shades - a Friend to knit with


Thursday, March 06, 2008

I loved digging through our crayons and finding so many shades of green.
I am sure you have seen the crayon roll floating all around blogland. I have seen them numerous places, but knew I had to make one (or many) when I saw this one over at cloth.paper.string.  I found the tutorial through sew mama sew.  I can't believe that we have gone so long without one.  I have been carrying our crayons around in my purse in a plastic ziplock bag.  For years!! What was I doing?
Doesn't this look so much cuter?

For Libby, (she will have to share the crayons with her brothers when we are out and they are in need of a crayon),  fabric from good-ness etsy shop.
(green week, day 4)

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  1. Parents carry crayons? So much I have yet to learn. I'm working up to getting a cat, which means that the only thing I will have to carry with me is a lint roller and possibly a few live mice.

    The crayon roll is beautiful! Green is my favourite colour :)

  2. so cute! Love the fabric. I'm going to miss all the green next week.

  3. So cute! Love the monochromatic photos.

  4. crayon rolls are the best! no more rogue crayons scraping up the inside of my best bags...
    my favorite is the crayon apron though!

  5. i've also seen crayon pockets done on the front of hand-made tote bags in which one would also carry coloring books!

  6. Anonymous3/07/2008

    This is such a cute idea. It could also be used for Knitpicks Options tips I'm thinking...

    Just looking at a Crayola makes me remember the smell and trying to color inside the lines.

  7. Fabulous!.. OMG.. I wish I could sew...

  8. My kids are not of coloring age anymore but I sure want one! too cute.

  9. yes, we did the zip lock bag thing for years. yuk. this is much, much cuter! (i have a libby, too.)

  10. I keep meaning to make one of those. They are so handy and cute. Next on my list really. Love the fabric and all they wonderful green. My husband has those " hazel eyes " like your boy's one day they are blue one day they are green. Always beautiful what a great color to have. Mine are brown today they'll be brown tomorrow.

  11. I love it - this is completely adorable! I imagine that using crayons would be even more fun when stored in such a pretty manner :)

    I am loving your green pictures this week, it is my favorite color!!

  12. super cute. a great gift idea for mom's too!!

  13. This is adorable! Unfortunately, my boys have moved beyond crayons:(

    I enjoy your site and love the color green. I'll be checking in all month to see what you come up with for green pictures.

    The hazel eye is creative and I agree with you that they are the most interesting eye color influenced by what the person is wearing.

  14. i've never made one either. silly, isn't it? i love your pink and green one - i mean, libby's pink and green one!

  15. That looks very sweet. I too carry crayons in a ziplock, but that will have to stay that way cos I'm not much of a seamstress and won't even be attempting this one ;-)

  16. I love all this green! Lovely photos!

  17. Really, really cute! I could have used one of those when my boys were little. I could probably have avoided the entire Crayon Incident. (Let's just say you should always check the kids' pockets for restaurant crayons before throwing the clothes in the wash.)

  18. Anonymous3/07/2008

    You know it's Friday morning when you want to come up with a clever funny little comment and all you can think is "gee, I love the pink ribbon" because, um, I LOVE the pink ribbon.

  19. Have you ever thought of opening up your own etsy shop for these types of things??? I would be a frequent shopper! You should think about it. Each of my girls could use one of those....so cute!

  20. OK. Even your darned crayons are better than mine. Mine are all broken and stumpy and rounded and the paper's all missin' and stuff and I don't even know if we have any green ones left, if I'm perfectly honest. The dog probably ate 'em.

  21. yay! your roll is fantastic, leslie. i'm still dragging on making one of these for my knitting needles, but i think it would be so fun to keep them in a little roll.

  22. Ok, you are my #1 style maven--even your crayons are utterly chic!:)

  23. Wow, that is a great idea for a present for some of my friends & family members with younger kids (my kids poo-poo crayons now---they're for "babies"). Thanks!

  24. Ooooo. The roll is very pretty. Who knew there were that many shades of green in the crayon box?

  25. Mmmm, love the crayon roll. Wouldn't you love to work for crayola and be in charge of naming all of those shades of green...too fun!

  26. Awesome! Thank you for sharing that one. I personally hate it when crayons touch each other and get other crayon colours all over the papers. This does not bother either of my children who are also o.k. with broken tips and ripping the papers much to my chagrin.

  27. Love the crayon roll. I have to have tons of crayon crumbles in the bottom of my purse. I will most definitely be adding this to my list of things I hope to have time to make someday. ha.

  28. Anonymous3/10/2008

    This is such a good idea and such a cute one too!

  29. What a brilliant idea - thanks for the link to the tutorial!

  30. So cute!! And you said you wouldn't have very many green things to photograph. :)

  31. so cute! Tks for sharing, i m going to make one Jayne and for my crochet needles.

  32. I have several ziploc baggies with crayons, in the diaper bag, in the book bags, in my purse, on my desk...
    I will be busy this week making several of these; I can see it coming now...

    And then it will be on to some crayon aprons. They've been on the mind for several months and I think this is the boost I need to just jump in and start sewing!

    In between all the knitting, of course.

    Happy knitting-

  33. Yummy crayon roll! Very inspiring. I can't wait til Sean is old enough to color at restaurants, etc.


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