gratitude - a Friend to knit with


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Really, I am thankful for so many wonderful things. Obviously, the obvious. Health, family, home, safety, friends. A few others, I wanted to share.
Clasic Elite's yarn, charmed (oh, does it feel good in my hands) :: the (new to me)new site for cookies to help me with our cookie of the week (it turned out more like cake, but was delicious) :: the movie sweet november (one of my favorite movies, keep the tissues near.)

Our thankful tree, filled with old thanks. ( I save the leaves every year. We have five years of leaves.)
Making leaves of new thanks.
Thank you for all your blogs, and the inspiration you give to me. And, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy lives to stop by my little space. It really means a lot.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving.

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  1. Thank you Leslie, you are the best!

    And congrats on your honorable mention in the craft zine apron contest--I felt I was in excellent company!

    Happy Turkey Day.

  2. I'm thankful for learning about blogging from you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I love your tree - it's a lovely idea.

  4. Great post...Happy Thanksgiving sister. Wish we were spending it together. I miss you

  5. thank you for your wonderful blog in which you open your heart and home to us! your tree is great...a great way to keep memories and remind yourselves that the day is about more than the bird and day after sales!

  6. Anonymous11/21/2007

    i'm thankful also. i've truly enjoyed reading your blog since i discovered it.

    have a wonderful thanksgiving to you and your family.

  7. Anonymous11/21/2007

    Aw, Leslie, that was the nicest post! Thank you for being an inspiration in so many ways. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  8. Your tree is great. What a wonderful idea!

    Thank you for your wonderful blogging! Have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

  9. xoxo. you're a daily inspiration to me. happy thanksgiving to you and yours.

  10. happy thanksgiving! wonderful post!

  11. Anonymous11/21/2007

    The tree is a great idea.

    I really appreciate blog friends too!!

  12. Anonymous11/21/2007

    oooh - I'm starting a tree... that is SUCH a good idea!!!

  13. Anonymous11/21/2007

    thank you, leslie. enjoy your holiday!

  14. Your blog is one thing I am grateful that I discovered this year. It makes me happy and I always feel good after reading it. Thank you for spending your time writing. So many of us enjoy you! Happy holidays to you and your family.

  15. what a sweet post! I am thankful for so much...and blogging is on my list as well. Happy Thanksgiving. I love your thankful tree. :)

  16. I love that Thankful Tree! what a beautiful idea!

  17. That tree is just stunning...and thank YOU for being such a source of creative inspiration to us all!

  18. Anonymous11/21/2007

    happy thanksgiving to you.
    i, too, am thankful for your blog. and for you sharing your life with us.

  19. What an amazing idea. I think we might be making that a tradition. We have not had a chance to start our own in the almost 4 years we have been together because we were always with his family trying to get in as much time as possible with his mother before her cancer took her.

  20. i love your thanksgiving tree, what a wonderful idea,
    happy turkey day!

  21. I think i will get Classic Elite for myself too, seems very soft and comfy.

  22. Such a nice post! I like the thankful tree idea....I may have to use that next year.

    I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.

  23. Thank YOU Leslie for such a lovely blog. I think you have the nicest family traditions which I just know must give your children such a strong sense of security and love.
    Blogging has given me such a wonderful insight into all our different customs and for that I am thankful!

  24. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    There are so many things to be thankful for - and the amazing knit blogging community is one of the things I will be offering up this year!

  26. Hi Leslie, it's the frist time I write you, but I have been reading your blog for some time and I like it a lot. It's full of inspiration and peace. I am Italian, I live in Milan and I am also a knitter since I was a child (but I am by no means as productive as you!). I recently started a blog: www.paroledilana.blogspot.com
    "parole di lana" is the Italian for "woolen words". No Thanksgiving here today, but I wish you and all Americans a great holiday!

  27. The thankful tree is such a lovely thing.

  28. What a lovely post - and I especially like the thankful tree idea - I may have to try it with my own little artists. Thank you!

  29. Anonymous11/22/2007

    Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  30. Happy Turkey Day to you & yours!

  31. Anonymous11/22/2007

    I wish we were there for thanksgiving----maybe when we move to our new house.Hope the turkey bird turns out great.It was fun this AM.LOVE YOU

  32. I absolutely love the idea of a Thankful Tree. I would also hang a leaf for each of the wonderful blogs I read that keep me inspired and entertained (your's included, of course). Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  33. Leslie, what a wonderful atmosphere you bring to your home, your children and to us. Thank you!

  34. Thank you too, Leslie! I love your warm and inviting blog.

  35. Anonymous11/22/2007

    Happy Thanksgiving! Your tree is a great idea.

  36. Anonymous11/23/2007

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too! [It feels SO funny saying that - we don't celebrate it down here.]

  37. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. It's a beautiful tree!

  38. thanks for the cookie link - lots of good ones!

    I love the thankful tree idea - how wonderful!!!!

  39. Happy thanks giving!Being a Brit we don't really do Thanks Giving here but I love the sentiment and I love your tree!That's such a lovely idea, I will have to try and incorporate it into our household some how!Thank you for sharing with us, your blog reflects such a lovely family life it's inspiring.x

  40. Oh, I love your thankful tree! Happy Thanksgiving.

  41. I love your tree of Thanks! What a wonderful tradition...one we may have to incorporate into ours as well...

    Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving with your lovely family.

  42. i absolutely love your grateful tree. it's fantastic! what a clever idea. personally i think people should have one up all the time and each night write something down - just so we can all remember that life is good!

  43. Hi, I just discovered you through the Yarnhog, and I have really enjoyed reading all your old posts. You are sooo creative, wish you lived next door. We started our tree this thanksgiving. I always do some dorky activity that my teens roll their eyes at, but I make them do it. I love the tree because it is pretty to look at. We tied the leaves on with lovely yarn scraps. I look forward to reading you regularly.

  44. I would like to Yhank You too for your creative inspiration.

  45. Your Thankful tree is a great idea, and how nice to keep the leaves each year and keep on adding more.
    Hope you're having a relaxing weekend.

  46. the tree is a lovely idea - just wait till you read the leaves to your grandchildren ( one day ! )

  47. Anonymous11/26/2007

    Love this! Hope you had a great holiday!

  48. Anonymous11/27/2007

    I too think that the thankful tree is an awesome idea. I might 'borrow' it :0)

  49. This is such a lovely idea, I felt quite emotional as I read about it. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here but I am thinking of adopting a version of it, it's good to give thanks.


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