hmmm...can't think of a title (does that ever happen to you?)

Friday, September 07, 2007

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your lovely comments on my top. Every single one of them brought a big fat smile to my face! Really, I think everyone of you could design your own sweater. It is just a matter of time and brain power. And personally, knitting from a pattern requires a lot less figuring.
Speaking of figuring, my silver belle is coming along. I have both sleeves finished, and have decided to put the peplum back on the needles in order to make the body longer. I have already used the required 14 balls and had to have my sister send me an emergency shipment. She was going to make it, but has now decided against it. (Believe me, she will be asking to borrow mine.) This sweater seems to be eating my yarn. If you are going to make this and are going to use cashmerino, I recommend buying extra, just in case. I have joined the KAL, and it really is great to see the progress everyone else is making.

Last night the five of us gathered around the computer remembering Pavarotti. I couldn't help but think how reminiscent that was of families long ago. Huddled around a radio listening to a show. I thought, how far have we come, but have we? I wonder when my grand kids are born, how will families get instant news? Off a large computer on the wall, with a remote? Just a little weekend thoughts to ponder. Go listen, it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Happy Friday!

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  1. Well aren't you a clever pants - that top is gorgeous and the colour is fantastic. It's very inspiring to see you bring an idea of your own to life. I would love to be sitting there with you at that lovely table, with a cuppa and our knitting. Have a great weekend.

  2. looks like it is coming along great! I hate when you run out of yarn! It ruins all the fun!

  3. yes we lost a great one.

  4. Anonymous9/07/2007

    It's GORGEOUS! You do such beautiful work.

    I am starting over for the third time, but I'm okay with it. Really. I am!

    Re: Pavarotti, whenever I hear him, I think of my mom playing his CD's while we cleaned the house on Sundays. I still get teary when I hear him sing "Mama."

  5. Anonymous9/07/2007

    Excited about your silver belle. Glad you got the extra yarn. I am waiting to see how yours (and others) come out before I start mine. The blue you chose is a lovely color. I'll quiz you on your modifications later!

    Happy Friday to you too plus have another big smile from moi!

  6. oh I can't wait to see it all together! I'm sure it will be gorgeous. Have a good weekend!

  7. Anonymous9/07/2007

    That color is just stunning! It's going to be such an amazing sweater! Can't wait to see it done.

    I hate when you run out of yarn, the worst is when you are using the specified yarn & you STILL run out. :P

  8. Anonymous9/07/2007

    this is looking just beautiful, leslie....

  9. How about "The Sweater That Ate My Yarn" for a post title? Yes, of course there are times when I'm stumped but, as a former reporter, I remember that every piece has a lede.

    Hare the running out of yarn bit, but if your sister is willing to supply more for the occasional borrow, then what the heck?

  10. I mean "hate" not "hare", with absolutely no offense to bunnies...

  11. I am listening to Pavorotti right now because of you. Sooo beautiful! Amazing.

    The sweater looks great. I really want to knit it too but now I am worried about the yarn yardage! I think I may wait to see how many balls of yarn you actually use. So keep us updated. Can't wait to see it!

  12. Anonymous9/07/2007

    Awhile ago I found your link, I think, through Nitty.Gritty's blog. I'm very much a novice knitter who aspires to become more advanced. You give me something to try to aspire to in the future! Did you begin knitting as a child??? You just seem to crank your creations out and that also inspires me! Love ALL of them!!! Love your blog and I check in from time to time to see what's new.
    Blessings to you!

  13. Your silverbelle, and your own design both look great. I don't think I'd have the patience to start Silverbelle, there is so much cable work!
    Have a great weekend.

  14. I am liking silver belle. I always like my sweaters longer too.

  15. You have progressed quite a bit on your SB and great color choice... I actually joined a SB KAL, but second guessing it. I think its too advanced for me.

  16. Anonymous9/07/2007

    I sometimes have very similar post titles. :) Your sweater is looking beautiful!

  17. Wowza! Lucily your sister had more, 'cuz that Debbie Bliss aint cheap!

    Ps--I love you coffe mug--Crate and Barrel?

  18. Anonymous9/07/2007

    belle is gorgeous, much as Pavarotti's voice...

  19. Anonymous9/07/2007

    Silver belle is gorgeous!

  20. Did i SEE coffee on the table ? Mine i have one cuppa ??

    Love the colour for your SB. Nice choice.

  21. So glad you posted about silver belle, I was wondering how it was getting along :)

  22. Know what you mean about Pavarotti. Our dad used to play his music loud enough to make the house shake. So sad that his voice is silenced. Woke this morning to read another great, Madeleine L'Engle, has died too.

    Love the color of your silver belle.

  23. Silver Belle is absolutely gorgeous as is, I can't wait to see it completed.

    As for Pavarotti, he's always been one of my favorite voices. The world will never see another one of him. And from what I hear, his father was the better singer. What really bothers me about the world today is how we could put the death of Anna Nicole Smith across every front page of every magazine and news outlet and talk about her non-stop for weeks, but Pavarotti's death -- of a true talent (not that I'm belittling anyone dying) -- gets a one line notice in some news releases. What did the man need? A boob job and dye his hair? Unbelievable.

  24. (I can rarely think of a title....I wish I could do away with them altogether!)

  25. Gosh that sweater is going to be gorgeous! And in Cashmerino to boot!


  26. I love your every projects so i'm sure this is very beautiful if you are finished it.

  27. Wow! I checked out the KAL, that sweater is looking lovely in all colors and on everyone...tempting, very tempting! Can't wait to see yours!


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