what is inside?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It is a day in a women's life that she never forgets. I think every woman probably remembers where they were and what they were doing when they got "it".
My friends daughter recently became a woman and I wanted to get her something for her "special" day. Her big dilemma is where to keep them when she goes to school. (My socks always worked well). I thought a makeup bag, but this girl doesn't wear a stitch of makeup. I then thought that perhaps I could knit her something to store them in. Hmmmm, no, a little hokey for a 13 year old. I needed to come up with something that could be thrown into her backpack that could be disguised for something else. So, this is what I settled on. If someone sees it they would think it is an eyeglass case. However, peek inside and you will see it is a little more:

I found the flower (yo-yo)tutorial on Heathers blog, and can be found here. I thought it added a little youthfulness.

And the chocolate, well I'm sure that she will have a craving soon!
Now, maybe I should come up with a pattern to knit one. :)

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  1. Anonymous1/31/2007

    That is a great idea!! Much better than the 'jam them into your pencil case' system I used. Did keep boys from stealing my pens though.

  2. Oh, what a great idea! I just threw tampons in my back pack... How disorderly :)

  3. Super Thinking! I'll have to keep that idea in mind for when my daughter gets "it" =)

  4. Anonymous1/31/2007

    aren't you a sweet friend?!?

  5. Good idea! Looks really pretty & yet so practical! Now let's hope that none of her friends find your blog and recognize "the eyeglasses case"
    He!He! I need one of those.

  6. Anonymous2/01/2007

    Oh - what a really, really fantastic idea this is! I wish my Mom would have come up with something similar back then - I just carried that stuff around in my backpack, and it felt odd, very odd!

  7. What a brilliant idea. Maybe if I make one for myself I'll remember the idea when Lola gets her period. Ha! Not likely. But I can still hope.

  8. Anonymous2/02/2007

    That is really sweet and thoughtful and mainly cool - essential adjective for any teenager's posessions! I would have loved something like this when I was at that age.

  9. Anonymous2/04/2007

    How sweet! She will be so gappy to receive this.

  10. Now that is totally cute and the way you packaged it all together, she will love it!


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