won't you be my neighbor?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

In honor of what would have been Mister Rogers' 80th Birthday, today is "wear your favorite sweater day".  I am sure we all have a few sweaters to choose from.  

Go ahead, make the most of this beautiful day!

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  1. Anonymous3/20/2008

    Oh, that is so sweet! Maybe I'll wear my Keds when I get home too!

  2. Anonymous3/20/2008

    You come up with the funnest things! Love the cookies of the week and the kids always look great in their photo shoots. g

  3. Oh, thinking of Mr. Rogers makes me want to cry; feeding his fish, waiting for the mailman - Mr. McFeely (sp.?). Fred Rogers is what I think of when I think of the word "kindness".

    And, this was my needed prompt to get busy on my little guy's sweater.

    Thanks and Happy Easter!

  4. so which one are you wearing?

  5. Mr. Rogers is one of my personal heroes. Anyone who hasn't see this really should.

  6. love those sweaters! Which did you pick to wear today?

  7. Going to see Mr. Rogers to speak was one of the first dates that my husband and I went on! What a great, gentle man.

  8. OMG is that the sweater from "Last minute knitted gifts
    I so want to knit that for matt but I don't know how to sew.....I also like this one http://two_pointy_sticks.blogspot.com/

  9. I would love to be your neighbor! And I loved Mr. Rogers, what a super guy - I remember the trip to the Crayon Factory and many trolley rides to the land of Make-Believe - Lady Elaine (?the very homely puppet that lived in the museum?) was scary though.:)

  10. Oooh 2 Fabulous sweaters!

  11. Great photo and beautiful sweaters! I didn't realize there was such a day:)

  12. Oh darn, I didn't wear a handknit sweater today. I'm glad to have a chance to remember Mr. Rogers, though. What a sweet man he was.

  13. Anonymous3/21/2008

    lots of new neighbors-lots of sweaters from the land of Mr.Rogers

  14. love their outfits!

  15. If I were your neighbor, I would be over begging for cookies and knitting help all day!

    Love the sweater photo and your new banner-thanks for the peek of spring.

  16. Anonymous3/22/2008

    I wish I had known sooner. I loved (Love) Mr. Rogers!!!

  17. Anonymous3/24/2008

    What a sweet picture! We wore our sweaters that day too but you're actually on the ball enough to snap a great pic and post it. Me, not so much.


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