shop locally

Friday, July 13, 2007

Rainy summer days mean days to remember.
It is really great when the rain forces creative play at our house. The kids set up shops throughout the house, each with their own individual theme.

Andrew had a sporting goods store. He collected anything from balls to racquet's to bobble heads. Priced everything on his own. I guess it never hurts to dream big. Charlie raided the kitchen for candy for his candy shop. He also priced things pretty high. Dum dums for $1. He also was asking $1 for Hershey kisses. I'll tell you, it was a very expensive candy shop.

sign, courtesy of libby

Libby spent hours getting ready for the opening of her variety store. Making everything by hand, all her own creation. That's my girl!

They sat in their stores, reading books, waiting for customers, a.k.a. mommy! Occasionally they would close their own store to shop in another.
It was so wonderful, no fighting, a quiet house.....ahhhh!
Oh, and the best part? We all had our share of "friendly" money!
Have a wonderful friday the 13th. It is my moms lucky day! (so she says)
She had me on a friday the 13th, after all.

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  1. I bet that was so much fun! Things like these your kids will embrace in memory - great job at being creative on a rainy day.

  2. What fun! Libby sounds like she is a budding designer.

    I sure hope I have a lucky Friday the 13th too - I think I'm heading to the casino - too bad I play with real money! HA! ;)

    Your kids have great names!

  3. So much fun! What did you buy!?
    I remember doing that with my brother when we were little. Ahhh, to be little. :)

  4. Anonymous7/13/2007

    Oh, how fun! That reminds me of my own childhood. Have a great weekend.

  5. this is too cute! it looks like the high gas prices REALLY affected the prices in the stores. :) Isn't it fun to see your kids being creative?

  6. [shop locally]... think globally. it's too true. your children will remember that forever, i am sure! i look forward to doing things like this once my children are a bit older. my toddler would have decimated the candy shop, 5-fingered the baseball and erased the dry-erase board in a matter of minutes! Ü

  7. what a fantastically creative way to spend a rainy day! i think libby is on the path to greatness...after all it seems to run in the family!

  8. Anonymous7/13/2007

    Whew! It's a good thing there was friendly money available. :) Did they get excited when they saw you headed toward their store?

  9. That sounds like such a fun time. :)

  10. How creative, love it!! Love the Variety Store concept, she's on the ball that one!

  11. Adorable! I remember playing store when I was a kid too! I love all their signs.

    Gina L.

  12. You just might be the cutest mom ever! What a great way to spend a day.

  13. I love it! I love the creative imaginations of children. There is nothing better than seeing kids doing creative things like that. Camille loves making stores too.....but she expects real money!

  14. Anonymous7/13/2007

    Friendly money!! I love it. I remember doing something similar as a kid... super fun!

  15. Anonymous7/13/2007

    i want to shop at your house - i would pay about $1 for a hershey's kiss right now. i need some chocolate!

  16. Anonymous7/13/2007

    What a fun idea! You are raising some creative (and industrious) kids there.

  17. Anonymous7/13/2007

    I like Libby's summer hours, 11 to 3!
    Happy Friday the 13th to you too, we are having a great day.

  18. Anonymous7/13/2007

    What a cute idea - I love it!

  19. Anonymous7/13/2007

    How fun! I thought it was just my kids that did that? I still find prices on everything all over the house.

  20. Get out of town! You guys are too much fun! I love the friendly dollars.

  21. That's so fun, isn't it? My kids sometimes set up shop together and use monopoly money :)

  22. Anonymous7/13/2007

    i'd need a few of those hershey kisses. maybe 10. does charlie accept paypal?

  23. such a clever way to spend a rainy day. libby looks like an entrepreneur in the making. of course, she has a good role model.

  24. oh what lovely memories! i tried to start a library in our home and charge for books. not sure how that would have worked...

  25. Anonymous7/15/2007

    This sounds like such a lot of fun - how great to be creative on a rainy summer's day!

  26. I'll Hershey Kiss, one Dum Dum, and a $10 baseball...does that come with hugs?

  27. Dum dums and Kisses are worth every penny of a dollar! Especially when purchased from such a sweet merchant. Days like you describe are my favorite kind as a parent.

  28. Another wonderful idea. It looked like a lot of fun. Was the baseball signed by someone famous?

  29. Also, how did your salad turn out?

  30. Anonymous7/19/2007

    i LOVE that so cute.


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