cookie of the week, x's and o's

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stop the insanity! Soon I will be speaking at a support group. I, am addicted to aprons. My family thinks that I have gone mad. All of course for the other girl of the house. We now think of aprons as an accessory to our favorite outfit. Sort of like a new necklace or bracelet. (good thing the weather is going to break soon)
I was in the fabric store not too long ago and walked by this fabric. I remembered that Erin had mentioned, Tie One On, and decided to play along. The rule was hearts.

Andrews pick this week. He chose candy topped brownies. I tried to get him to come up with something different, because I think boxed brownies are just as good. But nothing else looked good to him. In the picture we have of this cookie, they have all different colors of M&M's. He wanted only brown. We didn't have any brown, and since this is his second day home from school (sick) I haven't been to the grocery store. I convinced him into red/white, his school colors. And after I put them on this plate, he said it looked like a tic tac toe board. So that is what we did, played tic tac toe. He was kisses, I was hugs. Winner gets to eat one.

Contemplating his next move.

Now who would let a sick little boy loose?

Hmmm, maybe he is not so sick after all.

Candy Topped Brownies
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 1/4 cup chocolate flavored syrup
3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
Frosting:1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup candy coated chips to decorate
Heat oven to 350, lightly grease baking pan, set aside, in large bowl, combine sugar butter, and beat at med speed until light and fluffy, add syrup, eggs and vanilla, beat until well blended add flour, beat until well blended, stir in chips.
Spread evenly in pan. bake for 35 min or until done. cool completely.
In saucepan combine butter, sugar and milk, bring to a boil stirring frequently, boil for 1 minute, remove from heat, add chips stir until smooth, spread over brownies, decorate.

Now I am off to give my little guy more kisses and hugs.

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  1. Anonymous2/21/2007


  2. Oh Leslie! You never cease to amaze us! I want an apron to wear over my yoga pants, wouldn't that be cute! As for the cookie of the week, Andrew made an excellent choice. I want to vacation at your house :)

  3. Anonymous2/21/2007

    Oohh... tres chic!

    Those brownies look delicious too!

  4. I hate chocolate and those look delish!

  5. I think your coffee must be stronger than mine. I thought I got a lot done every day!

  6. Anonymous2/21/2007

    cute aprons! i do think you have the bug....

  7. Anonymous2/22/2007

    I totally love your aprons, they're so beautiful - what a really fun and unique fabric, absolutely chic!
    And gosh, these brownies - my stomach started to howl pretty loudly when I looked at these pics! Yummy!

  8. Great aprons, photos and those brownies look so delicious!
    Love your blog - I just added it to my bloglines.

  9. Anonymous2/22/2007

    I love a good game of tic tac toe and those tic tac toe brownies would be right up my alley!!!

    Your aprons are magnif!!!!

  10. Anonymous2/22/2007

    Hmmmm, an apron would be a good project for Liv to try. And when she's done sewing, she can bake me a batch of brownies. I'm all about child labor these days. :)

  11. The aprons are gorgeous, and those brownies look so good. Love the tic tac toe idea.

  12. Anonymous2/24/2007

    Hi. I just found your blog through Erin's. Your aprons (and cookies) are great!

  13. Love the aprons!! The are bright and fun - just what is needed in the middle of winter, and they go great with the cookies!!

  14. Stopping by via Tie One On to say that I love your aprons! My daughters keep wearing mine, but they started jabbing me with their elbows when they saw yours!

  15. Hi there! I just found this blog through the tie one on gallery - your aprons for you and your girl are my favorite! How darling. People like you make me so excited to be a mother (someday). It looks like we have a lot in common - baking, sewing and knitting are favorites of mine too, so I will definitely be following your blog.

    Take care!


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