all three, together

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I know, so lame. Just finished my cards this morning. It's not like I haven't had the photo for weeks. For some reason, I get my cards out at the last minute every year. I promised a few a photo of all three sweaters together. This isn't the photo we used, but this photo actually shows the sweaters better.

The boys both in a Cobblestone. And Libby in her vest.
Hope you all are getting a lot of things crossed off. I am off to tackle a few more.

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  1. Anonymous12/20/2007

    Beautiful sweaters!

  2. gorgeous! They look great together. I'm finishing the cards too - finally did the pictures yesterday.

  3. beautiful work, beautiful photo, beautiful kids! i wish you much luck with the to-do list finishing. my children are counting down to christmas -- by the hour! have a magical week.

  4. That is tooo cute!!!

  5. they look so good together! my cards aren't out yet....tomorrow is the day!

  6. those came out beautiful. what a great shot of all 3 together!

  7. Anonymous12/20/2007

    Lovely photo of the trio! Love your work.

  8. Hi! I found your blog a little while ago, and have come back again and again for your photos and peaceful words. Lovely shot of the three sweaters!

    Don't worry, we're mailing our cards out today, too. (And I still have some international ones to write up and mail out...)

    Enjoy your holidays

  9. That is such a darling picture. They look so fabulous sitting there in a row.

  10. wish i knew how to scale it down to kid size because i love that sweater and would love to make it for my little brother.

  11. The fact that you had cards made shows how organized you are!

  12. love those sweaters. I never send out christmas cards. how sad is that. maybe someday!

  13. Cute, cute, cute! I'm impressed that you got a good photo of three kids together! I've never been very good at that!

  14. beautiful! they turned out so great! and even your to do list is on beautiful paper!

  15. Nice sweaters - they all look so happy.

  16. Anonymous12/20/2007

    I really wanted to get pictures to send out in cards this year but just didn't get it done. I made a lot of tasty cookies though!
    Next year...

  17. Anonymous12/20/2007

    The sweaters and vest look wonderful! It does feel good to cross things off, even if they're later than we had hoped.

  18. The three sweaters look great together!!

  19. Those jumpers are gorgeous....what lucky children you have!

  20. Your sweaters are just gorgeous! I like that they are 'blendy' and not 'matchy'! Don't worry, I still haven't done my cards - that's a job for today. Thank goodness there is still Monday for delivery!

  21. Awww, I love it, look at how cute their sweaters are together!

  22. The sweaters are fabulous - I'm sure the cards will make their way out...good things come to those who wait!

  23. What a killer holiday photo!!

  24. The photo of your three children looks so perfect - just like an idyllic group in a catalog shoot.

    Beautiful people wearing lovely, handmade goodies. Merry Christmas to you all!

  25. The sweaters look great together! I haven't gotten my cards out yet. I will write them tonight and have them in tomorrow's post. So don't worry, you aren't the only one?

  26. They really take a great photo together! The sweaters turned out perfectly.

  27. What a sweet picture of your kiddos!

  28. Nice sweaters and nice pictures, as always! Congratulations for your blog. You really communicates joy and serenity.
    My greatest wishes for the coming holidays

  29. They look wonderful! What a perfect family picture. Merry Christmas!

  30. Anonymous12/21/2007

    Remind me to do this when I have kids! :)


  31. awesome!.. they look so great!

  32. Very adorable!

    And love your new header too! :o)

    Merry Christmas!!

  33. I'm so far behind that we still have to take the photo. I don't think they'll make it into the mail this year but at least I'll have one for the scrapbook and grandparents.

    The sweaters and vest are absolutley gorgeous. You amaze me with your talent (and speed!).

  34. great card, the kids look adorable. how are you going to top those sweater next year?

  35. The knitted goodness is fantastic! My cards went out on Wednesday and I have one package left to mail today. It's not getting there in time...

  36. Precious is all I can say. You are such a wonderful knitter and mom!!!Your children are lucky and so are you to have them!! Enjoy your holidays.

  37. oh, how beautiful do they look all together!!! nice nice job leslie.

  38. My cards just went out this week, too:) Beautiful sweaters!

  39. beautiful knits on beautiful kids .... well done on the knits and the pix.... ohhhh and the kids.... hehe
    Merry xmas....
    luv Abby
    PS.. don't worry I still haven't managed to get a pix organised so my cards are still a no go....
    luv Abby

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