great mail day

Friday, July 20, 2007

Yesterday, was that indeed! A great mail day. Anytime you see a package at your doorstep with this pink sticker, it is So Much Fun!

Sabrina had a little contest, and we all won! How sweet was that? Sabrina is a fabulous knitter, and owns a boutique named So Much Fun. She recently moved to Seattle. So, if you live in the area, you should look her up.

In the box I found highly fragrant products by Pangea Organics. They are wonderful! Thank you SO much Sabrina!!!
Charlie and I played a little contest over at Fluffy Flowers, and won that too! (Felicia make the most adorable little creatures). Felicia asked that you just leave a comment about your favorite part of the books and she would draw a winner. Since Charlie is a HUGE Harry fan, I thought it would be great fun for him to leave the comments.
It really made his (our) day to see the package from Felicia in our mail.
For Charlie, it is the process of opening a package. He is the child that takes his time while opening Christmas gifts. I usually want to scream "just tear it open"!
He couldn't contain his excitement towards the end.
And I just couldn't wait to get my hands on that cute little hand knit sweater!

Look at all this loot! Of course, the chocolate frogs were the first to go, although he did share one with Andrew. The rest he said is his, all his. Even the Harry sweater. Darn!

Thanks a million Felicia! You really made our day!

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  1. Wow! Both of those packages were really nice and so sweet too!

  2. That little HP sweater is killing me--and I'm not even a fan!

  3. Hooray! What luck! I love love love the little sweater.

  4. Oh my what goodies you have there... the sweater is beyond adorable.

  5. Anonymous7/20/2007

    It's always so much fun to open surprises. I love the little Harry sweater.

  6. what great packages! that little sweater is SO cute!! lucky ducks! 12:01 tonite..FINALLY!

  7. Anonymous7/20/2007

    you have got to love good mail!

  8. Anonymous7/20/2007

    I love packages! I could use a good mail day over here, I am still waiting for my Kauni yarn. I fear it is lost.

  9. You two are so lucky. I never win anything. Its a great day when packages show up on your doorstep.
    I think you should start making those little HP sweaters.

  10. Looks like a fantastic mail day!
    We can't wait to pick up our copy of the final book tonight. I'll be buying two copies and my girls plan to stay up all night reading! Tell Charlie I said to enjoy his package and reading the last book.

  11. Anonymous7/20/2007

    So glad you both enjoyed the HP prize and hanging out at my blog this week with me. :)

  12. I've tracked my Harry Potter book via UPS & it's in Pittsburgh, & will be at my house tomorrow! Yippee!

  13. I love the HP jumper - I watched three Potter films on holiday and I'm hooked :)

  14. Good job on winning a couple of contests - good fun! That sweater is too cute!

  15. that is a great mail day! charlie is so lucky! after reading your post, i headed right to felicia's to enter today's contest myself! today is total harry mania for me!

  16. Oh Leslie, I am so glad you enjoyed your gifty! Thanks for your pics and nice words!
    That sweater is fit for a cute little mousey or something!

  17. I LOVE when the postman brings packages! Such a stash you received!! After reading Kaet's blog I feel left out. I'll be sure to participate in Felicia's next contest.

  18. wow, sweet pink stuffs.

  19. Anonymous7/20/2007

    What fabulous loot! Enjoy!

  20. What great packages! I love mail! I love seeing what mail everyone else gets just as much I think. So fun.

  21. Anonymous7/21/2007

    I love happy mail days! Yay you!

  22. The packages are very nice.So sweetie of pink.

  23. I am officially done book 7 and felt a pang looking at Charlie's HP package. How is he coping with the 'end'?

    Sabrina is the best!

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