wearing ms. ruby - a Friend to knit with

wearing ms. ruby

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here she is. Ruby in all her glory.
There are probably too many photos, but often I think that when you are considering a pattern, you would like to see it from more than one angle.  And hey, the photographer was willing to snap away.
I must say, I love her. There was a point, when I had my doubts.  Towards the end, I really thought that I wasn't actually going to even like her.  And actually, it wasn't until she was blocked that I came to love her.
(Alright.  Now changing she to it.)

The one huge difference to the one in the book is the length.  Mine was the exact same length as the one pictured, until blocked.  I didn't stretch it.  As a matter of fact, I tried to scrunch it up a bit as it was drying.  I am on the taller side,  5' 8".  (Well, alright 5' 7 3/4", but who counts that quarter of an inch I was shorted) ?   And, it comes to my knees.  Alright for me, but if you wanted it shorter, you could easily modify the pattern.
Pattern:  Ruby, Debbie Bliss cashmerino collection.
Yarn: 19 balls, Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran in green 024
Needles: size 8 (yay for 8's)
Modifications:  I did slim down the sleeves quite a bit.  I cast on 66 stitches, instead of 80.  I did increase to the amount required, by increasing the number of times increased.  (Make sense)?
So, the pattern has you increasing every 7 or 8 rows.  After doing one set of the 24 row repeat, I started to increase on rows 3,7,11,15,19 and 23.  
Notes:  This sweater is knit from right to left, instead of from bottom to top or top to bottom. If you wanted to make it shorter you could take off one or two of the cables.  

I absolutely LOVE this sweater.  I really can't say enough about it.  It is one of those sweaters that will be worn a TON in my life.  I do love my sweater coats, and this one seemed to have joined the others very nicely. 

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  1. Gorgeous! Love the sweater!

  2. Its really cute and I love the color you chose!

  3. Anonymous5/13/2008

    Ruby is just beautiful on you! The color is very pretty too! You are so brave; I'm always afraid to alter patterns.

    About the height thing? Um, yeah, I'm 4' 11" and 3/4. Can I just say 5'?

  4. Anonymous5/13/2008

    This sweater jacket looks amazing on you! I have been searching for a sweater jacket pattern to make for myself, since I had to frog the 1st one I made (too bulky & too short). I'm going to add this into my queue. Thanks!

  5. That is incredible. Wow. It is gorgeous on you and I'm just stunned by the amount of work that went into it. Yay you!

  6. Beautiful!
    Love the color!

  7. Ooooh, Ms. Ruby.. or It Ruby, is fantastic! The perfect in between seasons sweater!

  8. I didn't know you were a tall girl!

    I already commented on Flickr, but I had to come over to the blog to see how you felt about Ruby. So glad you are in love after all that hard work. :)

  9. Fantastic! Love the color! Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. Wow! That is an amazingly beautiful work of art! You are quite the talented knitter!
    And I'm 5'10 1/2". And I like the half but don't wish for the extra 1/2 to make it to 5'11"!

  11. Perfect sweater-coat! And I love the color... It seems like putting in the effort for a large project paid off :) You know what I mean: sometimes you feel like a small project (hat?) will be more gratifying? Not in this case!!

  12. It's gorgeous and I love that color! Beautiful work!

  13. Oh, never mind! I just got my answer. But how on earth did I miss a post?!

  14. Absolutely, positively gorgeous, Leslie!
    It is beautiful.

  15. Oh it is wonderful, really gorgeous and I still have colour envy, that green seems so perfect for Spring. I am so glad you like it, I love mine too.

  16. Oh my! I love everything about your sweater...she is lovely!!!!! I would never ever in a million years find enough time or energy to give to sucha project! stunning!

  17. wow, wow, wow. she/it is lovely.

  18. GORGEOUS!! That Cashmerino is to die for!! Beautiful work.

  19. Leslie! It's just beautiful! Probably wouldn't work for me, since I'm on the short side but it's looks great on you! Love the color!

  20. Anonymous5/13/2008

    it is absolutely gorgeous! I love it!

  21. We've been anxiously awaiting the modeling of ruby! Oh my goodness! What a beautiful sweater! Your dedication to this large project and your beautiful knitting are to be applauded. Congratulations Leslie! It's beautiful.

  22. Anonymous5/13/2008

    Oh my! Ruby is such an absolutely gorgeous coat! It looks great on you. Leslie, you have an eye for finding exactly what to knit that would look great on you! Bravo.

  23. Anonymous5/13/2008

    Wow. This looks seriously stunning. I've been put off making it because of the amount of yarn it requires, but the result is definitely worth it! Love the colour too.

  24. 19 balls!!! Wow, that is some serious yarnage!

