all about cookies

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last weeks cookie: Slice and Bake Chocolate Chip
They were a big hit.  (I added 1 tsp of vanilla)
And proved to be a great dunker.  Important around here.

This weeks cookie:  I'll let them take their pick.
I am so bummed I forgot to order some samoas.  Maybe next week I will try the homemade version here.  And then perhaps the homemade do-si-dos, homemade tagalongs and homemade thin mints.  Yes, definitely the thin mints, because it is another slice and bake. I seem to be all about the slice and bake.  

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  1. wow! cookies run amok in your household!!

    speaking of slice and bake, i tried the dunkin platters. they were extremely hard to slice. should have i crushed the corn flakes a bit? or used my mixer?? i mixed that batter by hand (don't ask me why).

    and we've got a selection of girl scout cookies coming home with the husband from work. good thing i ordered the kinds i won't eat!

  2. I made the samoas the other day and found them really time consuming. They were delicious though.

    Your cookies look delicious!

  3. Oh my goodness - you Girl Scout cookie shop like I do.... But I am still waiting (not so patiently) by my door for mine to be delivered. I'll probably scare the poor child, bursting out my door, with drool on my face and a crazed look in my eye...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've yet to try a slice & bake recipe. The kids would LOVE cookies on demand. So would I, actually.

  6. samoas are my favorites!! that is why I can't buy them... :) I made thin mints last year and they turned out great!

  7. Your cookies are making my mouth water. I think I want to go bake - LOL.

  8. Thin Mints are my fav, might have to try the recipe if you post it ;-) But first I must knit. . . . .

  9. YUM.

    I spent the first 20 years of my life refusing to eat Girl Scout cookies, because I was a Camp Fire Girl. We sold CANDY, not cookies. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "No, we already bought girl scout cookies"... well, I'd have several dollars. But then someone convinced me to try a samoa. Oh dear. So, so, so good.

  10. I could so use one (or 5) of those delicious cookies right about now!

    I love the dunking kind. Also very important in our house.

    I am going to have to try the samoas recipe. YUM.

  11. I forgot those wonderful cookies were coming! hurray! thank you for the links to home made versions - I have to think they will head and shoulders above the "real thing":) But for a good cause...

  12. Anonymous2/26/2008

    Should Samoas really be considered cookies if we are to be honest with ourselves? So yummy! Now I'm hungry....

  13. if you have time, will you post the thin mint recipe? That just sounds heavenly and I wish I had a few to nibble on right now.

  14. we just got our girl scout cookies this weekend! dangerous things!

  15. how do you all stay so fit? We bought a case of somoas last year, we freeze them, we have one box left.

  16. I used to be the 'cookie mom' and am loving being a mere consumer of GS cookies right now rather than having them stacked everywhere in my living room!

  17. samoas are my favorite! thanks for the recipe!

  18. Anonymous2/26/2008

    I can't wait for GS cookies.

    My mom works in a pretty industrial part of town. Next door is the local Girl Scout council and down the street is this HUGE warehouse. Every year the GS go and do their ordering and packaging there. I've always wondered home much time I'd have to do if I hijacked a truck full of Tagalogs! YUMMY!

  19. they are here? already? yummy!

  20. I love samoas! Thanks for the recipe!

  21. Yummmm! I'm going to have to check out all those recipes!

  22. Samoas and Tagalongs are my favs!!! Enjoy :)


  23. those are totally different names than when I sold them!! The only one that's the same is thin mints!

    Gosh, it's been a while since I've thought about girl scout cookies...I could really go for some!

  24. So many cookie many calories. Oh i just love these recipes and the idea of slice and bake is really great. Love the recipe for the thin mints - will definately try them. Thanks for always sharing such yummy recipes with us.

  25. (suprised caught look while mumbling) "wha grlsct cooksiys?" - (head shaking No, while sliding the box between the couch cushions followed by the shoulder shrug of innocence)

  26. Funny, I started knitting to get AWAY from cookies...

    Girl Scout cookie season is such a bane on my waistline.

  27. Anonymous2/27/2008

    Thank you for these links. I cannot wait to try them!

  28. Anonymous2/27/2008

    I'm so glad I saw this post - it reminded me that I had 4 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies sitting in my backseat!

    I have RESCUED the Thin Mints!

  29. I stumbled on your site and love the Ruby sweater. The color is perfect. I am a novice knitter and just don't think I can tackle that one yet! I will keep checking in to see your progress.

    Cookies are a big hit in this house too with Samoas being a favorite. We only bought one box. I will keep it in mind to try to make some from scratch!

  30. I really need to try the slice and bake thing, maybe tomorrow.

  31. Mmm..your cookies looks delicious ;o) you have a really nice blog!!

  32. Anonymous2/28/2008

    With a girl scout in my house, we are overrun with these cookies - but they're so yummy1

  33. Oh Yum! I love slice and bakes too! I was bummed there were no samoas in your photo too, I think those are my favorite. They make a great photo all lined up like that!

  34. Samoas are my favorite. :) Thin Mints are my second favorite, but I like them frozen.

  35. I love the baking bites site! Will have to try the choc. chip cookies!

  36. Are these slice and bakes soft or chewy? I have yet to find a chewy choco chip slice and bake... I did not allow myself any GSCookies this year. I just can't do it. I could eat a box in a sitting, maybe not of thin mints, but definitely samoas.


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