school picnic day

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yesterday was School Picnic Day. Most people head to our local amusement park, however, for various reasons, we opted to do something else. First, we rode the incline to the top of Mt. Washington and had lunch. The view of our city is amazing. That is the point where the 3 rivers join. The Monongahela, the Allegheny and the Ohio. Unfortunately, the fountain on the tip was being repaired.

We then headed to the zoo.
The polar bears are our newest addition.
Of course, the sharks are an all time favorite. What's that you say? What am I wearing?
Why it is my new skirt, I made, using Erin's twirly skirt tutorial. So, so easy! Honestly, anyone can make this! Erin has made this very easy, even for a beginner. It took me less than an hour. Straight lines to cut and sew, and an elastic waistband. I only used a yard of the main fabric. I am already dreaming up all sorts of new skirts to add to my wardrobe. Thanks, Erin!

Back to our day. After the zoo, we went to the bookstore and all chose new books. Well, not me I actually knit a few rows. Then met hubby/daddy for dinner. Two meals out in one day! Wow, now who had a picnic of a day?!

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  1. Wow, Les! GREAT photos, especially the one of the city. The clarity is outstanding. Your skirt is darling. I got online early this morning and was hoping that you updated your blog with an account of your day. I'm obsessed! You've created a monster!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the skirt!! And the baby sweater from the previous post is perfect.

  3. Anonymous5/24/2007

    that is a gorgeous skirt! I love the contrast hem fabric with the main fabric. Very fun, very cute!

  4. Lovely skirt, especially the mix of fabrics.

  5. Anonymous5/24/2007

    I love your skirt. It's so cute!

    What great pictures. It looks like you had a really nice day. I'm still swooning over the pink baby sweater too. Luv it!

  6. Great pictures - what a fun trip! I have been thinking about that skirt too - I just can't choose a fabric!

  7. Anonymous5/24/2007

    Twirly skits...*sigh*...aren't they wonderful???

    I felt as if I were out and about whilst looking at your pictures. Thank you for the mental break :-).

  8. Such a cute skirt!! And always more fun when you are wearing something wonderful and you made it!

    What a fun day! And great photos!!

  9. what a great spot for a picnic! the zoo is one of my favorite places....

    cute skirt - i'm heading over to check out the pattern.

  10. No place like the Three Rivers in the "Burgh"...Great photos!!! Will you please make me a skirt??? I never did get my apron :(

  11. Great skirt! Love the fabric!

  12. Anonymous5/24/2007

    Uh!la!la! That is some fancy skirt number you made! Really sweet. Love the outing pics too. What a nice way to spend the day without cooking.....

  13. What a totally fun day! I love the photo of the lioness. Very good. That skirt is awesome (and I usually don't wear skirts/dresses--I may have to give this one a go). I really like the fabric you choose for it, as well.

  14. That skirt is sooo cute! I wonder if I could sew that? Sewing is one thing I am not very good at!

    And where do you buy your fabric? Your choices are always so cute.

  15. That skirt is great!!! I've been completely distracted by the tutorial you linked to during all of my meetings this morning.

    Thanks for the sweet comments on Flair. I guess with that sweater I can finally say after a long hiatus (college and career startup) I'm CRAFTY again! Woot!

  16. I love the funicular at the inclined plane! My daughter's 6th grade is going to the Pbgh zoo tomorrow...cute skirt, btw!

  17. Thanks for the link to the twirly skirt tutorial. Yours is so lovely that I want to make one right away. And I have just the fabric...

  18. oh my goodness. That skirt is just pure cuteness. I absolutely LURVE the fabric.

  19. Anonymous5/24/2007

    The skirt looks great on you! I may have to make one for myself...maybe.

  20. Love it! And that fabric is fabulous.

  21. Anonymous5/24/2007

    Your skirt is fantastic! And I love the photo you took of your city. I grew up a few hours away from there, but have never visited. It looks beautiful!

  22. Hmmmmm that fabric looks familiar?

  23. Leslie!!! Those are great photos, they all look like postcards, even your cute skirt!

  24. love love love that skirt!

    thanks for the link.

  25. Anonymous5/24/2007

    Love that skirt!

  26. Sounds like a wonderful day. And that skirt is so pretty. I'm clicking over to check out the tutorial right now. Thanks for the tip!!

  27. Anonymous5/24/2007

    the skirt is fantastic! I think I will need to make one of those for myself!

  28. the skirt is fantastic. I am thinking of getting a sewing machine for the little job here and there. I might dare it.

  29. Anonymous5/25/2007

    Oh, my exact thoughts when I clicked on the aquarium photo were: "hmmm, what's that fabulous skirt she's wearing..."

  30. Looks like you had a great day! Love your skirt :) Have a great weekend!

  31. You had a picnic of a day! You and that cute little skirt of yours.

  32. I love your skirt. I love the fabrics! What line are they from? If you don't mind me asking. *blush*
    The yarn store is in McMurray actually!

  33. Adorable skirt!! Great job.
    Pittsburgh is a lovely city. Such a pretty photo of the three rivers.

  34. Anonymous5/25/2007

    What a great day and what a cute skirt! Perfect for the outing!

  35. Love the skirt.. LOVE the photos... LOVE IT!! Did I mention that?? LOL LOL

  36. Anonymous5/26/2007

    ok...the skirt is AWESOME...i'm glad to hear that it wasnt hard to adjust for an adult size.....i'm so going to make one now!

  37. Yay! I went to the zoo!! :) Great pics.

    The skirt is super cute! I would love to make myself one, but since I'm not a sewer I'm having a hard time figuring out how I'd make it larger for myself rather than for the kid directions . . . but I guess it's just too early in the morning to wrap my head around doing the math. *lol* My poor sewing machine is still in storage.

  38. I love your skirt - what great fabric choices! I may have to try that tutorial! Also enjoyed all of your pictures - sounds like it was a wonderful trip!

  39. Anonymous5/27/2007

    Oh, I love these photos, thanks so much for sharing - especially the polar bear, these are such impressive and beautiful animals, aren't they? And your skirt is certainly stunning - as I see it, this is the perfect summer skirt indeed - I love the fabric as well as its style! Very, very beautiful!

  40. Hello Pittsburgh! Love love love your skirt - the fabric is fantastic. My dad was born and raised there - I' ve been to the zoo several times - but never up Mt Washington - what a great school trip!!

  41. Wonderful photo of the rivers. I had to find it on google -- check it out in satellite mode

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