bitter sweet

Monday, August 27, 2007

School started today. And, although I hate for the summer to end, I must admit I was a little giddy yesterday, thinking about today. Oh, time to do the gazillion things I have let go over the summer. However, those gazillion things are just going to have to wait another day. Because, after I skipped up the driveway, drank more coffee, blared music throughout the house, I decided it was time to try to accomplish the other things on my list! Happy, happy Monday.

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  1. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Right now, I'd go for the nap ;)

  2. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Congratulations! I think those are two very worthy activities. I hope your enjoy your day. What a great photo!

  3. Yee-Haw! I danced around the house singing "Happy Days are Here Again!" And then I went to my SnB, had lunch out, and went to the gym--all without anyone asking "Are we done yet?" I love school days.

  4. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Was thinking of you this morning while sock knitting and getting a pedicure. At the same time. Oh, how I love school right now.

  5. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Yeah! Am with you. I was so stressed last night about first day of school but this morning, I put everything into perspective. So far, my morning has been successful and fulfilling.....had my morning run plus play time at the park, run a few errands and guess what, am kicking my feet right now to just KNIT and knit and do nothing else really....Enjoy your monday!

  6. Sounds like such a relaxing day!

  7. Yessssss! What a great to do list!

  8. That is the perfect picture with your post!!

  9. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Now that's what I call a "To Do List"!!!

  10. Anonymous8/27/2007

    Heh, enjoy your day.

  11. Enjoy! You've earned it after the summer!

  12. Sounds like the perfect day:)

  13. Oh I love your "to do" list, I am going to make a very similar one next week. I love having them home but I seriously cannot wait for that first week back to school when I can dance around the house shouting "hurrah, hurrah".

  14. How fun! After the busy summer that you have had, you deserve it!! Happy Knitting!!

  15. Ha-ha-ha! I hope you had a fabulous day!! We've still go another week and a half. Perhaps I should start making my list. . .

  16. Love your 'to do' list :-) School started for us today too. I thought I'd have trouble getting dd up for school but she crept in to our bed at 5.15am and couldn't get back to sleep! We both got up at 5.40am!
    I laughed at Yarnhog's comment - I love school days too ;)
    Let the knitting begin!!

  17. Sounds like heaven. Of course we love the kids, they are cute and say the darndest things, but my three year old may have dropped naps for good today. I have one year before preschool starts...

  18. Wish I could add the nap on my list ;) But that's not easy with a toddler running around... Have a greata day!

  19. It was the first day in a long time I didn't hear. "mom!" "mom!' every 5 minutes from my daughter. I do love her but lordy I'd like to change my name to F*c*, because that is a word she can't say & she'd never be able to yell for me.
    Where did I spend my day? OH yeah, at her schoool getting started on the fall fundraiser. Today I sell book sox at his school, knit tomorrow. Definitely!

  20. Anonymous8/28/2007

    Those two things were my day yesterday. But, I was sick....and now I am back at school. Being sick at home was much better than being sick at work! I hope your Monday was relaxing!

  21. hehe! is this the same mom who was teary eyed that her little boy was "graduating" last spring? i hope you enjoy the freedom of fall, you and your family certainly seemed to make the most of the summer and make many happy memories!

  22. Anonymous8/28/2007

    Sounds like a wonderful day :)

  23. Sounds like fun. My kids are back at school and I have enjoyed my sewing time. Best wishes to many hours of knitting.

  24. *sighs longingly* One day. Although I have one in school, the other two are running around amok while I try to ignore them and live vicariously through you...

  25. Anonymous8/28/2007

    I love your to do list :)

  26. I lov your list! I think I'll do the same thing on our first day of school - I took the day off to meet the new teacher and then pedicure and knitting for me! End of summer reward!

  27. Skipped - you crack me up! I'll be skipping next Tuesday when third grade begins :)

  28. Now that's my kind of 'to do' list!


    P.S. Thanks for nice comment reguarding Marley.

  29. Anonymous8/29/2007

    That's a pretty tough list! ;)

  30. "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" My stress releives tomorrow morning at 8:15! WOOOHOOO!!

  31. oh, that is wonderful, though i'm a little jealous! i'm one of the ones that has to go back to school and i'm (im)patiently awaiting a day to nap and knit. hope you enjoyed it!

  32. I can see that great big smile on your face from here...enjoy! Napping is always on my "to do" list.

  33. It seems like just a few days ago when you were posting about the first day of no school, now back to school, already? Does that mean cookie of the week again?

  34. That sounds lovely. If you ever get lonely, I have a little one you can borrow... :)
    Enjoy! Nap a few extra minutes for me.

  35. Anonymous8/30/2007

    Now that's a nice day!

  36. Ahhh, now that looks like the perfect way to spend the day!

    Enjoy it. Before you know it there are all those holiday breaks:)

  37. oh, happy monday indeed!


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