here a cowl, there a cowl, everywhere a cowl, cowl

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wow. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for all of my sweet comments on Ruby. Thank you so much!  Every single one of them brought a huge smile to my face.  
I actually made this cowl back at the beginnin of February.  Or the end of January.  I really can't remember, but sometime around then.  

They're everywhere though.  And who doesn't have an extra skein of yarn hanging around to whip one of these babies up.  Kim and Heather (among others) have made Grassy designed by the talented Larissa.  Then there is the all famous Gloria.  A definite winner.  How about the Doloras Park Cowl?  Super cute.  And then there is  Confection designed be the very talented Kirsten.  Check out the flickr group for others you may like.  As Mrs. Frick said, Cowls are the new scarf.  
I used the basic pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, using Classic Elite, Charmed. The softest coziest yarn ever.  I did a gauge for the yarn, and came up with the number of stitches to make it the same measurements as the one in the book.  20 X 13.  So, I got 4 stitches to the inch, therefore, I cast on 80 stitches.  (4 x 20)  See, you can use any yarn you have at home just sitting around looking pretty.  And looking like it should become another cowl. 
I was going to share our cookie of the week from this past week, but I am all linked out.
Back Monday with Sea salt Brownies.  Enjoy the weekend!

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  1. Anonymous5/17/2008

    no, no, no! i need the sea salt brownies right now! sigh.

    (love the cowl. will have to make one before the fall.)

  2. AWESOME!!! I am so making one of these for myself next trip to the lys. Thanks!

  3. lovely! it's simple yet chic:o)

  4. Anonymous5/17/2008

    I'm not too into cowls, I think they make my face look fat. But yours is very pretty. The yarn looks quite soft.

  5. Anonymous5/17/2008

    OOOh I love how it looks. I have that book and wasn't sure if they would look "stupid" but I see one being made here in the near future.

  6. Anonymous5/17/2008

    Sea Salt Brownies?? Way! I have Sea Salt!

    I love how soft your cowl looks. Is a denim jacket a prerequisite? Cuz, I think I might need to buy one. I grudgingly jumped on the cowl bandwagon. Now I'm trying the smoke ring. Funny since it's, um, almost Summer. Next up? An Icelandic blanket!

  7. The cowl looks wonderful and they seem very popular at the moment. Perhaps I need to knit one for the Melbourne weather we are having right now.

  8. Anonymous5/17/2008

    Sea salt you say...okay,I will be over...these sound too,for the cowl...way cute!

  9. I recently cleaned out my yarn stash and was appalled by the number of single skeins I have. Oh the cowls I can make!!!

    Love it!!

  10. It looks great and I think I would be up for it if our weather hadn't already transitioned into short/ tank weather. It is hard to think of warm, fuzzy yarn when I break a sweat just buckling kids in car seats. Enjoy yours - I love the creamy color.

  11. Luv that you kept it so simple and classic! :o)

    How about I have "yet" to make a cowl!! (b/c I will one day this year! LOL)

  12. oooh I love it! I like the 'plain-ness' of yours, but I mean that in a nice way :-) I love that saying, the cowl is the new scarf. Like the fingerless gloves, I might just have to get on the band wagon and knit one, even though I wouldn't be able to wear it for months here - it will be over 90 here tomorrow!!
    Can't wait to see the cookies too.

  13. I love the cowl. I get so frustrated that I can't knit every time I come and visit you. but in the best way possible, you know? you are so good at what you do and your photographs are top notch.

  14. oh, i have been thinking about these cowls. I love them. that yarn looks so cozy! I may have to treat myself.

  15. Anonymous5/17/2008

    I have to tell you that you look wonderful in everything you knit! There are things that I've made and never worn because they don't look right. But everything looks fantastic on you. :)

  16. This is your insomniac pal, and I am here to tell you that I just love your cowl!! And I am sorry that you are all linked out, it can be exhausting, can't it?;)

  17. Super classy and chic as usual!!

  18. Cowls are one of my favourite things, so easy to knit and so nice to wear!

  19. Cute! I have lot of single skeins that would be great for something like this!

  20. That yarn looks so cuddly soft!!
    Thanks for the shout out!

  21. I'm in disbelief that my Gloria cowl is even mentioned in a post next to your awe inspiring Ruby! She takes my breath away. I actually needed resuscitation after seeing her.

  22. that yarn looks so lovely! you are making me want to knit.

  23. Love the cowl...long live the cowl...
    I have a rather, erm, large chest...and therefore have to be careful not to add bulk to that area. Scarves are an issue! (I also once closed a scarf in a car door and nearly killed myself.)
    So, bring on the cowls!
    This looks lovely, and super soft, just like a cowl should be!

  24. beautiful, leslie! i bet that the charmed is a perfect match for cowlness.

  25. What a great look, Les! And I'm sure it feels so nice and soft around your neck.

  26. Anonymous5/18/2008

    Beautiful Leslie. I think I need to make another...

  27. Wow.. that looks like the ultimate neck warmer; love the color and the softness!

  28. this cowl looks so soft and cozy! i love it!

  29. Ok, I give in to cowl madness. Yours is so gorgeous.


  30. I'll so have to make one! Love the look. I like to walk and knit in the Summer, a mindless project like that is just the thing!

  31. i love the soft off white color - cowls are just popping up everwhere!!!

  32. Did you say brownies!?!

    I don't see any...!

  33. Anonymous5/19/2008 the cowl - a must knit! Hey, what has happened to Shelly & her blog? ...miss her!

  34. is taht u wearing the cowl ? oh my, u can be a model, lovly pic and it makes me wanted to knit it.

  35. Anonymous5/19/2008

    That cowl is absolutely pretty on you!

  36. That is a perfect cowl. Really pretty!

  37. You know, I didn't think I'd be much of a cowl person and now, I can't stop. Do you see what that JulieFrick has done??? We are all cowling fools. But at least we look hip and cute!

  38. Love it, Leslie!! Now that I'm spinning up some single skeins of handspun, I'm going to be delving into the cowl pattern treasure trove----thank you for all the links!

  39. Great cowl, I have an extra skein or two that might need to be put to some good use cowling!

  40. I think the cowl fever is spreading. :)

    Yours looks great! I love wearing mine. So comfy.

  41. I'm having a bit of a cowl obsession lately, and this one looks lovely and warm. I think it will be next on my list! Thanks for all the excellent cowl links.


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