ruffles - a Friend to knit with


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A little sewing took place over the weekend. I purchased this fabric on super sale from Joann fabrics to try this skirt. 1/2 of a yard of each. I think it cost me $2.47! How awesome is that?! Really, really easy. If you know how to baste and gather, then you can do this. If not, this might help . Basically, it is four ruffles sewn together.

I didn't have enough fabric to make the last tier the same width, hence the reason for the small bottom ruffle.
libby, age 9, favorite subject in school: math


Measure the child's waist and add 10 inches plus seam allowance for the first tier
Second tier: width of first tier plus 20 inches and seam allowances
Third tier: width of second tier plus 20 inches and seam allowances
Fourth tier: width of third tier plus 20 inches and seam allowances
The depth of each tier I used, is about 5 inches plus seam widths, with the exception of the first tier. For the first tier, you need to allow for the casing ( for the elastic). I added 2 inches.

Lots of options with this skirt. You can make each ruffle longer so that the skirt would be fuller. Or, you can vary the width of the tiers to make it longer or shorter. I think it would be great to piece together lots of different fabrics from your stash. It definitely could also be made in an adult size.

You have to sew together pieces of fabric to make long widths. I sewed each width, then gathered the fabric, then sewed each piece together. Made the casing, inserted the elastic, and finishing by sewing one side seam.

I started this post this afternoon, and seven hours later, I am publishing it! (I did have to stop for after school, homework, dinner, baseball game, showers and books) However, I had a really hard time explaining what I did. Hopefully, you can follow what I did here. If not drop me an e-mail, I would be happy to help.

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  1. Anonymous5/29/2007

    That is so cute, once again making me wish I could sew. Maybe someday... I like the smaller ruffle on the bottom. Very, very cute!

  2. Adorable skirt. I wish I could sew so well. My 9 year old daughter's favorite subject is math as well. How lucky are we?

  3. Cute, a real summer skirt :)

  4. I love the skirt. I have started to learn. I have a few pictures up.I love the fabric on sale I think her dresses cost me less than 3 dollars too. But I always get enough to make two so when my twins get bigger they can wear it. I would love to be able to make a skirt like that. It's soooo cute. My oldest is named Libby!

  5. It's the perfect summer skirt! Love the pictures. So cute.

  6. Anonymous5/30/2007

    Very cute skirt and I know my daughter would love one like that! Thanks for the clear instructions. Will give it a try. Oh, you are so making me get near my sewing machine again!

  7. Libby is so lucky to have you as a Mom. The skirt is adorable!

  8. Love it, just like the Boden catalog!;)

  9. Anonymous5/30/2007

    so summery and cute! i love it leslie!

  10. that is just adorable!!!!!

  11. I made one of these a few years back and forgot how I did it so thanks for the new instructions. It's cold here so I might do it in some yummy cord or denim to go with some boots.

  12. that is so adorable, libby is so lucky!

  13. Adorable!!! How great that you can find cute fabric at JoAnn's - mine always just has ugly stuff. But they are opening a new JoAnn's Super Store one town over in mid-June, so I'm hoping the fabric selection will be much better. :)

  14. I SO wish I could sew, my younger daughter would love that skirt.

    Great job!

  15. Anonymous5/30/2007

    I love that sunny summer skirt! I wish I had a little girl to sew for!

  16. You are such an inspiration! I need to make one for my daughter, and now I can! Thanks you you! :)

  17. Anonymous5/30/2007

    it is very, very cute!! i think you might be inspiring me to sew. oh dear!

  18. Libby 'seams' (tee-hee) to love her new skirt...I still have to get a sewing machine, Soon!! Lovely photoshoot, as usual!

  19. Aw, I think my Libby (age 7, favorite subject - chatting) needs on of these:) Darling - I like the narrower strip along the bottom!

  20. that skirt is really very cute...i actually like the smaller ruffle on the bottom, it makes it more unique!

  21. ADORABLE...!! You just plain ROCK!!!

  22. Anonymous5/30/2007

    So cute! My daughter would love one of those. I'm going to have to hide this post from her otherwise I'll have to dust off the sewing machine!

  23. Very cute, and I love the other one you made, too! I think I'm going to have to get out my sewing machine soon.

  24. I think I asked once before, but we didn't quite know each other then. Do you have a tricked out sewing machine? Or could I do this on my 1950s vintage machine (at least it is electric). I am going to have to get sewing.

    As always, you are a beautiful seamstress, er, rather, you seam beautifully?!

  25. Anonymous5/31/2007

    It's a great skirt with a definite summer feel to it!

  26. That is such a cute skirt! My 9 year old would love one too....maybe it would be a great way for me to brush up on my sewing skills. Your color choices are so perfect for spring.

  27. So very, very cute! I love the fact that the bottom ruffle is smaller.

    Yay for girls who love math!!

  28. Great skirt! I love the patterns and colors you used, so cheerful.

  29. Anonymous6/01/2007

    Oh my gosh, this is so absolutely cute! Everything's perfect as I see it - the fabric, the ruffles, the style, the fit - it's adorable indeed! I'd so wish I could sew so well, but as it is, no one managed to far to teach me so that I understood the basics - I'm hopeless in this case, I'm afraid ;(

  30. Such an adorable skirt with the gingham and playful print.. I'm sure your daughter is loving it.

  31. so cute! i bet she loves it!

  32. thanks for sharing the instructions for this adorable skirt. I have been wanting to try one, and you make it sound easy!


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