dry cookies going to dry air

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We are headed west tomorrow to go skiing.  I know it seems a little crazy this time of year, but it seemed like a fabulous idea back in December, when we booked it.  Actually, we are all really looking forward to it.  Sort of like our last hoorah to winter.
I wanted to make some sort of hearty cookie to take along with us.  Something healthy too.  I found a recipe for peanut butter trail mix cookies in one of my old books.  I thought they sounded pretty good.  Thought that I could use the goji berry trail mix that I have been loving.  I have been trying to get my family to love the goji berries.  Read a lot about their benefits, plus the cute guy at Whole Foods told me they were great for you.  All righty then.  I will put them in everything.

These were voted the worst cookie that I ever made by my family.  I actually love them.  I promise!  Everyone thinks they are a little dry.  Dry is good with my coffee.
So, if you are at all interested in making a dry, hearty, semi- healthy cookie, here you go:
2 cups uncooked old-fashioned rolled oats:: 1/2 cup packed brown sugar :: 3/4 cup butter, softened :: 1/2 cup chunky peanut butter :: 1 1/2 tsp vanilla :: 3/4 cup flour :: 1/2 cup mashed bananas :: 1 1/2 tsp baking powder :: 1/2 tsp salt :: 1 cup trail mix :: 1 cup chocolate chips
In a food processor or blender, process oats until finely ground.  In large mixing bowl, combine sugar, butter, peanut butter and vanilla.  Beat until light and fluffy.  Add oats, flour, banana, baking powder and salt.  Stir in trail mix.  Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.
The cookies are packed in the carry-on, along with my socks.  Can a sock and a half be knit over a long weekend? 
Until sometime next week, happy knitting, happy sewing, happy baking, happy hands!

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  1. Have a fantastic time! Good luck on the sock - don't forget that you're there for skiing, not knitting. :)

  2. Anonymous3/26/2008

    Have a great time! You packed the Mac, right?

  3. OMG have somuch fun - I was going to call you tomorrow to see if you wanted to meet up....I guess I will have to wait until you get back!!! BE SAFE!!!!

  4. Awwww, I'm missing you already! Have a safe trip, and hurry back :-) Oh and have fun!
    One of these days I'm gonna try your cookie recipes. Right now though I have hubby on South Beach diet... not such a good time to bake!
    I've been in the US for 10 years now and I still don't get sick of people telling me they love my accent :) And apparently they could listen to me talk all day too. Wish we could chat over coffee too

  5. Anonymous3/26/2008

    i bet if you dip them in chocolate ... your family might think they are not so dry. happy skiing!

  6. Anonymous3/26/2008

    Have a great time! Winter is wearing away here in VT and I have to say as thrilled as I am about it I am a touch sad to see it go. You'll have fun enjoying the snow knowing that you'll have more warmth to come home to. Plus you get to give your knits their last big hurrah!

  7. Have a great time! As always, I think your cookie recipe sounds great. Dry cookies have their place, too:)

  8. will miss you. have a blast!

  9. Enjoy your Spring Break, Leslie! Happy (ski) trails. Shoosh!

  10. Have fun with all of that airplane knitting;)!!

  11. Anonymous3/27/2008

    Have a great trip! It should be perfect skiing weather, especially if the sun is shining.

  12. I'm always trying to "sneak" healthy things into our foods. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Oh well, at least we try, right?

    Have a fantastic time playing in the snow!

  13. oh! although i really want spring, i am a bit jealous, you know. have fun!

  14. Anonymous3/27/2008


  15. I hope you have a good time on your trip if you aren't back already! I might just have to try those cookies....

  16. Anonymous3/27/2008

    The snow is amazing, Leslie. I know you will have a blast. Enjoy yourselves. There's nothing better than a spring break ski trip with your children. We always say those spring breaks were the best memories of family time spent together.Be sure to get one of those precious ski photos taken of you with the kids.

  17. Anonymous3/27/2008

    The cookies sound yummy! Have fun!!!

  18. Have a great trip Leslie!

  19. That is funny about the cute guy at Whole Foods!

    I hate when I make something that I love and everyone else hates because it means I will never make it again.

    Have a great trip!

  20. Have a great time skiing! I've heard that Spring skiing is fantastic.

  21. More cookies for you! Yum! I bet they are really good and I think I might need to try them.
    Have an awesome trip!

  22. Anonymous3/27/2008

    Safe travels! Have a lot of fun too.

  23. have a great trip and enjoy those cookies!

  24. Anonymous3/27/2008

    Have a fun time! You know we're always up for skiing. It is actually snowing here today, in Spring!?!

  25. If you're coming to SLC to ski, we got fresh powder this morning. :)

  26. Anonymous3/27/2008

    Now there's an idea for a blog meme, right there: worst cookie you've ever made. We could all post recipes and reviews. : )

  27. I kind of want to make these, something perverse in me is intrigued by the title of "worst cookie ever"! Have a great trip.

  28. Those cookies sound delish to me! Love the goji too! Have a great weekend!

  29. Anonymous3/27/2008

    I came across your blog and loved it! You're into all the same things I'M into! :D I loved the cookie recipe, although I may alter an oatmeal cookie recipe I have to keep it moist and chewy.

  30. Anonymous3/27/2008

    Have a super time!

  31. Oh what do the kids know? ;) Have a GREAT time! The snow has escaped me the past two seasons, so sad.

  32. Oh I'm going to make these!

    I hope you have a great time!

  33. Have a great time! The skiing should be wonderful.

  34. Hope you're having fun! I love dry cookies with my coffee, too.

  35. they look good and sound pretty good too...don't you love those cute whole foods guys! makes shopping more fun!

  36. The cookies look good to me! I hope your trip was wonderful....it sounds like a lot of fun!

  37. Sounds like good dunkin' cookies :)

  38. That sounds like a great idea to me, actually. End the winter by reveling in the parts of it that you love. Have fun!!!

  39. Happy hands, I like that! I hope you have/had a fabulous time!

  40. Way to sell 'em, hon, way to sell 'em! Somehow, though, as always, I'm still intrigued enough... why is that?

    Hope you had a wonderful time!

  41. Anonymous4/02/2008

    Just want to say that yours is my favourite blog. I love your projects, the cookies, the fabulous photos and the stories of you and your kids. Thanks! I have been blogging for a short time - just about our craft projects, reading and the fun things we do. Your blog is an inspiration. Cheers! Enjoy the skiing - we've been swimming in a rooftop pool in Sydney for our long weekend.

  42. I hope you're having (had) a great time!

  43. I hope the skiing was great! Spring skiing out west is the absolute best. We do it every year.


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