Fair Isle Complete!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My sister came in from New Jersey this weekend for a visit. We had an awesome time doing what we love to do. Drinking coffee while knitting in the a.m., watching childrens sport activities (swim meet, baseball and soccer) while knitting in the afternoon, drinking wine while knitting in the evening. Needless to say we both got a lot of knitting in! I finished my daughters fair isle sweater. It is from EZ knitting in the round book. I used Classic Elite Renaissance on size 7 needles. I left out one of the patterns to accommodate for her yoke. I LOVE the fact that it is seemless and I did not have to sew the pieces together! This will complete the sweaters for our Christmas Card photo. Thank goodness because it could take 2 months for me to get a good photo! (Thanks for making the trip, Shell!)

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  1. Anonymous10/17/2006

    The fair isle, and all the kids sweaters are beautiful! Gives me the crazy notion to do the same--maybe next year. Well done:)

  2. Anonymous10/18/2006

    Thanks for your comment!

    The sweater looks great.


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