    And what a commitment. It looks beautiful on you.

  25. Absolutely Beautiful! Well done!

  26. That coat did turn out great! Congrats.

  27. Dang, Leslie! I love it. Color, cables and fit are all terrific. So you, you!

  28. ay dios mio!! what a thing of beauty. and you rock it well.

  29. You can NEVER have too many photos! It looks gorgeous and I can imagine you getting a ton of wear out of it. It seems a huge task to take on though - it would probably take me 3 years to finish! I'm just gonna keep on admiring yours ;-)

  30. Anonymous5/13/2008

    Wow, this is absolutely amazing--truly a work of art!

  31. An absolute winner!! it's so perfect with jeans and a white tee. The cables are so gorgeous!

  32. What a major accomplishment--only you could look totally HAWT in a sweater coat, Leslie!

  33. Anonymous5/13/2008

    really beautiful. no wonder you love it!

  34. Wow, this is such an ambitious piece, and you did a beautiful job with it!

  35. I am so impressed, this is amazing. I"m the most basic of knitters (read stocking and garter stitch!) and this is completely awe inspiring.

  36. Ruby turned out beautifully, and I love the length too. I think your alterations turned out perfectly.

  37. Don't worry, there could never be too many pictures of such a stunning sweater. I absolutely, positively love this. Fantastic colour, and I for one love the length!


  38. Anonymous5/13/2008

    love it. it looks so beautiful on you. xo

  39. Sweet merciful crap, Ruby is AWESOME. I love the color!

  40. WOW! That is a serious (and seriously beautiful) piece of knitting!!

  41. Anonymous5/13/2008

    Yes..now that's a sweater...

  42. Wow. SHE's awesome!!!

  43. Anonymous5/13/2008

    gorgeous, congrats on such a huge project. i love the back pattern the best!

  44. I'm not even sure what to say to something that looks that spectacular!! Wow. What a beautiful work of art!! You wear it proudly!!

  45. it's stunning, leslie! really gorgeous in every way.

  46. Yum! It is absolutely gorgeous - the fit is perfect! It looks like one of those sweaters that will never go out of style! Bravo!

  47. I love it!! It looks fabulous on you! If you ask me, you can never have too many photos.

  48. Ditto what everyone else said--it's just gorgeous. Lovely job!

  49. Anonymous5/13/2008

    i LOVE it. oh my. love it. so much. love it.

  50. oh, i have waited for these pictures. i love her too. beautiful!!

  51. Oh.My.Glory!!!!!!!!

  52. Anonymous5/13/2008

    OH MY!!!!!!!! Gorgeous! Probably a lot of patience too...congrat!

  53. Fabulous! I love the colour!

  54. Anonymous5/13/2008

    (oh my. 55 comments and counting! yikes.)
    needless to say, that sweater looks superb on you and a lovely colour choice. it should go with virtually everything in a wardrobe.
    great job.

  55. Oh wow, that is super gorgeous!!

  56. Fabulous work indeed. I love the color.

  57. Its beautiful, the colour is perfect. Enjoy wearing it!

  58. absolutely stunning!
    congrats on the fabulous completion.

  59. Anonymous5/14/2008

    For a long time I come to visit your blog but without leaving message because of my weak English... I am always admirative of your work. This time, I make an effort to really say to you how much your pullover is pretty, very very beautiful... And this soft color is so comforting... congratulation!!!
    P.S. Hope this message make sence! :-)

  60. Wow! Such a beautiful sweater cannot have too many photos.

    I'm not a 3/4. I'm 5'7.5". I always thought I was going to be taller.

  61. Anonymous5/14/2008

    The coat is fabulous and wearable, and I also love the photos.

  62. Ooooooh she's gorgeous. Beautifully knitted, beautiful pattern and an absolutely wonderful colour. Oh how I wish I had the time to knit myself one!

  63. OH MY GOODNESS! That is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

    Such amazing stitches!

  64. I am speechless. That is truly stunning.

  65. this is GORGEOUS! and it looks so great on you! nice job leslie!!!

    and as far as too many photos? not a chance.

  66. Anonymous5/14/2008

    That turned out beautiful. Great Job! You look lovely in it. g

  67. This is just beautiful. What a triumph! Congratulations!

  68. My goodness! I'm commenter number 69! But of course the COAT is even more amazing! I love the 2nd photo. It has the perfect attitude (word borrowed from my daughter's vocabulary) for wearing this gorgeous COAT!

  69. This looks fantastic--great work! I didn't like this pattern when I saw it in the book, but your version is beautiful. Hmm, I might just have to put it in my Ravelry queue!

