back to reality

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We had a fabulous time on spring break. Being at my parents home is the idyllic place for us. (me) My mother makes it unbelievably easy for me. Of course, she works too hard and needs a vacation when we leave. When I leave, I feel as if my gravy train (as my sisters refer to it) has come to a screeching halt! We had many wonderful moments, here are a few.

early morning sunrises
playing in the ocean

fishing on the dock

celebrating Easter Sunday
and of course, knitting by the pool
knitting at the beach
knitting with my mother by my side.
Thanks mom for a wonderful time! You are the BEST!

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  1. Oh, this is why I love to visit my mom's house, too. My husband sometimes points out that I don't do much when I'm there and I say, that's the point! She's my MOM! Moms are the BEST!

    It looks like you all had a great time... Welcome back!

  2. Oh I love it! What great photos and your mom and you are too cute! I can't wait to see more of the ballerina jaket! I am glad you had a good break, we all need one! Welcome home!
    P.S. I am the first to comment, ninner ninner ninner!

  3. Oh no! Amber beat me, shoot!

  4. Welcome back! I am glad to see you had such a good time. It looks like you are relaxed & then youhad to come back to this yucky weather, you should of brought the sun with you. Glad your home.

  5. I'm glad you and your family had such a wonderful and relaxing time. I miss my mother so much . . and seeing you with yours just made me very happy. I think I'm going to give her a call right now . . .

  6. Wow, I'm relaxed just looking at all the relaxing you did on your vacation. That is exactly what returning home should feel like. Happy days.

  7. That looks fun! And I love your mother's shrug - did she make that?

  8. So glad to hear from you again.

    You always have very lovely photos. These ones are outstanding. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Looks like you all had great fun! Your mum looks so chic in that cardigan. I see you knitting on a boat - you're a lucky girl not to get motion sickness :)

  10. Anonymous4/12/2007

    what fun! you and your mom look so relaxed and happy.

    were you in the charlotte airport?

  11. looks like you all had a wonderful time :)

  12. I have stumbled on your blog and have been waiting to hear about your trip to Vero Beach. My parents live there too! It is so nice to go there for spring break and I so understand how nice it is to stay with your parents. I always come back home feeling restored.

    I'm curious as to what you are knitting on poolside. I didn't take my knitting to the pool/beach as I'm always worried about sunscreen on my hands.

  13. Anonymous4/13/2007

    So glad you are back and had a great time. You were missed....

  14. Oh, welcome home! It sounds like the memories made are a treasure! You have a spectacular family.

  15. Anonymous4/13/2007

    I've missed your posts. Your vacation seems so idyllic - pretty pictures, pretty people, and pretty knitting. Who could ask for more?

  16. Anonymous4/13/2007

    I love the ocean!! Looks like it was a great trip. Did your mom make the green shrug she is wearing? It is lovely.

  17. wow, looks like the perfect relaxing break!

  18. Welcome back! I'm glad you had a great vacation. The knitting looks really interesting too! You and your mom are so cute!

  19. Leslie, you are such a prolific knitter. I'm jealous of your great vacation - I could use some of that right now! :) Congrats on the glasses - I once wanted glasses so bad (why, oh why??) that I "faked" my eye exam, not realizing that I indeed needed glasses, and therefore did not get them. (OK, to my credit, I was 11.) Found out a year later that I had terrible vision and actually needed glasses. Ay.

  20. Anonymous4/15/2007

    I love the photos of your vacation with mom. Everyone looks so happy! The sweater your mom is wearing looks great on her is it a handknit?


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