collections - a Friend to knit with


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Alright, so here is the story. Sarah, over at life with, is holding a little contest. She posted about her collections and wanted to know what some of our collections are.  Initially, I thought I had nothing to enter in her contest, as I am not much of a collector.  I am trying to get rid of things in my home rather than bring more in.
After thinking a little more about it, I reconsidered.  There are I few things I will usually purchase if I stumble across them.  Vintage pyrex, vintage sheets, and thrifted knitting needles.
I don't even use straight needles.  However, I love the thought that someone else used them to do what I love to do.  I wonder what sort of thing was created with them, who it was created for, and whose hands worked their magic with them.  

Sarah's contest ends tomorrow at midnight.  Go ahead, think of your collections, and tell us all about them.  I am sure they will be more interesting than knitting needles!

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  1. Anonymous2/28/2008

    Cool! If you're wondering what to do with all the needles, check this out: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=73034
    Cool, huh? ;)

  2. Anonymous2/28/2008

    I have the same obsession...I can't pass them by! I could never use as many as I have, but they're just so bright and pretty :)

  3. i have this same collection going. my intention is to have a mass of seasonally-appropriate colors to change out with the holidays... one day i'll have enough.

    lovin' yours, though!!

  4. Those look amazing! I got a bracelet made out of one from Fibreholic. I love the way the tops look all grouped together from the bird's eye perspective. I also like how the everyday object becomes art.

    Thank you for playing along

  5. I love the top-down shot of the needle numbers, all clustered together!

    I don't really collect things either unless you count vintage buttons or unusual closures. My most prized buttons (handmade glass) came all the way from England from the estate of Lionel Nichols.

  6. I love that second picture. And I love the reason why you collect those needles. Very cool.

  7. I love your collection. The colors are so pretty all together like that.

  8. I don't collect either, apart from the knitting books! Love your needles. Things like that are just nice to have around.

  9. A lovely collection!! Love the photo from the top!

  10. Amen to clearing stuff out! That is a tough job. I love the photos!

  11. Vintage pyrex--my husband always tells me that he's going to sell all mine and stash the cash! Collecting it became suddenly über-expensive when Martha Stewart started featuring it in her magazine, grrr.....

  12. I don't use metal needles at all and rarely use straights but the way you have your collection displayed in those cups is wonderful. Little works of art on a shelf.

  13. Anonymous2/29/2008

    Oh, I just love this! I have all of my mom's old needles that she and I used to share when I was a kid, although she never knits anymore and I rarely use them. I still keep them for sentimental reasons.

  14. those are so neat. i have a bunch from my grandmother and the colors are just beautiful....

  15. oh, leslie, i love this grouping of needles! they really are so pretty together.

  16. Anonymous2/29/2008

    i adore your knitting needles! they're beautiful, altogether like that. i love that you collect them, not because you use them, but because they have a history.

    (and i miss you over at contact-less flickr!)

  17. I don't collect anything but these are COOL!

  18. Ohhhhh - I just want to run my fingers over them (a sign of a great picture). What a great reason for being drawn to them and I know exactly what you mean. I have some old needles that belonged to my mom and whenever I use them I feel like I'm touching a little part of her world.

  19. Oh I love your needles! Do you display them?

  20. Great pics of the needles, and what a collection! I was just talking to my mom on the phone yesterday and was asking again if she still had all her knitting supplies, cos she got rid of a lot of it when Dad died. She doesn't have any of her needles etc :( She taught me to knit with straight long needles, and it's only in the past year that I've tried circular and dpn's. So I have quite a few straights, but also got the Knitpicks Options for Christmas.

  21. Great photos. I have similar bouquets of needles that I hardly ever use - mostly from my grandmother.

  22. i love this! i keep my needles in vases as well...and these old metal colored needles remind me of watching my oma knit when i was a girl. she used the same ones! i hope you win the contest- all my collections are packed in boxes right now...

  23. Anonymous2/29/2008

    awesome photos! great collection! it is cool to wonder what was created on each set :)

  24. oh, my. your photos blow me away. I, too, love why you collect knitting needles. that bottom photo is amazing.

  25. I love those old vintage needles too! Don't really like working with them but love having them around and displaying them. You have a beautiful collection!

  26. Anonymous2/29/2008

    Love, love, love the polka dot vase (and, of course, the knitting needles)!

  27. I have a similar collection! Mine are from my mother and grandmother, and I love the think about that connection when I use them.

  28. I, too have all my grandmother's old needles. She was the one who taught me to knit way back when I was an eight year old! I think I need to get them out and display them somehow!

  29. I think it's a lovely collection. I have a fine collection of yarn and fabric....

  30. oh, i love this! My sister collects these too. there is a flea market near that sells tons of different knitting needles for a dollar. I think you have a really neat collection!

  31. I love the photos -- those needles look like a great decoration for a craft room. :)

  32. I have a container of straights, too! I never use them but I like the way they look...

  33. Anonymous3/01/2008

    Decided to de-lurk...I love your collection. The colors are fantastic. I've started to collect old handmade wooden ones, they are somewhat hard to find. I figure it keeps my obsession to a minimum. Maybe? I rarely use straight needles either they are so cumbersome. By the way my kids love the cookie recipes. We've been playing along at home.

  34. Ahh, that second photo is so cool, love all the sizes, really makes you think about all the projects, FO's and fun that were had.

  35. LOVE IT!

    I don't knit with straights either, they tire out my already sleepy wrist faster than circs.

    But I can not get rid of them. I just can't.

    Beautiful photos.

  36. I came across your blog and the photo of your needles totally struck--I keep my old/thrifted/hardly used aluminum needles in the exact same vases!--so I had to stop and say hello.
    Lovely photo, lovely post. Will stop by again!

  37. Great collection! I have a few Boye's in my collection too! They look great in vases, I love it.

    I have earrings in my shop to match your collecting! Take a look!


  38. I love the image of the needle tops. That would make a great note card or postcard image.

  39. Anonymous3/13/2008

    I've always admired your knitting skill - and your cookie recipes. But this post was special - you captured in such a lovely way just how I feel about collecting - for me it's anything embroidered/cross stitched.

    Thanks for your thoughtful post - I really enjoyed it.


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