardening. As much as my husband and I love the end results and the beauty of a garden (both veggies and flowers), we both agreed that we don't exactly savor the process. That seed mat looks very interesting...

  28. Oh, yay! I'm glad to know the Roll 'n Grow flowers really works! My grass didn't grow from either shortcut product I tried, so I was leery. They need you on those commercials, Leslie!

    Happy Mom's Day!

  29. Yeah for whatever is easy and works! Your cut flowers and pics are Awesome!

  30. I totally agree with you. Love flowers, love seeing them all over the house. Do not like to grow them or weed or garden. I watch my neighbors working all the time on their beautiful flowers and yard and know that they must think I'm the laziest person on the planet. But I just sit on the front porch and read or knit or drink a glass of tea and watch the world go by.

    Lazy - Smazy....works for me:)

  31. oh, those look really beautiful! much prettier than the commercial.

  32. okay, I gotta have it:)

  33. I love having cut flowers too and Zinneas are one of my favorites although they bloom so late. Beautiful pictures!
    Good luck with your garden and please share more garden photos.

  34. Anonymous5/09/2008

    I here ya sister! I envision myself as this great gardener with a huge productive garden. But the reality is I can barely keep the little plants you get from the grocery store alive.

    I saw that roll out garden thing on TV last week and it seemed too good to be true. Thanks for providing the "consumer report" ;-)

  35. Hey! I just saw those 'roll and grow' kits a couple weeks ago, and although I thought a little strange I was very interested. (I love cut flowers and although I try, I'm really am not a good gardener) So glad to see that it actually works. Your flowers are so pretty! :)

    What I hate about gardening is the toads! We have a ton in our garden and I flip out whenever one sneaks up on me! (so silly! but true! I usually run in the house and say that's it! Back to knitting!)

  36. Anonymous5/10/2008

    Have fun with the seeding this weekend...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

  37. Anonymous5/10/2008

    LOL I never would have that it really works! And obviously it works well. Very pretty flowers!

  38. Anonymous5/10/2008

    A woman after my own heart! I LOVE flowers but somehow when the "green thumbs" were dispersed I was absent that day! My own DM had "the gift" and should have been the Martha Stewart of her day!
    I've often wondered about those roll-out gardens too...but as one of the postees daid here...their experience grew nothing and that's what I'd fear!!! Maybe I should step out in faith and try one anyway. I do have 3 spots in my yard for flowers and "when" things grow I attribute it to God and not my expertiese!
    What I don't like it the HEAT of summer, the bugs, the "creepy crawlies", the weeding (it always gets WAY ahead of me) and basically everything--except the end product---involved. I look at the magazines and drool over the gorgeous gardens and the attractive outside rooms and think...where do these people live?? I'm in the upper midwest and to have an outside room would be compared to torture once the mosquitoes, June Bugs etc. show up!!! Keep us updated on the progress of "your" gardens! Love your blog by the way!

  39. I have seen the roll and grow garden and wondered if it really worked! I am glad to know it did because now I will try it. I am with you on the gardening. I wish I loved it more but I feel the exact same way you do - plus it kills my back. Your flowers are lovely!

  40. Anonymous5/11/2008

    Your watering can of flowers is adorable! I really need to spend some time on my garden. I haven't touched it for years, which is shameful as I spent 2 years at horticultural college!

  41. Thank you for the link Leslie...I just ordered my 'Roll and Grow" garden. I love the picture of your flowers and this looks so easy!!
    I'm all about easy gardening these days :D

  42. Anonymous5/12/2008

    I just ordered the roll and grow. Hope it works like yours!

  43. That is so funny! I always wondered whether those things worked.

    I LOVE to garden. Love it. The key is putting in good automatic irrigation first. No one has time to water often enough to keep a garden going.

  44. Oh gosh. I envy the people who can garden. They have the neatest fresh vegetables and flowers, but I just can't do it. I'm like you. I'll forget to water. I'll be focused for maybe a week and then the next thing you know is the tomatoes are brown. This is definitely the type of thing I could get behind.

  45. That sounds right up my alley...and I have 2 raised beds filling up with weeds in my back yard right now! Hmmmm....

  46. I did onw of those with wildflowers years ago, it was fun. I love the raised beds, can he build me some too!

  47. wow, this is wonderful!!! I never heard about it! thanks for showing this roll and grow. I must give it a try!
    btw, I came from flickr...


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