  70. beautiful job. i love the color you chose. it looks like a great sweater to own.

  71. Beautiful! NOw I need to knit one too! Thanks for a great post!

  72. Its amazing! It looks perfect. Especially on you! Wear it often. :)

  73. Nice work! The greenish-blue colour is beautiful on you.

  74. Anonymous5/14/2008

    Wow! WOW! That is stunning!

  75. Anonymous5/14/2008

    This is amazing work! It's just beautiful on you. I always love your modeled shots!

  76. I am in awe of your knitting skills. Ruby is so beautiful. And it looks beautiful on you. Great color choice.

  77. Ms. Ruby is HOT! Lovely color...Lovely Pics!

  78. Anonymous5/14/2008

    Oh, it came out stunning! If I weren't sick and tired of cables I would totally love making this! Beautiful.

  79. Absolutely gorgeous!! All of your work inspires me, but this tops them all. Great job, well done!!! Happy Spring!

  80. You should love her - WOW - that is gorgeous - your best ever that I've seen. Enjoy!!! The color is super.

  81. Wow! It's gorgeous on you! :)

  82. Ruby is gorgeous! Fabulous job as always. It looks so comfortable and cozy.

  83. That sweater is fantastic!! It looks beautiful on you. I just found your blog and can't wait to look through your past projects! I am definitely now inspired to make myself a sweater/cardigan.

  84. Now that is a beautifully epic sweater. So impressive.

  85. Anonymous5/15/2008

    fantabulous. And very elegant!

    Love the colour too.

  86. Anonymous5/15/2008

    It's a beauty for sure! I bet it is super soft too!?

  87. Nicely done! That looks terrific on you.
    Very interesting technique, isn't it, the sideways cables?

  88. Gorgeous. Just drop dead gorgeous. I love everything about it. Fantastic job!

  89. Absolutely wonderful!

    All your swingy coats make me want to make one for myself...

    Shelling out all the money for so many skeins is the only thing that holds me back.


  90. 'Wow, that's fancy' said my daughter.
    'Yes, I agree. How many stitches is that made of?'

  91. Anonymous5/16/2008

    Just knew this was going to be gorgeous! Looks so cosy whilst still being elegant. Dare I ask how many stitches per row there are?

  92. Oh My! That is thee most gorgeous sweater I have ever seen!!! You are AWESOME..my knitting idol. LOL!!! :D

  93. beautiful! I wish I had your ability let alone patience! Cables are my downfall!

  94. I am positively salivating over all those lovely cables! I'm also totally jealous that you can wear sweater coats...I'm so short I look like a short round midget in tops that go past my hips... ;)

    Great color, too!

  95. Anonymous5/16/2008

    I love it. Usually I think most handknit sweaters are frumpy but this one's not at all. Nice color choice, too.

  96. The color is pretty and the result wonderful

  97. OH girl.. that's beautiful.. and what an AWESOME COLOR!!!

  98. Anonymous5/17/2008

    Wow........that is one impressive project! And I think your color choice is gorgeous. I'd be wearing it VERY proudly if I were you.

  99. Ruby is stunning! It looks so cozy - like you'd never want to take it off :)

  100. Gorgeous! Ruby is beautiful on you and what a fabulous color!

  101. my jar is literally hanging open while looking at these photos! ruby is stunning! the color is fantastic on you and the whole effect is just gorg!

  102. Wow - BEAUTIFUL!!!! So nice when a project turns out so well.

  103. 105 COMMENTS! U go girl, see U Thursday! BRing RubY!

  104. Anonymous5/19/2008

    YOu are a freaking Kniting celebrity on blogger OMG! I got tired scrolling.

  105. Everyone has already said it, but that is one truly amazing sweater. Good work, L!

  106. Whoa, stunning!!! It looks fabulous on you, I love the length.

  107. Delightfully beautiful pattern :)

  108. Now, that's a work of an artist!! Lovely!!

  109. You are seriously amazing with your knitting skillz!

  110. Oh Leslie, you have done it again. Ruby is amazing, it is so you, the color and everything. Great model session too, but I would love to see your beautiful face with your newest accomplishment!

  111. Anonymous5/26/2008

    I am in awe - that is just gorgeous.

  112. Anonymous5/26/2008

    I am a little late to the compliments party but WOW I am blown away. Looks great and I love the color! And you can never have too many pictures. I think pics make the blog...okay the blogger makes the blog but you know what I mean :O)

  113. Wow. Wow. Wow. Just lovely.

  114. Absolutely stunning. I was so taken with your Ruby that I want to begin one of my own. How has it held up? Some reviews of Cashmerino Aran indicate lots of stretching/piling. Would you recommend the yarn or trying another?


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