i cheated

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This was Andrews week to choose cookie of the week. He is so easy to please. I just had to ask him if he could pick betty crocker brownies, and of course he said, sure. Lets face it, a girls got to do what a girls got to do. No time for measuring ingredients when you have a deadline to meet. However, time must be put aside to take pictures of your cookies/brownies and post them on your blog. :) And when it comes to your family, you can't be a total slacker!
I have made a lot of progress on my Hanne, and think it should be finished by friday. I have not had to pull an all-knitter yet, however, I did knit until 1:30 a.m. last night. I was, of course, up at the crack of dawn, so I am dragging a bit today.

I think an iced coffee and brownie should help this!

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  1. Anonymous5/09/2007

    It is really not nice of you to taunt people stuck in cubicles with photos like that! Brownies and iced coffie -- oh my! They look delicious.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your finished Hanne.

  2. Anonymous5/09/2007

    That was supposed to be "coffee," not "coffie" -- see, I need some!

  3. I am getting very hungry! :) Good luck with your jacket!

  4. YUMMY YUMMY -- I just saw those at the store today at my local Giant Eagle. Looks good, can't wiat to see the sweater.

  5. Anonymous5/09/2007

    chocolate and caffeine cure all that ails. yum!

  6. Anonymous5/09/2007

    Oh yum, iced coffee and brownie (sigh). Wow, 1.30 am knitting session - I haven't done that yet.


  7. i think that looks like the perfect snack- or breakfast! i can't wait to see hanne when she is done!

  8. Anonymous5/09/2007

    From the mouth of babes! My husband actually prefers boxed brownies to made from scratch goodness. I don't know what is wrong with him; but it makes life infinately easier for me!

  9. Oh Leslie, You are my absolute favorite! Are you looking to adopt a 24 year old?

  10. Anonymous5/09/2007

    OMG - Someday, I'm going to have to drop in, pull up a chair, get out my knitting, eat cookies and drink coffee with you! Constantly taunting us with your delicious pics.

  11. Anonymous5/09/2007

    You make even boxed brownies look mouth watering. My favorite way to eat boxed brownies is a big 'ol slice straight out of the oven, hot and gooy and topped with ice cream and loaded with hot fudge and caramel sauce. Then I eat half of it and say, 'honey, do you want the rest? I'm stuffed.' It's the bomb!!
    Looking forward to seeing your swing coat.

  12. Oh, I forgot, I clean, love kids and can be there tomorrow!

  13. I want some!!! PUHLEASE!?!?!

  14. Mmmm... brownies are my favorite. I can't wait to see the finished sweater. You're almost there!

  15. OHHHHHHHHHHHH YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Heavenly!!!!!

  16. what a great combo - mmm - iced tea and brownies! Hanne - finished??? wow - I cannot wait!

  17. Oh you devilish woman! I read your posting last night just before bed and swear that I could smell chocolate all the way upstairs. The only remedy is the whip up my own package of brownie mix today. It is Quaker, so I hope it looks as good as yours did!

    I am sure Hanne will look beautiful when finished, can't wait to see it.

  18. Love your blog! Really gorgeous things you make!!! Laurie~

  19. Those look delish. I see some baking in my near future.... hee hee....

  20. Anonymous5/11/2007

    Oh man, this looks so unbelievably yummy! Drooling all over my keyboard here ;)

  21. May I have a bite? mmmmm.

  22. Anonymous5/13/2007

    i usually don't crave food when i'm reading blogs -- but man that looks amazing! sheesh. :)

  23. I LOVE BROWNIES! such pretty pics too, thanks for sharing. My guy actually makes them from scratch, being that hes a cook and all. so its great! and they're low fat!



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