lounging, again

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just another reminder about those comfortable lounge pants. Just in case you haven't made them yet. After I made the first pair, my mother and sisters wanted a pair.
 I took a sheet from my mothers linen closet, when I was in Florida, for a pair for my mother.  
And another sheet for a pair for my sister, Shelly.
And I used an old worn, most comfortable sheet for a pair for my sister Lisa, who came to visit us for the weekend.  Of course, I needed another pair.

Enjoy your weekend.  I hope it is long and loungy.

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  1. I love them! I really need to get on making a pair.

  2. I can not imagine anything more comfy than a pair of lounge pants made from old sheets! Only problem is I would never leave the house I would be so comfy!

  3. i really need to make these!

  4. Anonymous5/24/2008

    Ok, now I want to make these. In fact, I will. I just have to find the perfect pair of sheets, maybe I'll go thrifting soon. They are lovely.
    P.S. I love how you not only just make stuff but actually use it for yourself and family. That's what I call crafting with a purpose!!! Now, can I borrow one of your sisters, please???

  5. Anonymous5/24/2008

    I love them. What could be better than louging around with a sister?

  6. those pants are amazing! you guys look so cute in them together! i hope you have a long loungy weekend as well!

  7. Good idea to use sheets! That would be so comfy!

  8. I just today bought a thrifted sheet to use for a pair of these! :0) Good timing, eh?

  9. Oh man, thanks for the reminder. I really need a pair (or ten) of these.

    Yours are adorable.

  10. Anonymous5/24/2008

    Ok, I really need to clean off the desk for the sewing machine, pronto! These are great, and i love that last photo!

  11. I am always looking for some comfy sheets, but I never find really cool vintage sheets around here. I am trying to refrain from online buying, but I may have no choice.

  12. Anonymous5/24/2008

    I have the book...I jave the fabric...where is the time...great sewing...have a comfy weekend...

  13. Anonymous5/24/2008

    thre is nothing wrong. with making multiple pairs of those lovely pants. once again ... i wish i was your sister. but having the same names would be a bit strange. enjoy your weekend!

  14. Anonymous5/24/2008

    Oh they look so comfy. Also love the mug with something warm and some knitting that's a perfect time right there. I have the pants on my list to make but have you made a skirt or top from a sheet? It is a must. I have hooked on making skirts and am wearing a top that I made from a sheet swap and it's soooo comfy. Check out my blog for more info. Have fun with your sister.

  15. I love them, so heart warming.

    Can i be your sister ?

  16. Ohhhh they look soooo comfy...

    I need to learn to sew MUCH better than what I do.. LOL LOL

  17. I think they look perfect. If only I could sew. Perhaps I should knit a pair, no that would take way too long. I think I should try again with the sewing machine

  18. Anonymous5/25/2008

    Gorgeous! Would you believe I'm snuggled up in mine as I type this...?

  19. Love them! I especially like the seashell ones.

  20. I have GOT TO find time to make me some AB loungers! Since I bought my new machine and did the pj class I just haven't done much at all, except sew a little square to add to Kristen's apron top with the knitted bodice (which I must get pics of her in it soon!). You have once again inspired me to try - I must get in that sewing room :)
    You both look very comfy in your loungers.

  21. oh, you are so sweet! i love the idea of using the sheets. you guys look great in your new pants!

  22. Positively brilliant, Leslie! Long weekends were made for lounging.

  23. They look great! I hope to drag my sewing machine out this summer and make some. Love the sheet fabric too.

  24. I've made myself three pairs, guess it's time to start making them for others. How sweet of you.

  25. Anonymous5/26/2008

    Very cute. I've seen some great sheets that would make a great pair of jammies!

  26. I so need to make those pants. Especially now that it's summer and the breeze blows through and soft cotton lounge pants are the best. With a nice cup of coffee in the morning? mmmmm.


  27. You are such a fantastic sis!

  28. Anonymous5/26/2008

    Gosh you've been busy! I just bought this book the other day too.
    btw...we put a little something in the post for Libby on Saturday. it should be with you soon. :)

  29. those are great!! I can see why everyone wants a pair!!!

  30. I have made a pair but not out of an old sheet but I do have an old sheet just waiting for me. Thanks for this post, I really need to make some!

    What a cute picture of you two!

  31. that would be a great business...do you know how many old sheets you could find at thrift stores? You couls call it "Sweet Sheet Loungers!" You could open a botique, I'll work there!

  32. Anonymous5/27/2008

    Ooooo! I recently purchased a couple of adorable antique-ish top sheets to make these very pants. I remembered your first blog about them and i can't wait to be wearing my own! =)

  33. Thanks for the reminder! I definitely need to make a pair.


  34. Anonymous5/27/2008

    You're becoming quite the sewer. These lounge pants look so comfy! Great job.

  35. It was loungy; but, sans loungy pants. I really need to make a pair of these.

  36. Anonymous5/28/2008

    You two look so cute lounging around! Love these!

  37. I need to make another pair, too! i had the perfect piece of fabric set aside for a pair, but then it fit perfectly for the back of my pink quilt, so now what do I do???? oh, the dilemmas.

  38. Those are awesome! I should really work with my sewing machine more so I actually get better at using it. Is this an easy pattern for the sewing inept?

  39. that's great. me? I'd need king size sheets to start... and...

  40. brilliant! I *had* forgotten that I wanted to make myself some of these. sounds like a good weekend project.

  41. too cute! i may have to get me that there book and dust off my machine...i've been so busy knitting lately i've kinda put my sewing ambitions aside. hmmmm, this would help get me back!

  42. Anonymous5/30/2008

    Oh I'll be trying this out! You can't get this type of freezer paper in the UK so I picked some up in Win Dixie the other day. Even better, the cashier couldn't find the correct price so gave it to us for free!

  43. Anonymous5/30/2008

    duh!!!...my last post was supposed to be on your freezer post! :D

  44. aren't old sheets the best thing to make lounge pants out of - Amelia and I had a matching pair last year - she has outgrown hers! But I still LOVE mine!

  45. love the pants...did you use a pattern?

  46. One can never have too many pairs of lounge pants - or cats! I have just made my fourth pair out of hello kitty to wear as pjs.

  47. I would love a pair of these! my favorite pj pants are linen


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