my own, just for fun

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I am not a designer, nor do I claim to be. However when you have an idea in your head of something you would like to knit, and can't find a pattern, you have to take matters into your own hands. I drew this while sitting at a stoplight one day, and used my favorite black top for the measurements. It is no secret that I love yarn and fabric and thought it might be kind of interesting to bring both together. When I realized what a waste of time it would be to knit something that I really don't like the color of, I went for the fabric choice instead.

I also thought it was pretty lucky the first time I went to look for fabric and found almost the perfect match. The fabric fades from dark to light which I also liked.
I made a garter band, and then picked up stitches along one of the long sides. Changed to stockinette with a strip of garter in the center, measuring as I went along.
Same thing for the back. The fabric was gathered and then sewn onto the knitting with elastic thread. A simple edge stitch along the neck and armholes.
The funny thing is as much as I didn't like the color, I think it is kind of fun, kind of cool, and it IS super comfortable. I might just wear it!
And for those of you who can't see past that color, maybe it looks better in black? Or not.

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  1. Anonymous9/05/2007

    I love everything about this - the style, the color and the combination of knitting/fabric.

    Hmmm, this might be inspiration for a similar crochet creation, but I haven't made a garment yet and I can't seem to get past the only two stitches I know! Oh well - I'll just look at yours and dream! Nice job!

  2. Anonymous9/05/2007

    You are amazing! I would never tackle anything I dream up in my head. That looks beautiful on you.

  3. Your top is fantastic no matter what the color (which I do like by the way). And don't sell yourself short. You are a designer. The details of your top are beautiful! I've often thought about combining fabric and knitting myself. I just haven't gotten around to it. You inspire me to take the time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous9/05/2007

    Well done.

    My former knitting teacher has made a career for herself (one of many) in designing and knitting tops similar to this for several local boutiques. She uses a lot of Robert Kauffman and Amy Butler fabrics. So many possibilities and something fun to think about if you decide to consider a v 2.0.

  6. Anonymous9/05/2007

    I think the top is cute (I do have to admit though, the b/w image helped me see past the color). I think you did a great job with the design work, knitting, sewing and overall execution! Good job!

  7. Cool. Bring on the color. Just don't wear it with a lime green shirt underneath red and gold plaid pants. As if.

    I like how you combined knitting with fabric. I've never done that, but have always wanted to try.

  8. So so cute!... so innovative!

  9. Turned out great!

    Who needs a pattern when you can conjure something up like that on your own

  10. OMG, I LOVE that! It looks so comfy. I would totally knit that if I had the pattern. You are so good!

    Hey, submit it to Knitty!!! You totally should!

  11. SO cute - I just can't stand it! The color is great. I really hope you wear it!

  12. Anonymous9/05/2007

    Very cool! I like that you were able to take something in your head and execute it into a finished garment.

  13. Very cool! I like it a lot and I think the purple is actually very nice!

  14. You need to design this stuff for Knitty! This is fabulous. I want one!

  15. Anonymous9/05/2007

    What a genius creation Leslie! I just love it so much- everything from the idea, the construction, the fit, the colour of leaves nothing to be undesirable!

  16. Anonymous9/05/2007

    I think you are a designer! It turned out great and fits you well!

  17. Anonymous9/05/2007

    Love this top - it turned out great! Any chance you'll be selling/sharing the pattern in the future? I really like the knit/fabric combination.

  18. That is fabulous!

  19. Holy mackerel,
    that is too cool. Fabric and knitting, how did you make it so perfect, and I personally love the color!

  20. That is so fab! I feel like I could see this in a boutique right now.

    You, my dear, are a designing rock star!

  21. Anonymous9/05/2007

    WOW! It is really great, good work.
    I love how the fabric fades too.

  22. Very industrious and creative of you and you know . . . this is how great designs are started. :-)

    It's really flippin' sweet!

  23. Fantastic! I love it! I actually like the color. Pops of color like that really nice and I love how you combined knitting and sewing.

  24. Anonymous9/05/2007

    this is wonderful, leslie! i love how you just did it and actually ended up liking the purple in the end. i think it is pretty great!

