peace, love and joy - a Friend to knit with

peace, love and joy

Friday, December 14, 2007

Everything over here is in pretty much the same state. The half completed state.
Half of the cards, half of the shopping, half of the sewing, one glove to be knit, one hat to be knit, half of the wrapping, half of the tree decorating, even Libby's craft, half way finished. She has joy written, and I noticed a heart on one side this morning. I guess we are just looking for a little peace.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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  1. We made oranges with cloves in them one year when we were kids. My mom left them out to dry and had them for years after. The wonderful scent lasted a long time.

    Good luck finishing the other half of everything!

  2. I've got a bowl of oranges pricked with cloves on my coffee table as well. We used to make them with my mom when I was little and the holidays just don't seem the same without them!

  3. sounds so much like my house! enjoy your weekend, leslie.

  4. hello there! we used to do thins with my mom when i was young! i love it, and I ofund the best orange and clove candle recently!

  5. I'm in the same boat, so I appreciate Libby's message.

  6. Half done? Well, you're way ahead of me. I remember making the cloved oranges with my mom. Ah, memories... Yes, peace would be nice.

  7. Oh, i can smell the spice from here. Now that is what the holidays smell like.

  8. Your half sounds a lot better than my quarter! Happy finishing!

  9. Joy is so appropriate for right now!

  10. Well it sounds like you have the love and joy covered, so yes, a little peace is due. Good luck with all of the half finished items! If it makes you feel better, I have only shopped for one person (bff Moe). There's still time!

  11. Anonymous12/14/2007

    In the same spirit, I wish you more joy! Enjoy your weekend L.

  12. Anonymous12/14/2007

    I'm in a half-state too!! When will the madness end, I ask you...


  13. Peace, Love and Joy! That is exactly right.....Can't say anything more, thank you for the reminder during this busy time! I really needed to hear it, to calm my soul and remember that THAT is what this season is all about. Thank you!

  14. Anonymous12/14/2007

    i hope your weekend is filled with joy.
    lots of it!


  15. Such a lovely little clementine with a sweet little message...

  16. what a great post....I guess we are just looking for a little peace....(boy, aren't we all right now?) good luck with your remaining half of things. :)

  17. I love cloves in oranges.. I need to go do that right now!
    Thanks for sharing the cable blanket.. I've seen that pattern and wondered how it would turn out.

  18. I hear ya on the half way point!

    Have a wonderful, productive weekend!

  19. Anonymous12/15/2007

    That is exactly how I feel! Presents wrapped but not mailed, half the lights on the tree, half the Christmas letters signed and mailed. I hope we both get our things done!

  20. this is the time of the holiday season where i am tempted to freak out and go crazy and stress myself...and every year i remember to slow down and actually ENJOY the season...
    the orange is lovely..i used to make them for my teachers!

  21. I too am having the feeling of the halves. I hope this weekend was productive for you. I need to get off the computer so it is more productive for me! Have a Joy filled day!

  22. I love the Cobblestone sweater on your son and it makes me want to knit one for my nephew...but...I must point out ..... he is wearing a wool sweater and he is barefoot! LOL

    Wishing you a joy-filled day!

  23. I love pomanders. I make them each year around the holidays but haven't gotten to it this year. Seeing your joyful one makes me want to buy some cloves.

  24. Hi Leslie, did you get my email back about my email address? I hope you're still not having trouble emailing me?
    I'm pretty much ready for Christmas, didn't do much gift knitting this year, but I hope to next year now that I'm very much in to knitting :-)
    Hugs Denise

  25. leslie, i sent oyu an email, but i am not sure if you got it. when you get a chance send me your address! (smithbrothersbowdoinham@yahoo.com) i can't wait to get your goodies out to you!
    I read the pattern for the throw you made your mother in law. I am going to try it. it sounded pretty easy. I just can't decide if i should make it in chocolate brown, or the linen color they show with the pattern....

  26. Very cool craft idea. I am adding that to the growing list of great ideas I am stealing from you. And if it makes you feel any better, we don't have a tree, our Christmas cards went to our old house (I am sure of it, even though we had our mail forwarded), I am still not finished gift buying, we are hosting dinner Christmas eve and we are still not all unpacked. You are likely much further ahead of the game. I am pulling for you.

  27. Anonymous1/10/2008

    I love the idea of pay it forward. I'm in.



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