
Friday, December 07, 2007

The clicking sound of my needles has now turned into the machine gun sound of my sewing machine. (Wow, does it need a tune-up.) I stopped long enough with the gift sewing to make something for us. I knew I had to make some little trees after seeing Emily's. The whole time I was doing it, I had to remind myself of what Libby said, about making life nice. And, I really think they do. The fabric package pillows were made years ago, and are always a favorite around here.

I do have some knitting to show. Just as soon as I get some photos.
Enjoy your weekend.

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  1. Anonymous12/07/2007

    What a wonderful photo! I love the trees and the pillows. What are the pillows wrapped with...looks like silk? Just gorgeous...:)

  2. Those are so cute. What pretty photo!

    Thanks for the link to those trees!

  3. Cute trees!

    And I love your picture of santa on the wall.

    Have a great weekend :)

  4. Now that's awesome holiday decorating! Just enough holiday colors but without plastic Santas on the wall. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go make those little trees :)

  5. Anonymous12/07/2007

    That Libby is so wise beyond her years... I know I keep coming back for more because you do seem to genuinely know how to make life nice. What a lovely, little vignette - simple, cozy, nice!

  6. What a lovely scene! Those trees are lovely aren't they - so simple. My machine is also desperate for a service - must add that to the list!

  7. Anonymous12/07/2007

    that photo looks like it came out of a magazine. seriously. have a great weekend leslie.

  8. Love the sewn pillow gifts! So awesome.

  9. Oh, you are just too talented. Those trees are too cute! I just wish I could do the things you do! It is amazing. Can't wait to see your knitting!

  10. Love the trees! I have that pattern too, but I think my trees might have to wait another year:)

  11. those trees are so great! another lovely picture!

  12. Anonymous12/07/2007

    i like the trees. a lot.
    adding that to my to-do list.
    for sure.

  13. You're so funny - the machine gunning from your sewing machine! Lovely lovely photo!

  14. Looks great! SImple and beautiful.

  15. did you get a new header photo too? it looks great. and i love the red present pillow.

  16. I agree! This photo looks like it should be in a magazine. Can you tell us how to make those adorable present pillows?

  17. What a nice blog you have!

  18. Anonymous12/08/2007

    Hi, I just wanted to thank you for all that you share with us on your blog. I have a great tendency to discount many of the things that I do, and Libby's comment is something that gives me comfort, knowing that I enhance my life and those around me with the things that I do, which sometimes feels superfluous and pointless.

  19. the trees are so lovely. all the glitz and glimmer of the holidays are nice...but good old fashioned homemade decorations are really the best. you and your family will smile every year when you take them out for many years to come!

  20. Oh Leslie, that post on 'making life nice' gives me the tinglies! The trees are really cute, and I love the package too! Man, you know how to do the holidays right!

  21. What wonderful packages - you so deserve a nice treat because your blog does "make life nice" - lots of eye candy to spoil us!

  22. Anonymous12/08/2007

    Just so lovely! Where is my hot cocoa????

  23. This photo is so pretty. All these little trees, make me want to make a couple, so cute.

  24. Your home looks so inviting, and your family members seem to have their collective heads on straight. Are you sure you can't accept one more into the family for the holidays?

  25. I am in love with your red (or orange?) cupboard. it. is. gorgeous!

    love the simple trees.

  26. Anonymous12/10/2007

    Oh, those trees!
    I wanted to make some last year, but we were renovating, so no decorations.
    I wanted to make some this year, but we're getting married, so no decorations again.
    They say third time lucky...


  27. those are great - simple and elegant!

  28. I keep seeing these trees. I am pulling out my sewing machine this week, maybe I will make some trees to warm it up?! Your trees are lovely and nice, indeed!

  29. So pretty! I downloaded this pattern last year bt never got around to making them. Maybe this year...

  30. Beautiful, just beautiful...the photo looks like it's straight out of Martha Stewart!

  31. As always, wonderful photo! I've had to dust off my sewing machine as well -- I admit it's much quicker, but not nearly as relaxing. Love the little trees!

  32. Love the photo with the little touch of Merry Christmas in the corner! Cute trees, can't wait to see more projects!

    kari & kijsa

  33. What a pretty photo! Hope you had a great weekend!

  34. Hi there! I really don´t know how I found your blog - but I´m glad I did!! Your blog is really a source of inspiration - all the way to SWEDEN!!! Thank you!

  35. Your photography is so cool. The blanket looks so warm and cozy


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