three - a Friend to knit with


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Have you seen it? The pay it forward exchange? I love this idea. Spreading a little hand made love just a sprinkle at a time.
A couple of months back (has it really been a couple?) I was one of the lucky three to comment on Magnusmog's blog. And now, I would like to pass it along.
So, here is the deal:

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

I also forgot to tell you a couple of things. The wine is delicious. I purchased it from our local wine store. I haven't been back for more, but need to put that on my list of things to do: buy more wine.
And, the yarn I am using for my tangled yoke is the Rowan Felted Tweed, color 147. I have started the sleeves, thus, at a boring spot again. I just have to try to talk myself into pretending it is fun. Yes, ribbing is fun. Yes, ribbing is fun. I love to rib!

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  1. Is it OK if I de-lurk to play in the PIF exchange? I think this is such a great idea!

    Good luck with the sleeves. You'll get through them!

  2. The PIF exchange sounds great! Count me in!!! And I LOVE the 365 day turn around....works great for me :O)

  3. Oooh I would love to take part, especially if we have a little time to make the gift (but I don't think it would take me 365 days ;-)
    Count me in please if you can.
    Hugs Denise

  4. Tangled is so so pretty...and I'm late as usual for the PIF party... typical... i bet if I look in my wallet.. i'll be a dollar short too! have a great day!

  5. AND I need to get me some of that wine to try.. I'm hoping I can find it here in CT... I DO love the reds... :)

  6. Anonymous1/10/2008

    doh! i just missed the PIF! i love this idea too, one of these days i'll get in on one!


  7. hopefully you aren't drinking the wine while knitting on tangled yoke! :) that may make the boring parts go a bit faster though....

  8. I think drinking wine while knitting boring ribbing is quite appropriate and sane! You really should dash out and buy some more!

  9. Anonymous1/10/2008

    I love pears! That is one of my favorite photos.

    Can't wait to see the Tangled Yoke.

  10. Drats - I usually pop into a few blogs {yours being one} first thing in the morning before waking the kids up but this morning I decided to read a book instead - oh well, you win some, you lose some. :]

  11. My comment came up under my daughter "Kaitlin's" name - looks like someone forgot to 'sign out' this morning!

  12. Keep pretending because it will sure be worth it in the end.

    I'm already participating in the PIF..have fun!

  13. I'm PIFing as well, such a lovely idea. Though I only got two people to pay it forward to so if anyone wants to join in and hasn't found a slot then feel free to request a PIF from me.

  14. I can't wait to try Felted Tweed, I'll be anxious to see how your TYC comes out!

  15. I love *ribs*. Does that count? Mmm. Now I'm hungry. :D

  16. casting on the tangled yoke tomorrow.....i am sure i will be bored to tears.

  17. great picture to associate with your PIF...very cool composition on the pears! Good luck on the tangled yoke!

  18. hello! i hope you don't mind i have added your blog as a link on mine. i've enjoyed yours. i participated in the pay it forward, and it was so fun! best wishes on that. i'd love to hear how the tangled yoke goes. . . it's nice.

  19. Great idea, Les. Good luck with it! Did you buy the wine at the winery near my house?

  20. What a perfect leaf in just the right place. It is a stunning photo.

  21. Anonymous1/10/2008

    fyi L. I love the way you tell a story with a great photo and words. I get a thrill when I visit.

    Oh I wish I didn't miss the train on PIF....

  22. the PIF is being planned as we speak! I'm trying to learn a new skill which is a bit scary. Should be with you by next Christmas though :)

  23. Shoot - I missed the PIF. Sounds like a great thing though! Maybe I'll make it in time for the next one.

  24. Such pretty pears. Really lovely photograph.

  25. Anonymous1/11/2008

    Hey! I'm participating in PIF! I'm so excited to see you found one too! When I saw this I immediately thought that you would be a great person to participate! :) I'd love to see what you end up sending out!

    *If anyone else wanted to participate here but is too late, I still have 1 (or 2) spots open for Pay-It-Forward over at my site (www.amypenrose.com)

  26. I love that PIF idea! I see that I am way too late to be one of the receivers here, but I can definitely begin it on my blog. How fun!

  27. I just wanted to tell you how much I love the photo of the pears. :)

  28. Anonymous1/11/2008

    Rib, rib, rib!

    I am still procrastinating on sending out my PIF packages, but I'm still in the 365 window! So it's all good!

  29. too late for the exchange, but what a great idea. can't wait to see more sweater progress!

  30. aw, too late for the pay it forward...but will likely join in the fun in the coming months!

  31. Shucks, I missed the first three, ugh. Oh well, I love the idea of PIF, Leslie, I also love the pairing of pears!

    on my way to check out your flikr...

  32. Hmmm, I shouldn't feel so bad about my boredom in knitting the Garter Stitch Ridge to make my son the Floppy Hat I saw on your blog last month. It's taken me FOREVER to knit because I keep finding other stuff to do... My fickle nature, I guess.;-)

  33. Anonymous1/11/2008

    That exchange sounds great. I wish more people were like that. I hope whoever wins loves whatever you make! And don't worry about the rib, it ends eventually! ;)


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