  25. oh my word, woman, that is fabulous! nice job on the execution. I love the mix between of yarn and fabric. really beautiful.

  26. This is amazing - I love the marriage between the yarn and fabric - need to try that!

  27. What a completely cute idea, Leslie!! Love it, such a great color.

  28. Wow!! That IS awesome! I definitely love it - congrats on designing your first piece. :)

  29. Did you just happen to have the perfect shade of yarn and three sweet little buttons, too? Delightful!

  30. I think it looks great, and I love the colour. Way to go on designing it yourself.

  31. You are an artist in every sense of the word. Your photos are so professional looking and now you are a designer...the woman can do it all! AND, what's wrong with the color? I love it!

  32. Anonymous9/05/2007

    Great job! You look really good in it!

  33. I am a total pink-a-holic so I just love it. The combination of fabric and knit is ingenious—you are like some kind of hip Frankenstein.

  34. What they all said! And this is the perfect way to wear something knitted that doesn't break the bank (besides socks, I mean lol). Your daughter is too cute.

  35. My goodness, this is so Anthropologie! It's your first design and you're off to a great start. It's so fun to see your idea materialise into the actual product.

  36. Anonymous9/05/2007

    I think it's very cute! And it's amazing that you found that fabric.

  37. Not only is it a really, really cool top, but I love the color!

  38. It is beautiful !

    You are a talented lady.

  39. Anonymous9/06/2007

    i'm voting for the colour photos. amazing work ... again.

  40. I've been lurking..and I think this top is gorgeous =)

  41. SO proud of you making your own design!

    I love how you mixed the two together! Knitted and fabric! Crafters with both loves would so do your own personal design!!

    It was definitely meant to be when you found the perfect color match!

    Soon you will be selling your pattern creations! :o)

  42. Anonymous9/06/2007

    I love the combination of texture and technique : fabric and yarn : knitting and sewing. The endless possibilities just add to the allure. I also love your creativity and initiative. Bravo!


    It is one of my favorite thing to see what someone comes up with on their own. Using your own creativity. it just amazes me. I only wish I could do something like that.
    It's beautiful.

  44. It looks gorgeous! great desing,simple but beautiful!
    could be used with any fabric-light or heavy,plain color or with patterns.

  45. Anonymous9/06/2007

    Its fabulous and I love the color!

  46. you did a fabulous job, Leslie! and like others have said, you should absolutely submit that design to Knitty. or at least make one for Scout. ;-)

  47. oh that is too cute - great job!! and i looove the color...

  48. I love the changing colors of the fabric - and the clever way to knit a sweater in 1/2 the time!

  49. Whoa! That's really cool! I love the color - I like the fade from dark to light too. And if you found the match right away, well, then it was meant to be! What a great summery shirt!

  50. I love the texture of it! And it fits you so well!! I sometimes think that knitting the way that you did is better - sometimes when knitting from a pattern, I tend not to measure and think that the pattern maker knows best. When really, it should be adjust all the way along, to make it right for me. Great job!

  51. It's adorable, and I love the color! What a cute top.

  52. love it! i think the color is nice, like a juicy plum!

  53. You ROCK!!!
    I told you, you need to work for Betsy. It turned out really cute.

  54. Anonymous9/06/2007

    It is adorable and you did a fantastic job. It looks great on you.Pattern #1.Lets keep the creativity going.Just me

  55. WOW... WOW... WOW...
    I luv this.... I luv the colour too... how amazing are u to create sucha beautiful comfortable looking garment....
    luv Abby

  56. Beautiful! So creative!

  57. You GO girl!! That's an awesome design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. i love it. all of it. the color. the super-cool style. all of it.

  59. You'd be crazy not to wear it.

  60. Anonymous9/08/2007

    So cool; here is CA we ear lots of color- go for it! It's perfect!

  61. Anonymous9/13/2007

    Wow. Now that is crafty, cool, flattering, unique and lovely! I am uber impressed.

  62. Hey, just found your blog via flickr and I am working on something so similar to this, although I've only done the garter stitch band so far. Knitting for me always seems to get pushed to the bottom of the basket.


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