dashing - a Friend to knit with


Monday, March 19, 2007

Dashing from Knitty.
You have to love when your husband yells from another room "honey, I thought that we were going to have a photo shoot today". I think that he is really getting into my knitting blog!
Last weekend I decided to bring my car project inside to finish it for project spectrum. Sunne mentioned these on her blog, and I knew I had to make them. Sunne is making them also, so be sure to check back on Sunnelite for finished photos. I love these, and have already cast on for another pair in a chocolate brown. A few modifications where made. Knitting 20 rounds after the 3rd cable instead of 24, and knitting 15 rounds after the thumb instead of the 18. This made them a little shorter.

Yes, I am still tying the laces of my seven year old. Call it laziness or just the fact that I like to baby the baby. Charlie and Libby both learned when they were five, and I was very adamant about teaching them things. I have definitely relaxed in many ways with the third. I am going to teach him "how to " over spring break, maybe.

As I sat here, I pondered the idea of going for a run. I joined 100 miles by April 1st. I thought that this would be easy for me to accomplish. The weather definitely didn't help matters. I really don't like to run in the snow, and our treadmill is in our sun room which is not insulated and is the exact temperature as outside. Freezing! I have run 22 miles. This could be accomplished by April 1st if I ran 6.5 miles a day. I chose to go back inside and knit. I think I will sign up for 100 miles by July 4th, maybe.

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  1. Dashings look great! I say go for that run! Maybe not 6.5 mi/day until April 1 but you know, a jog would be okay!

  2. Love these! Thanks for your thoughts all weekend. I appreciate them...I believe sharing my story has helped me "spread my burden" and thus my load is lighter to bear, so thank you.
    On another note, my hubby needs to hit the golf course withyours, and take a few tips. Not just on his swing, but on taking photos! =) He has no patience with me and my obsession with taking pictures. I'll keep working on him though.

  3. They are lovely. I might have to make a pair myself!

  4. They look awesome! I really like them, I have never knit cables, i am too scared. HeHe.....

  5. Great job on the dashing!

    I admire that you are even contemplating a run.

    My husband would laugh if I asked him to photograph for me.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love those wristwarmers!
    Yeah, my hubby will take pics if I ask him but let's just say it's not really one of his talents. That's why I asked for a tripod for Christmas.

  8. Those are on my list to knit soon too! What yarn did you use for them?

    As for the 100, try to do as much as you can but don't stress about it! I don't think that was the idea of it!

  9. Anonymous3/20/2007

    Nice photo. Sorry you did not get to talk to me today......so sad. I'm taking off now.

  10. Anonymous3/20/2007

    love dashing! so great. did you go for your run?

  11. they look great and i think your husband is so cute for getting involved in your knitting/blogging pursuits. now get your sneaks on and go for that run! trust me, you might feel like you are dying ten minutes in, but keep at it and you will feel so good when you are done!

  12. Anonymous3/21/2007

    Wow - these Dashings look absolutely awesome! When I saw them in Knitty, I didn't really realize how great that pattern is - gosh, I'll have to give them a try straight away!
    Yours look particularly beautiful in that colour, so warm and cozy - perfect!

  13. Those wristwarmers are so pretty. And your husband takes great photos. As others have noted, my BF is not too patient when it comes to taking photos of me and my knitting! As for the run--I did the exact same thing yesterday: I *thought* about going for a run b/c it was so nice, but then went inside, sat on the couch, and began knitting instead! Ah well.... Maybe today I'll get a run in.

  14. Anonymous3/21/2007

    Those look so warm and comfy. We're still going through a cold spell up here. Just may need to knit a pair up, too. I'm guilty of babying my baby. She insisted on learning to tie her shoes before kindergarten. Of course, now she insists on slipping them on and off so as to avoid the whole tying business. Girls just wanna ... run. :)

  15. Those Dashings are tooo cute! I love them. I tie the laces of my seven year old boy too. Sometimes it is easier and quicker if you do it yourself!

  16. Totally fabulous gloves! They look so warm and comfy! What are the odds that two heges commented on your post??? :)

  17. I'm sure as soon as the weather gets warmer, you'll be out there running and getting closer to your goal! But since it's still chilly, stay inside with a nice mug of tea or coffee and knit. It's just the sensible thing to do. :-)

  18. Anonymous3/22/2007

    I'm late i know but the gloves are quite fancy, i might even try knitting them sometime.
    The weather hasn't been cooperative and i feel the same frustration like you do with your running. If you sign up next time, i will join you!

  19. Anonymous3/22/2007

    Dashing looks awesome! Run/jog what you can - no worries.

  20. Love the dashings too - I really want to try those after getting into the Fetchings for the holidays! I'm still tying my 7 year olds shoes too - and her name is Libby! I have found the weather to be a real obstacle for cranking out 100 miles - I may just make it under the buzzer - the next round will be much better:)

  21. Anonymous3/22/2007

    Very nice!! I started some, but my gauge was way off so I ripped them out, but maybe I'll give them a try again!! I love the tags too, such a nice personal touch!

  22. Now those are just lovely. Fab job!

    PS - Love that your hubby is so up for your photo shoots. So great.


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